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Hows state testing going for you?

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Schools almost out and Im doing those boring ass state tests. How are the tests going for you? And if your not in school share some experiences you had with it.


(im extremely bored)

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The test went okay. I do have malaria, but the syphillis is strong enough to kill it. Rolling your balls up and down a hill all day has its benefits. Since they already had a sample of my blood, I went ahead and paid extra for the IQ test. It was 6004, which seemed a bit off, so they did some investigating and found out that there was IQ residue from someone else's blood in the syringe that was bringing down my score. I have to go take it again tomorrow. Besides the obvious embarrassment that comes with being naked in front of a bunch of strangers, it was a painless process. They put you to sleep before they stick the camera up there, and they'll even send you a link so you can share the video on Facebook.

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It always seemed rather stupid and pointless to me. Why are we seriously wasting time with these arbitrary assessment tests rather than actually learning the material that's important and thusly be better prepared for more challenging work in college? I even knew some teachers that would teach to the tests to some degree - and that was just terrible.

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