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See through walls issues

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Hello you guys,


I have recently started to create doom levels, so i'm very new at this, so far everything has been going smooth and i manage to create 2 maps now im on my 3rd and all was going well without issues except just now, it wasn't a issue before but now it's become a problem, despite trying to fix it, i still have no idea how to solve this and it's annoying because im sure it's a simple fix. This issue is this: For some reason some of my walls turn out see through despite being textured, i texture in 3D mode and they appear fine, however when i test it, they appear see through depending on the angle i am positioned, yet i can a black bar on the ground as if im looking through it even tho it's clearly there.  I tried erasing the wall and redoing it, yet same thing still happens. It never happened in my 2 previous map, so i have no idea why it's happening now. Any idea what is going on? or how to fix it? I tried to take a screenshot of the game itself however that didn't work. So i just have these 2 pics hopefully this enough for you guys to understand.

Screenshot (5805).png

Screenshot (5806).png

Edited by SkyeLondon

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I can't see the edge of your room. How big is it? Even though the map gives you a lot of space, because of the way the nodebuilder calculates things, it breaks when the map is too large or things are too far apart. That has often resulted in glitches similar to what you're describing.


The technical reason is that in binary, negative values are indicated by setting the highest bit to 1, so if you have a map which goes far enough that there are both a positive and negative coordinate which have 1 at the highest bit, the game doesn't know which is which.


EDIT: If you're just starting to create levels, I'm going to post a link I recommend to all new mappers - tutorials on the basics. They're good to read, or at least skim to get a better understanding of how the doom engine does things.



Edited by Stabbey
added tutorial link

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Ok well first off thanks for the advice.


Second i have two separate parts on my map at the moment, there is what i call the throw away part, since i draw out my map first and then draw on the builder but i do it in parts so i do the first part then i copy this part and move it elsewhere on the map so that i can add the next part and repeat. I delete the throw away part since i do not need them once copied and i just keep doing this and adding to the keeper part. This is my current work in progress on my map. Hopefully this helps.

Screenshot (5811).png

Screenshot (5812).png

Screenshot (5813).png

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Well, for starters, yes, the overall map size is far, far too large - the throwaway and normal parts of the map are far enough apart that the nodebuilder is likely having problems parsing them, which would explain your see-through wall. If you still feel the need to build parts of your map separately and drag them, you can do that much closer to the actual map.


Secondly, why on earth did you build a gigantic empty room to build the rest of your map in? Perhaps you've worked with a different engine where the map is "solid" and you carve empty spaces out of solid material to work in, but the Doom engine carves valid map spaces out of void.


Building a gigantic empty room to build pieces of your map in is wholly unnecessary and does not do anything useful for building a doom level. Only build the parts your level needs. If you have something which is going to be a solid impassible wall, leave it as empty void. If you need a skybox or scenery part, build that. Look at the original game to see how they handle skyboxes (or go through the tutorial I posted). The way you're building Doom maps now is not the way that almost anyone builds Doom maps.


Absolutely read the tutorial link I posted above, I think it will be very important to helping you understand how levels are normally built.


Edited by Stabbey

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