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Nevermore - My First Doom Wad (/idgames)

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Hello everyone, I decided to try my hand at mapping and create a dream level from my Doom experience. It turned out to be a hardcore Hell level with the Barons.

Map was started as vanilla, but the result of ineptitude was the visplane overflow, so the format now is limit-removing. Level works correctly under Crispy Doom 6.0, GZDoom 4.8.2, DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 and PrBoom+ 2.6.66, but for the last two you must specify -complevel 2.


This level is how I always imagined Hell in Doom, both in design, style, and gameplay. The level has many traps, tricky places and secrets. In addition, the level contains a set of different combat situations. Initially, it may seem difficult or even impossible, however after studying the surroundings and developing a battle strategy, everything is quite simple. There is only one difficulty - Ultra-Violence.


I personally recommend playing under PrBoom+ with the OpenGL rendering mode - this is how I think the level looks the prettiest. Although it also looks great in software and under GZDoom. And yes, the level is about the Barons. It was called Nevermore. Have a good game!


Download from /idgames


Edited by endoomer

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Congrats on your first doom map! I'll check it out as soon as possible and I hope it's not the last one. Maybe we will see megawad one day :)

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Congratulations on your first map.


I couldn't finish it though. There really are a lot of Barons, and the blood floor hurts you. And sometimes you have to fight Barons in small corridors with the hurting floor. I ended up cheating to see if I could finish the level but I seemed to get soft-locked in a room full of Barons with three switches and moving floors. This map wasn't really for me, but you show great potential for your first map! Keep at it, would love to see more.

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congrats on first release 

its frustratingly hard map imo...dark tight and damaging floor everywhere and lots of barons 

i like the calculated approch of this map though as its not at all impossible but require a lot of patience, tries and practice to finish

here my most successful attempt i forgot the one real switch and got trapped in library 

prboom cl2 uv skill popi9.zip

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You would not BELIEVE how long it took me to get to the platform adjacent to the teleporter in the room with the three switches and a baron guarding each because I kept overshooting it almost every time. I would also suggest that the subsequent hallway go a little easier on the darkness so that one can actually see the Barons but I suppose there might be night goggles hidden not too far away :) That being said, the rest of the map was unforgiving but actually not too bad, even that stupid triple-Baron hallway after the first teleporter.



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9 hours ago, CravenCoyote said:

Congratulations on your first map.

This map wasn't really for me, but you show great potential for your first map! Keep at it, would love to see more.

Thank you for your warm reception! Happy to read such things. The goal was to make an ultimate disturbing Doom experience with unforgiving Hell and really rough Barons (not just bullet sponges as they've always been), yet playable and rewarding the player who loves to overcome situations with creaitivty and strategy developing.


3 hours ago, Zahid said:

congrats on first release 

Thank you and thanks again for your amazing demo! I was astonished seeing how easy you managed with the pesky parkour thing. And the way you killed all the Barons in that zone... Fabulous!


2 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

You would not BELIEVE

Haha, thanks for your playthrough video, I had much fun watching it, keep it up!

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