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Dead Meat - 3 limit removing maps for Doom 2. (on idgames)

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5 hours ago, EduardoAndFriends said:

Wowee! Looks grouse! Look forward to playing. :)


There are a few minor issues like minor slime trails. But I'm pretty happy with the maps. It will be on idgames in the near future.


Before upload to idgames I will change Griefmiester to Griefmeister in the MAPINFO, it was a mistype. The CWILV01 graphic is spelt correctly.

Edited by pcorf

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They were started for community trunk, isn't it?  
Cool maps thouth. Nice to see you forced out of your comfort zone by using unfamiliar texturepack (i haven't seen wads using gothictx.wad as resource wad from you before).

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Great mapset....made my day enjoyable....great design,visuals and evergreen kind of fun combats....

my fda can't beat map 1 

prboom  cl2 uv skill iddt  used


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Lots of fun, love the patch-bashed textures and general vibe. Great item placement hiding important items/weapons but giving the player lots of chances to get them.


Some -dsdadoom 0.27.5 FDAs, MAP01 has a hilarious ghost monster that decides he didn't want to be resurrected after all and jumps off a cliff, and MAP02 has a heroic pinky demon that takes out the cyber by itself.


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10 hours ago, Chainie said:

They were started for community trunk, isn't it?  
Cool maps though. Nice to see you forced out of your comfort zone by using unfamiliar texturepack (i haven't seen wads using gothictx.wad as resource wad from you before).


Yep they were intended for Community Trunk but I have decided to release it standalone and I think you'll know the reason behind that. I enjoyed using these gothitx textures. With MAP02 and MAP03 I wanted to make interesting use of Wolfenstein textures to create an abstract feel while making it feel like you were playing Doom.


MAP01 starts in a damp cavern, progresses through a starbase. MAP02 starts with a starbase and you fight your way through a jungle, then to an abstract base which continues into MAP03 where you have your final battle against the third cyberdemon and floating terrors.


I originally thought about turning it into a 6 map episode but decided to keep it at 3 maps. My time is limited for mapping these days.

Edited by pcorf

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Love the blue pentagram Sigil area (no clue what it's actually called) in MAP03, not sure why but I liked it more than the normal red ones. I tend to dislike large maps but I like these, doesn't require the player to backtrack the hell out of them. Nice texturepack too. All in all very nice levels.

Edited by Baron T. Mueriach

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On 5/12/2024 at 4:10 PM, Baron T. Mueriach said:

Love the blue pentagram Sigil area (no clue what it's actually called) in MAP03, not sure why but I liked it more than the normal red ones. I tend to dislike large maps but I like these, doesn't require the player to backtrack the hell out of them. Nice texturepack too. All in all very nice levels.


I thought I'd try blue over red and also use Wolfenstein textures (yes I know it is my guilty pleasure). Yep, blue hell cracks as you are in another dimension. In my early maps backtracking was required a lot and that was backtracking through empty areas with dead monsters. These days I want my maps to be more interconnected, less backtracking, etc but still retain their linear progress so you don't get too lost. See 2022ado and Zone 400 for example.


Hopefully this will be on idgames soon. Have uploaded it and responded to my verification email so hopefully it will be there soon.


I'll post a link if so.

Edited by pcorf

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This passed me by until I checked the idgames latest files section today and I'm glad I did, because it's a wonderful duo of "pull the rug out from under you" maps, with a more compact and violent closer to tie them together. Loved the way that Map02 plays out after you begin progress towards the first key, it turns it into a proper scramble to not fall behind and get squeezed between a rock and a hard place.


deadmeat-maribo.zip - casual v0.27.5 playthroughs.

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1 hour ago, Maribo said:

This passed me by until I checked the idgames latest files section today and I'm glad I did, because it's a wonderful duo of "pull the rug out from under you" maps, with a more compact and violent closer to tie them together. Loved the way that Map02 plays out after you begin progress towards the first key, it turns it into a proper scramble to not fall behind and get squeezed between a rock and a hard place.


deadmeat-maribo.zip - casual v0.27.5 playthroughs.


Same. I used idgames as my final review in case I missed a thread

Edited by princetontiger

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Okay... map01 is a masterpiece... I loved every bit of it. I love how hell blurs into techbase near the second half.


Map02 is a bit long, but again I also love how it blends between different map themes.

Edited by princetontiger

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On 5/20/2024 at 9:04 PM, MisterLivers said:

only played MAP01, challenging, stunning, awesome! I did kind of speed through the map though.


Glad you enjoyed it!

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