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Doom Tabletop Strategy Board Game [Testers Wanted!]

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Have you my good friend ever had the craving for an intricate yet easy to grasp board game based on the hit 1994 game DOOM II?

Thankfully I have undergone the work of creating such a thing. This is the DTTS (Doom TableTop Strategy) Game, a board game with gameplay similar to that of Risk and other tactical strategy board games. With a fully modular board and easily expandable framework this can be a very customizable experience!


Basic Gameplay:


At the beginning of your turn you collect 1 soul for each Spawning Vat you control.

Spawning Vat:


You may then move any of your units in accordance with their movement speed across the board.


And attack the opponents units with your own. (Red is the movement and Yellow is the attack.)


You may also have your units perform actions dependent on the unit type.

image.png.c488914c91e47b58128acdc350f64c23.png -> image.png.6c3ec69f37971674f06b1a3d4690924c.png

Another course of action is spawning new units. (ex. Spending 2 Souls to summon a Lost Soul at a Spawning Vat)

image.png.2c0fc173b502904d499e659c2187f5c2.png -> image.png.81442d80d45559a96db2c6df6871aa10.png

Most Important of all is building. Buildings can be constructed to:
Defend key points

Amplify Soul production

Equip units with armor

Faster movement via roads

Bridges to cross lava rivers

and Increase the types of units that can be spawned.










Now for the main draw to this post. I need beta testers to help balance the game before I release it on the Tabletop Simulator Steam Workshop.

If you want to help please let it be known in this post or in my private messages.

TTS is not required to play but does make it easier, you will need a steam account however.


I'm very excited to share this game as I've been working on it on and off for about a year with plenty of balancing so far and more to come.

Edited by ModestCinderace

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