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I never seen the John Wick movies


Not even 1


I might later though


Ur turn

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Harry Potter. Books or movies, I was never that interested. And JK Rowling going insane hasn't done much to encourage me to get into them.

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7 minutes ago, plums said:

Harry Potter. Books or movies, I was never that interested. And JK Rowling going insane hasn't done much to encourage me to get into them.

Oh yeah I didn't go anywhere near that crap either I just didn't think it was worth mentioning


But I hear John Wick dog movies pretty good

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Witcher 3 was already 100% in Skyrim at the time and never took the time to give it a shot.

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Game of Thrones. Honestly most TV but that's probably the biggest one to bring up.


Of course by the last season from what I've heard, I avoided quite a big disappointment if I did happen to get invested. 

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Posted (edited)
  • Halo multiplayer pre-4.
  • Adult Swim and Nickoledeon.

I live in a small country where the two aforementioned are virtually non-existent.

  • 2000s Internet. Only discovered it around 2010.
Edited by Panzermann11

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The first four generations of video game consoles.


That on account of not being born until 1994.

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much of gaming through probably around 2007-2012, and then from 2014-2019.


There's other things too but I can't think of them right now

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Multiplayer for games I ended up loving a little too late. I was playing on a PS3 until like 2018 and so many games I liked had very low player counts for their multiplayer modes. I hung around CoD and LittleBigPlanet for a lot of the time because those series were actively being played, esp LBP.

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I didn't even think of it at first but the most obvious is Pokémon, the franchise that was like the defining phenomenon of so many kids around me in the late 90s and onwards to this day.  I never owned any of the games, barely watched the show, can name a bunch of the pokey mans by way of cultural osmosis and in some way I was intrigued by the idea of little quirky monsters you could carry around but it just never got me the way it got so many people, and it was never a thing I felt like I needed to get in on.  That's probably the biggest thing to have bypassed me completely.


I read the first Harry Potter when I was a wee lad and, well, I liked it okay, but that was kind of it.  It's amazing how given the way it attracted both rabid fandom and equal derision over the course of my life and it feels like my sister and I were the only people who were just kind of indifferent to it.  We had our own very elaborate world of imagination and I don't think we ever really needed to put ourselves into an existing one like this.


Also barely ever played Mario games of any kind.  Eventually as a young adult I got an NES and have played SMB1 and 3 a lot but those are well before my time.  Zelda too, and really most any game that wasn't a DOS/Windows game from before like 1999 lol.  The only console i had as a kid was a Dreamcast so I was all about that Sanic Adventure and Toy Commander and the podracing game and such.  Oh yeah and Crazy Taxi is a hoot.  Ecco the Dolphin even though it's a hard son of a bitch...point being it made for a very window of console games to have been exposed to.


I didn't watch Breaking Bad until like a year or so ago, long after it was The Show that nobody could stop talking about.  Glad I finally did, well worth it.


While we're at it most significant Doom community releases since I joined the community in c. 2007 are to date unplayed by me 


Unrelated hot take is John Wick >>> Matrix

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Pokemon, I was just a little too old for it when it first exploded in the West. My youngest is now starting to get into it and I'm embarrassed by my lack of knowledge. Thankfully I still have things like Mario and Kirby to fall back on, so as far as they can tell I'm still somewhat cool.

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Posted (edited)

Classic fallout games.

Edited by Gmg

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Every Duke Nukem game.

Every Resident Evil game.

Every Legend of Zelda game.

Every movie released in the last decade.

Every TV series ever - minus Breaking Bad.

Every Godzilla film.

Every Matrix film.

Everything Star Trek.

Everything Star Wars post Episode 3.

Every Indiana Jones movie ever.

Every Descent game.


The entire couple of console gaming generations post PS3/Wii/360.


Nearly every Halo game, minus a burned disk of 2 I had back in the day, and a playthrough of the 1st game on PC.

Nearly every Marvel/DC movie - especially the most recent ones. Last one I enjoyed was the first Raimi Spider-Man movie.


All of 'New Doom' - (I own both 2016 and Eternal, but have only played 2016 for an hour, and Eternal not at all. I still intend to get to it sometime - I know they're good games.)


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I haven't played many games that aren't 90s-early 2000s DOS/Windows games (with many of them on the obscure side). And some open-source Linux games I guess. Years ago I played some Mario and Kirby games but I never beat any of them. Most of my knowledge of Zelda is stuff like Dinner, Mah Boi, Morshu, etc.

I also only got into the Doom modding scene a little over a year ago and I've still got a LOT to catch up on. I wish I had started earlier. I'm currently playing through like 50 different WADs.

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Sounds stupid but I've never watched an episode of Spongebob. My mom told me that watching it would "make my brain rot" which actually scared tiny little me from watching it and I'd always hide from the big CRT if it ever came on. Here I am now five days away from turning 18 years old and my friends still make fun of me for never watching a single episode of it. I don't really regret it or anything but it seems like literally everyone else watched it and I just missed out on a massive part of everyone else's childhood.

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4 hours ago, plums said:

Harry Potter. Books or movies, I was never that interested. And JK Rowling going insane hasn't done much to encourage me to get into them.

Don't even bother. Watched one of them thinking it might be interesting and I was more bored than I've ever been in my life. Never understood people who are obsessed with Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit is where it's at.

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I have never played Helldivers II, and now, it seems, I will never be able to do so...


I've never watched Game of Thrones and to be honest I don't want to

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There are many things I've missed, I suppose we all have.

But I will list items that I have missed that I think would have enjoyed (and potentially still may) had I experienced them at the time:

  • Dues Ex (original game)
  • Dark Souls and like games
  • Those Battle Royale games
  • Fallout 1
  • Rome Total war (1)

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I missed out on a lot, keeping it gaming related I was late to the party for online gaming, specifically I got in towards then later days of 360 Xbox live. I only got in on the tail end of Halo Reach, in time to enjoy the base game and freshly resent the changes 343 would make (that left it broken for a week or so, good job idiots).


In what I wanted to play I found nothing but dying and empty worlds and thus I found myself more at home in online wastelands and said dying worlds. I played a lot of Defiance, well after the show was in season 3, and found myself topping leaderboards through the sole merit of being one of the very few there.


I'd have loved to see that game populated, had a chance with the soft reboot but man they fumbled that one hard, now it is gone forever.

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I didn't watch Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul until last year, binged both back to back in a couple of months, and now I feel like I've ruined most TV because these set an absurdly high standard for me.

Well, I never saw The Sopranos, which apparently was a big inspiration for Breaking Bad, so there's that at least.

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I have an annoying habit of thinking I'm not going to watch/play something, and then getting spoiled on it, and then picking it up a few years later.

  • Gravity Falls
  • Undertale
  • All of Half-Life
  • Sonic Adventure 2

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4 hours ago, spineapple tea said:

Sounds stupid but I've never watched an episode of Spongebob.


Uh.... how is this stupid? I have never watched it either. What shorts pieces I have caught through the years confirmed that I missed nothing of value.

TV shows are ultimately vacuous entertainment, and missing one, even one that's popular for some reason, should never be considered stupid.

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Most TV shows and movies. I'm one of those freaks who almost exclusively watches YouTube or Twitch.

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Posted (edited)

New consoles. The newest console I own is a PlayStation 3, never got anything newer than that.


EDIT: Will be changing soon, though. Once Grand Theft Auto VI is close to release, I'll be buying a PlayStation 5! 😎

Edited by Fireseth

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2 minutes ago, Fireseth said:

New consoles. The newest console I own is a PlayStation 3, never got anything newer than that.


Heh, until relatively recently I hadn't owned a console post Sega Master System. Then I ended up with a Switch via a flukey situation and I almost never use it.

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