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IronEagle Competition 66: Kmega1

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Welcome to another month of the IronEagle competition, the ironman challenge that welcomes everyone from the doe-eyed newcomer to the jaded veteran who has seen it all. As long as you enjoy playing Doom, you're welcome here!


This month, participants will challenge themselves against Kmega1, an 18-map limit-removing set for Doom 2 made by the legendary Kurt Kesler (@kdoom) and released in 2004. In this mapset, Kurt combined the 18 maps from his kmetl, kbase, and kbrick series into 1 megawad. Kurt Kesler's contributions to the community go way back, having been recognized ever since Doomworld named him one of the top 10 most influential mappers in their "5 Years of Doom" write-up back in 1998.


Participants must play these maps on complevel 2 or Doom(strict).


Download KMega1 here.


Kmega1 starts at Map 01. Survival is finishing Map 18. There are no secret maps.




Congratulations to this month's winners (further details are in the post below).


UV: @joe-ilya (Runner-up: @Suitepee)

HMP: @LadyMistDragon (Runner-up: @Crusader No Regret)

HNTR: Pegleg (Runner-up: @Andromeda)






  • Template for PRBoom+:
    • -iwad doom2.wad -file Kmega1.wad -complevel 2 -skill <x> -warp 01 -record <IEkmega1>


  • Template for ZDoom:
    • -iwad doom2.wad -file Kmega1.wad +compatmode 2 -skill <x> +map map 01 -record <IEkmega1>
      • it is possible you may have to use +set skill <x> for GZDoom


  • <x> must be replaced by the skill level. 2 = HNTR, 3 = HMP, 4 = UV
  • <IEkmega1> would be replaced with whatever you decide to call your demo, if you're submitting a demo




The rules are basically the same as they have been. Either demos or streams are permissible. If you are creating a demo, post the demo. If you are streaming, post a video of the stream. Even if streaming, you can still submit a demo, if you want to.

The basic rule is that you submit a demo/stream played at a particular difficulty level (HNTR, HMP, or UV) and you play without saving and reloading, ending your run when you die (or survive).


The following are allowed (but not required):

  • Freelook
  • Crosshair
  • Mods that are COSMETIC ONLY


The following are NOT allowed:

  • Crouching
  • Jumping
  • Mods that change ANY aspect of base gameplay, including (but not limited to) enemy behavior, enemy speed, player abilities, player speed, weapon damage, ammo, and enemy drops.


Further, more specific, rules are listed below:



  • Submissions (except for streams, as described below) must include a demo.
    • You may practice a mapset if you want, but these practice runs should not be submitted as your official entry, and your run would be Category 2, unless there are exceptional circumstances (such as described below).
  • A run must be done in a singular sitting with no saves. (With room for breaks. This will be addressed below.)
  • Streams and video runs are accepted provided you post a video of the stream/run or a link to the video.
    • If you post a video of the stream, you may post a demo if you want, but it is not mandatory. You may also post a demo if you, for some reason, do not want to post the video or a link.
  • Secret levels, if present, do not have to be completed for a survival run. If they are completed, they are extra credit.


Any port is accepted provided it will actually run the mapset. There is no preference.


Of course, if you want to try a limit-removing/Boom map in Chocolate Doom, be my guest. However, be aware that your run may be over rather quickly. Don't say you weren't warned.


Category System:

  • Category 1: Blind run.
    • This explains itself. You have no knowledge of the wad and have not played/seen it before. I'm willing to be somewhat lenient with this Category.
      • For example, if you die early in Map 01, and then decide to play again for your run, you can still call it Category 1.
  • Category 2: Non-blind.
    • If you have played the wad before and/or possess significant foreknowledge, your run is non-blind. Basically, anything that is not Category 1 is Category 2.


If you're unhappy with your blind run, feel free to record a new run, and submit that run instead. (Just don't submit your first run.) If you want to submit your first run, no matter how you perform, by all means, go ahead and do it. You shouldn't feel that you HAVE to submit a run you're dissatisfied with, just to preserve a "Category 1" status. If you want to go back and submit a second run, you're welcome to do so, but, at this time, it won't be counted.



Difficulty System:

You may submit a demo/stream for only one of HNTR, HMP, or UV. Choose only one, because subsequent submissions will be rejected (i.e., if you submit a HMP demo, the HNTR demo you then submit will be rejected). We're not using the 1CC rule set here. Your first submission is what counts.


Only runs from the same difficulty will be pitted against each other. Each difficulty will be graded separately.




When you submit your run, please the include the following information:

  • The category (1 or 2)
  • The difficulty
  • If you survived, your time
  • If you didn't survive, the map where you died
  • The time it took you to reach the map where you died
  • Kill count upon death
  • The port you used (if you included a demo)
  • A link to the stream/video (if you did a stream)


You may include a commentary about the maps or details about them, if you want to. If you do include specific information about the map (e.g., "The demon trap in Map 08 is rough"), please put it in a spoiler, so that people that want a completely blind experience won't be tipped off. If you're just putting in a general comment (e.g., "Pro tip: don't get hit"), then no need for a spoiler.


Attempting to max the maps is not necessary to win.

Ranking for this mapset will be determined by:

  • Survival
  • Time for survival
  • Map of Death (in descending order: Map 18, Map 17, Map 16, Map 15, Map 14, Map 13, Map 12, Map 11, Map 10, Map 09, Map 08, Map 07, Map 06, Map 05, Map 04, Map 03, Map 02, Map 01)
  • Time to reach map of death
  • Kill count in the map of death


If you die, please wait a few seconds before quitting.




Everyone gets tired. Sometimes people survive longer than they expected. Nature calls. Every now and then, there are family emergencies. Needing to take a break shouldn't necessarily end a promising run. While you should try to complete the run in a single setting, this isn't always possible. If you have to take a break, try to make it quick.



Happy Dooming!




Previous IronEagle Competitions




  • 1 (Oct.): Scientist 2 (Winners -- UV: leodoom85   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)
  • 2 (Nov.): Vanguard (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)
  • 3 (Dec.): Crumpets (Winners -- UV: NoisyVelvet   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)




  • 4 (Feb.): Dark Covenant (Winners -- UV: kmc   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 5 (Mar.): Brood of Hatred (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 6 (Apr.): Riot Control (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Walter Confetti   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 7 (May): Scimitar (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 8 (Jun.): Bauhaus (Winners -- UV: vdgg   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 9 (Jul.): Bloody Steel (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 10 (Aug.): The Brotherhood of Ruin (Winners -- UV: leodoom85   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 11 (Sept.): Flashback to Hell (Winners -- UV: kmc/Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 12 (Oct.): A Taste for Blood (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 13 (Nov.): Back to Basics (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Horus   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 14 (Dec.): Whitemare (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz & NaZa   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)










  • 39 (Jan.): The Talosian Incident (Winners -- UV: mhrz   HMP: PsychEyeball   HNTR: Major Arlene)
  • 40 (Feb.): Apokalypsis (Winners -- UV: Maribo   HMP: Goofy_1966   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 41 (Mar.): Breach & Brigandine (Winners -- UV: SCF   HMP: head_cannon   HNTR: Major Arlene)
  • 42 (Apr.): Nex Credo (Winners -- UV: mhrz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 43 (May): Ezekiel (Winners -- UV: dt_   HMP: LadyMistDragon   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 44 (Jun.): Elegy (Winners -- UV: mhrz   HMP:  SCF  HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 45 (Jul.): Respawned: Back from Hell (Winners -- UV: dt_   HMP:  LadyMistDragon  HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 46 (Aug.): Viscous Realms (Winners -- UV: dt_   HMP:  LadyMistDragon  HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 47 (Sept.): PhobosDeimos Anomaly (Winners -- UV: Luleta   HMP:  Zhaojue  HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 48 (Oct.): Eternally Yours (Winners -- UV: NaZa   HMP:  head_cannon  HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 49 (Nov.): Foursite (Winners -- UV: Asbadagba   HMP:  xX_Lol6_Xx  HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 50 (Dec.): Doom 2 (Winners -- UV: 4shockblast   HMP:  xX_Lol6_Xx  HNTR: NoisyVelvet)




  • 51 (Jan.): Monument (Winners -- UV: ginc   HMP: head_cannon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 52 (Feb.): Into the Code (Winners -- UV: Asbadagba   HMP: xX_Lol 6_Xx   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 53 (Mar.): City of Doom (Winners -- UV: Asbadagba   HMP: head_cannon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 54 (Apr.): Prototype (Winners -- UV: SCF   HMP: head_cannon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 55 (May): MAYhem 2019 (Winners -- UV: joe-ilya   HMP: LadyMistDragon   HNTR: Horus)
  • 56 (Jun.-Jul.): Adonis: Escape from Urania (Winners -- UV: ginc   HMP: LadyMistDragon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 57 (Jul.-Aug.): The Abyss (Winners -- UV: Master Medi   HMP: xX_Lol 6_Xx   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 58 (Sept.): Enslavement (Winners -- UV: joe-ilya   HMP: LadyMistDragon   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 59 (Oct.): Escalation Titan (Winners -- UV: NaZa   HMP: head_cannon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 60 (Nov.): Bad Idea (Winners -- UV: NaZa   HMP: LadyMistDragon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 61 (Dec.): Grim Ripper (Winners -- UV: galileo31dos01   HMP: head_cannon   HNTR: Andromeda)




  • 62 (Jan.): ADoom (Winners -- UV: Asbadagba   HMP: head_cannon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 63 (Feb.): Preacher (Winners -- UV: SCF   HMP: LadyMistDragon   HNTR: Andromeda)
  • 64 (Mar.): Castle of Evil (Winners -- UV: Horus   HMP: head_Cannon   HNTR: SleepyVelvet)
  • 65 (Apr.): Slith (Winners -- UV: SCF   HMP: LadyMistDragon   HNTR: Andromeda)
Edited by Pegleg
EDIT: Add monthly winners and runners up.

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Category: 1
Difficulty: UV
Dead on: Map 2
Time of death: 14:35
Kills: oh, God, I had to remember it too? Consider it zero, because I deleted the wad as soon I quit it. You'll see why.



Well, if every map is that weird, I'd shut off the game around map 8

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Category: 1

Difficulty: UV
Dead on: Map 2

Kills: 205/251



  • Endless cramped corridor mazes
  • Obtuse progression
  • Barons everywhere

Yeah, I was ready to throw in the towel before I even finished the first map, so when it gave me the choice between dying or sitting there firing rockets for 30 seconds, I chose death.

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Difficulty: UV
Dead on: Quit at start of Map03

Kills: 247 map02 ; 129 map01

No Freelook, Crosshair Enabled.

Port: DSDA Doom

Fun Fact: First time recording a demo ever and first time playing without freelook in years.


Demo Recording: VICEkmegaUVBlind.zip


Yeah Map02 didn't age well, total slog, cramped AF and needlessly convoluted, but I finished it.

I mistakingly thought freelook wasn't permitted so I played without it, but I don't think I regret that.


Had to go do something so I quit at the start of Map03.

If it's ok with the rules I'd like to continue at Map03 from pistol start later, otherwise I'll leave my submission there, I'm definitely not going through those two levels again. :P

Edited by VICE
Updated killcount

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On 5/5/2024 at 7:16 PM, VICE said:

Had to go do something so I quit at the start of Map03.

If it's ok with the rules I'd like to continue at Map03 from pistol start later, otherwise I'll leave my submission there, I'm definitely not going through those two levels again. :P


Ironmanning is about playing through without saving and quitting until either you finish the mapset or you die. While breaks are allowed, quitting the game ends your submission. While breaks are allowed, quitting the game usually ends your run, except in a few specific circumstances, which are detailed in a post further down in this thread. This sort of thing has long been a subject of debate in the ironman competitions ("if the power goes out, does my run end?" and so forth), but the consensus has been that if the game ends (for whatever reason), that is generally the end of the run.


So, unfortunately, this will be your submission, with it ending at Map 03. Hopefully, we'll see you back next month.

Edited by Pegleg
Clarified position on quitting ending the run and pointed toward another post.

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Alright then, I'll keep that in mind for the next run and plan accordingly.

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Remember last month how I said I'll upload first attempts?

Feast your eyes at this!


The zipfile is 1 kb large. I think that answers every question you might have about the run.



Edited by NaZa

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I will be posting my attempt tomorrow, but I want to bring attention to this run-killing door on map 8:





The blue key pillar in this exit room will not open from this side (it opens from the other side, but that requires noclipping) like with the red and yellow key pillars, and I've checked this on both GZDoom and DSDA-Doom. @ZeroMaster010 informed me that at a very very precise angle you are able to open this door and proceed onwards, but I'm not sure if it's too readily accessible. Basically unless you get the precise co-ordinated angle, you're stuck and can't make it to the exit.

Edited by Suitepee

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https://youtu.be/A07SRJvWdrg = part 1. (starts at 2:59:50)

https://youtu.be/k6crejb4Qmo = part 2.


Category 1 run on UV, died on map 8 to an Archvile with 227/231 monsters killed. Turns out I'd have run into the exit door problem I posted earlier not long afterwards had I continued much further, but I only discovered that after my demise.


Things certainly got a bit more difficult after the first 6 maps, although this death was highly preventable.

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Category: 1
Difficulty: UV
Dead on: MAP04 (suicide)
Time: 66:11
Kills: 37/328
Port: DSDA-Doom 0.26.2


Yay, that was hilarious!


I was taking my time and was very careful. But ... I made 2 mistakes. The passage on MAP04. Tried pikabu-shooting and was paid for it — stuck by raising floor. Attempted to unstuck myself - successfully but ... I chose the wrong side. Soft-lock. 2 facerockets. Quit.

Doubt that was avoidable for me, I'm not that experienced


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On 5/7/2024 at 1:30 AM, Suitepee said:

The blue key pillar in this exit room will not open from this side (it opens from the other side, but that requires noclipping) like with the red and yellow key pillars, and I've checked this on both GZDoom and DSDA-Doom. @ZeroMaster010 informed me that at a very very precise angle you are able to open this door and proceed onwards, but I'm not sure if it's too readily accessible. Basically unless you get the precise co-ordinated angle, you're stuck and can't make it to the exit.

It's a good old tested with "use passes through all specials" enabled problem. Kmetl_8 has no demo on dsdarchive, but I'm assuming that the precise angle refers to a  zero press on a side line of the blue door, since one can position to the right side of it and it's ~50 unit gap.


Survival should probably be changed to reaching that blue door, like the impassable lines on that D1 set that was played a few months ago.

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30 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

It's a good old tested with "use passes through all specials" enabled problem. Kmetl_8 has no demo on dsdarchive, but I'm assuming that the precise angle refers to a  zero press on a side line of the blue door, since one can position to the right side of it and it's ~50 unit gap. 

I was able to open the back line of the red door (the line that causes the problem) after lots of trying. Maybe your method is easier, haven't tested it.

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31 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

I was able to open the back line of the red door (the line that causes the problem) after lots of trying. Maybe your method is easier, haven't tested it. 

This works and is not that hard to do. Idk if Gz can do anything about it though. Spoilered is a demo-compatible solution (obvious cat 1 spoilers).


You need to stuff yourself into the corner between blue door and red bar, such that the red door back line is on your left.

Angle 192 (align on shorttics with red bar edge), make your x coordinate as close to 336 as possible. That basically requires mouse movement (I used strafe on with mouse and high strafe divisor in dsda-doom). Spam open action as you keep doing it, you'll eventually hear the door sound. Now turn right and use blue door.

With coord display: https://postimg.cc/4nHrLb7M




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Category: 1*
Difficulty: UV
Dead: MAP06 - softlock in a comfy hom pit
Time: 75:24
Kills: 160/201

Demo: dwie_24-05_dd.zip


* I'm submitting cat 1, since I didn't make it to map08 door, my only piece of foreknowledge.




The one time I decide to go fast in this slog of a set, sure enough I get punished by a linedef skip right at the finish line.


My most used phrases during this playthrough were "wtf is this" (by a huge margin), "really now" and "what am I doing here". There's nothing exciting in the demo, just skip to the death.


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On 5/5/2024 at 7:16 PM, VICE said:

Had to go do something so I quit at the start of Map03.

If it's ok with the rules I'd like to continue at Map03 from pistol start later, otherwise I'll leave my submission there, I'm definitely not going through those two levels again. :P


On 5/6/2024 at 12:54 AM, VICE said:

Alright then, I'll keep that in mind for the next run and plan accordingly.


VICE, I've been turning this over in my mind for the past few days, and I want to clarify things, both for your sake and for everyone else. So, please don't feel like you're being singled out--this is for everyone, and your message is just the conduit.


While ironmanning is about playing continuously without saving and restarting until either you finish the mapset or you die, the rules do allow for breaks. This allowance for breaks becomes a bit of a gray area, but where the problem lies here was quitting at the beginning of a map and then restarting from pistol start on the next map.


There have been instances in the past, both in IronEagle and in the Doomworld Ironman League, of a player having a promising run and having to suspend their playthrough (for various reasons). In that case, they saved the game, quit immediately, and then, at a later date, reloaded that saved game and continue from that exact spot. Yes, the run ends up split into two parts, but it functions very similarly to a single run. In the past, this situation has come up very rarely (I can think of only 4 or 5 instances in the 8 years of DWIL and 5 years of IronEagle), so I'm fine with it remaining an option. While ironmanning is about dealing with fatigue (both mental and physical), I always intended the IronEagle to be a relatively laid back experience (as much as ironmanning can be laid back), so I want to leave it as an option. However, most people generally play in one extended sitting, so it hasn't become an issue.


And, for those like me, our runs tend not to last long enough for us to become fatigued.


So, to recap, the following are fine:

  • A short break (bathroom, food, etc.) where either you press ESC or you hide somewhere where you will not be attacked while letting the game run
  • A longer break (going to class, picking up your kids from school, grocery shopping with/without a significant other, making dinner, etc.) where either you press ESC or you hide somewhere where you will not be attacked while letting the game run
  • Saving your game, quitting immediately, and then reloading from that save at a later date to continue (remember, this should be a rare occurrence)


Furthermore, the following are not fine, and they will result in the run being classified as over at the point where you quit:

  • Quitting your game (for whatever reason) and later pistol starting from that map
  • Saving your game, continuing playing for some time before quitting, and then reloading that saved game at a later date to continue



  • If you break your run up into three or more parts (save, quit, reload, continue playing, save, quit, reload, continue playing, repeat), I'll consider your run over at the end of the second segment.
    • I don't want ironman runs split into three or more parts.
      • To me, that defeats much of the spirit of ironmanning, regardless of the desire for a relaxed experience or otherwise.

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Don't worry about it, I didn't think much of it. The format is what it is. 

Good to know about the save option.

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Category 1
Difficulty Ultra-violence
Recorded in DSDA-Doom v0.27.5 -complevel 2
Entered Map05 at 48:51 & died at 54:01 with 79/314 kills

Died while... door fighting a chaingunner with the plasma rifle? idk what I was thinking. Cramped hitscan-hell maps, not my forte in the slightest and I took a ton of avoidable damage, specially to chaingunners but I think I did ok for a first timer.


EDIT I actually died in map05 not map06, my bad.


Edited by capsaicin

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Category: 1

Difficulty: UV

Total Time: 125:00

Death: Map05 at 43:00 with 309/314 kills



Good old school vibes with this wad. The maps are larger/longer than they initially appear. Some parts can be a slog, however. Ended up dying when I got stuck inside a revenant, due to a monster trap, while I was about to finish the level, but decide to go back and collect extra ammo and health. Not really mad though, because I was already at the 2 hr mark of playing with a good amount of it spent trying to find the blue key and was pretty burnt out by then.  


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Category: 1

Difficulty: HMP

Dead:on Map 06

Time: 1:10:39

KillsL I think it was probably 50 out of 122


Can't believe I escaped a softlock on Map 02 by the skin of my teeth or so I thought before finding the other path.


It gets pretty monotonous as a megawad to be quite honest.


Edited by LadyMistDragon

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joe-ilya posted a run to the Ironman discord. Here are the details (and demo), for those who have not joined the Ironman Discord server.


Category: 1

Difficulty: UV

Dead on: Map 08

Time of death: 1:30:50

Kills: 201/230

Time entering Map 08: 1:19:19

Port: Woof! 14.2.0


Demo is only in sync in Woof! 14.2.0 Funny I managed successful Iron runs without desyncing until now. DSDA-Doom from now on for realsies.


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Thanks to everyone who came out this month and challenged themselves against KMega1. I hope to see everyone back for the next installment, and bring a few friends (new or otherwise) with you!


Without further ado, here are the final standings for IronEagle 66.



  1. joe-ilya (Map 08)
  2. Suitepee (Map 08)
  3. Doomy__Doom (Map 06)
  4. capsaicin (Map 05)
  5. Austinado (Map 05)
  6. ByRntStarOEI (Map 05)
  7. purple_ruberoid (Map 04)
  8. Horus (Map 03)
  9. VICE (Map 03)
  10. SCF (Map 02)
  11. PBeGood (Map 02)
  12. Dimon12321 (Map 02)
  13. NaZa (Map 01)



  1. LadyMistDragon (Map 06)
  2. Crusader No Regret (Map 03)



  1. Pegleg (Map 03)
  2. Andromeda (Map 01)
  3. SleepyVelvet (Map 01)

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