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What are some good ice/snow themed Doom levels?

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I recently thought about how cool it would be to make a snow-themed level for a Doom .WAD I am working on. After looking over the vanilla textures and thinking for a few minutes however, I realized that I hadn't even played a snow-themed Doom level before. 


Have any of y'all played any good levels set in a cold, frozen environment? I'd like to play a few to give myself some inspiration. Hell, just finding some good ice/snow textures would help a lot.

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1 hour ago, JimboAnimations said:

I recently thought about how cool it would be to make a snow-themed level for a Doom .WAD I am working on. After looking over the vanilla textures and thinking for a few minutes however, I realized that I hadn't even played a snow-themed Doom level before. 


Have any of y'all played any good levels set in a cold, frozen environment? I'd like to play a few to give myself some inspiration. Hell, just finding some good ice/snow textures would help a lot.

The last 5 levels of Nosp3 are great snow levels.

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Quality is not guaranteed, but I have an exhaustive list of every WAD and individual maps like that I could find: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Jrq6EZ8d6JMDE5iJfK-eO22c3diqDvZ6LfDICtB724/edit?usp=sharing. :)


Personally, I like H2H-XMas, but it's definitely aged in some ways. I played/saw a couple of the punchmas WADs, and they seem pretty good. There's also Resurgence maps 24 to 29, Scythe 29 to 30, 50monstr 11-20 that I played from the sheet that are pretty good.

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Here's a recent community project specifically based around the theme:

Another recent release, Eviternity II has an episode set in snow (episode 5):


So does its predecessor, Eviternity, for that matter (episode 3):


And here's an old thread asking the same:


4shock's spreadsheet is a great resource, I don't know of such a comprehensive list for any other theme.

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Thanks a lot! I will give some or all of these a try over the next few days. I liked the idea of creating a big, arctic tech base that the player would be outside of for the most part, but I wanted to see how others had done the concept of a snow level first. I'll make sure to take notes!

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Not sure if it's wrong to mention all my own stuff, but here goes:


Don't know if you play DM, but Frantik DM 2 has two ice levels, (MAP04-MAP05), and Frantik DM 3 has an entire 5 map 'cold' episode, (MAP06-MAP10).


I've also made Jolly DM, (thanks to @4shockblast for including it in that spreadsheet) it's a 3 map snowy Xmas themed DM WAD; and in Fast as Hell Flags (a CTF pack) there's the map 'Flurry' - MAP20, if I remember correctly.


There's also a level called Icebox somewhere in Frantik Rejects 1/2, I'm forgetting the map# right now, and 'Frozen Fort' and 'Chilly Victory' from Havok DM 1/2.


Also just finished an unreleased new CTF map called Polar Plunder.


So yeah, I love snow-themed levels. They're fun to make!



Edited by Arrowhead

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4 hours ago, JimboAnimations said:

I recently thought about how cool it would be to make a snow-themed level for a Doom .WAD I am working on. After looking over the vanilla textures and thinking for a few minutes however, I realized that I hadn't even played a snow-themed Doom level before. 


Have any of y'all played any good levels set in a cold, frozen environment? I'd like to play a few to give myself some inspiration. Hell, just finding some good ice/snow textures would help a lot.



Winter's Fury: https://www.doomworld.com/19years/best3.php

Edited by Master O

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Some of Doom 64 Reloaded's Hell maps reimagine the original ones as ice-themed ones, accurately reflecting how several cultures also have an interpretation of an ice-cold Hell (or at least a part of it).

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Chronohunter's Siberian Outpost is good, it's only a deathmatch map, a good DM though.

- Map09 of tlsd2004.wad "The Last Strike Deathmatch 2004" -

Interesting how Doom's shader works in reverse here; instead of things further away

becoming darker, they become lighter which gives a great nearly snowstorm/blizzard effect.


Edited by prfunky
dangling character

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10 minutes ago, DoomGappy said:

I asked this question some time ago and Maribo gave me the mother lode, a spreadsheet with hundreds of wads.

Any way I can ask her to add Doom 64 Reloaded to the list? The reason being that...

15 hours ago, taufan99 said:

Some of Doom 64 Reloaded's Hell maps reimagine the original ones as ice-themed ones, accurately reflecting how several cultures also have an interpretation of an ice-cold Hell (or at least a part of it).


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2 minutes ago, taufan99 said:

Any way I can ask her to add Doom 64 Reloaded to the list? The reason being that...


From what I understand, the list was maintained by @4shockblast (look at his post in this thread). Maybe he can add them?

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Plutonia 2 map 25, Black Ice.


A really nasty pistol start, but you can work your way through systematically once you gain a foothold. P2 has some very inconsistent map lengths and difficulty curve but Gusta's stuff tends to fit my playstyle somehow. 


Fair warning, the one downside is the unforgivable pop up monsters, typical of that WAD. But here there are several places where they're broken and stuck in the floor, and you can unfortunately fall into many of the holes and softlock, even if you know where they are. 

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3 hours ago, taufan99 said:

Any way I can ask her to add Doom 64 Reloaded to the list? The reason being that...

I have been following this thread and adding missing stuff, but I don't own Doom 64, so I can't launch it, so I didn't add it for now. Maybe I can get it to be able to check the maps, or if someone can point the exact map numbers to me, I can add those; I'm also willing to add the prior EX version as a separate entry.

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