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[/idgames] 4bwad.wad - 6 Demo Sync Maps (cl2) - Happy Birthday 4shockblast!

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Incredible concept, and excellent execution! I really appreciate the video to accompany the wad as well. Happy birthday 4shock!

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This such an incredibly cool concept, I don't think I've ever seen anyone make maps around demos like this. A fresh and unique mapping restriction, community project worthy even, I'd say. Also, happy birthday to 4shock, and congrats on your recent achievements!

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One of the coolest mapping concepts I've seen, great job! And happy birthday 4shock!


now someone make a map that completes when playing back a d2all movie

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2 hours ago, Aurelius said:

This such an incredibly cool concept, I don't think I've ever seen anyone make maps around demos like this. A fresh and unique mapping restriction, community project worthy even, I'd say. Also, happy birthday to 4shock, and congrats on your recent achievements!

I was definitely done before, I know of at least one example (had to search a bit because I didn't remember whose demo it was for): 


Also unsure about community project, this might be too much lol. As the demo gets longer, it becomes exponentially harder to make the new map gameplay look coherent due to the monsters rng. Making it work can be really frustrating at times xd However, I can share a few things we learned when working on this that can be useful if someone also attempts similar concept:

1. All animated things (unsure about non-animated) call rng at the map start to determine initial offset of their animation. So placing such things desyncs the demo. However, you can place 256 to wrap rng around to the same position. For that reason it's useful to have 256 dummy things on a map and adding/removing those when you need to remove/add real things. E.g. map 03 was using decorative torches and health/armor bonuses for that. Besus was also using custom source port modification that outputs current rng table index for that.

2. Adding multiplayer-only things doesn't affect single player rng, so those can be safely added in any quantity without desyncing the demo. That allows you to add extended gameplay to coop.

3. In simple maps modifying geometry desyncs the demo surprisingly rarely as long as you don't touch parts that monsters walk on/around. Most of the time everything stays in sync despite what I think is commonly believed (mappers usually rely on the notion "you touch nodes -> everything desyncs", which is probably true for more complicated maps). So it's much easier to sync things with monster behaviour first and then adjust the geometry to make player move where you want to (esp with platforming).

4. By adding jumps you can change player's trajectory compared to original demo by "consuming" movement inputs while doomguy is midair.

5. It is much harder to keep things coherent with freely roaming monsters. In some cases you just might have to bruteforce things until the desired monster behaviour, by moving them around or placing new things to offset rng. For that reasons map 04 demo probably looks the sloppiest, and it's only 10 monsters! Splitting the layout in such a way that next group of monsters only wakes up after you are done with the first group can help a lot though.

6. Barrel explosion timing depends on rng as well.

Edited by Ravendesk

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Super cool concept, thanks for this. :) The ways the demos complete the maps are super cool and way more intricate than I would have expected out of a project like this, I can definitely imagine it would have been tricky to get it all working. Not sure about a community project either, but I'd like to try making a map like this someday for sure.


Also nice choices for the OSRS midis.

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Small update for RC2: map 06 received a tiny fix (demos still sync ofc) and we also added DEMO lumps with the runs of the first 3 maps.

New download link is in the OP. This version goes straight to idgames now, I will update when it lands there :)

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