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[cl-9] 100Waves - Doom 2 wad for every skill level

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This time around I've built a really simple wad that anyone can play, beat and enjoy! There are no difficulty settings, but trust me, players of any skill level can have a good time slaying demons in this one.


The concept of the map is pretty straightforward - you face a series of waves, and in each wave there's a different kind of monster and a distinct enemy placement. As you progress through the level, you slowly get access to the bigger weapons, and new enemy types start appearing.


I find this is perfect for the casual player, as well as for a speedrunning competition.


I wanted to go for 100 rooms, but found it a little too much for now (maybe only the real hardcore and dedicated Doom player?). So I decided to release two smaller versions, which should provide a quick run-and-gun experience, as well as a mid-length endurance test for the ones who think they have the time to go for.


  • doom2.wad;
  • tested in GZDOOM and DSDA-Doom;
  • works on complevel 2, but for lost soul limit purposes, I recommend playing on cl-9;
  • no jumping/crouching;
  • only one difficulty setting;
  • no softlocks/deathpits.


IMPORTANT HINT: for every room there are two escape teleporters. The one to the left (silver pad) teleports you to the next wave. The one to the right (dark red pad) brings you to the "hub" room. In there, you can find teleporters to waves 1, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50, provided that you already visited them before. In that room there's also extra ammo, in case you run out of for some reason - which shouldn't really happen, but you never know, right.







100waves print.png



Edited by Astro X

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Nice! I love the idea! 


Edit: I really like the idea. I just played through the 30 waves version, which was easy (UV, no saves), but let's see if I can beat the 50 waves version ;)


Maybe you could create different arenas so it's not just always the same room. Also, I think it would be more thrilling if there was no way back to anywhere. Just one wave after another with no escape!

Edited by Bedingungsl.Grundeinkommen

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19 hours ago, Bedingungsl.Grundeinkommen said:

Nice! I love the idea! 


Edit: I really like the idea. I just played through the 30 waves version, which was easy (UV, no saves), but let's see if I can beat the 50 waves version ;)


Maybe you could create different arenas so it's not just always the same room. Also, I think it would be more thrilling if there was no way back to anywhere. Just one wave after another with no escape!

Hey, thanks for playing my map!


Also, those ideas are a possibility as well. There could be another file or a different wad with bigger and badder monsters and arenas, with no backtracking or escaping to help you.

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