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Doom specificities compared to other games

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... And another very naïve question : what are some Doom mechanics or gameplay tricks that are specific to doom (or very "niche" on other games) ?


Here is the origin of the questionning : wrote slaughter map on youtube search engine and ended up with only doom maps. After a far from being exhaustive search, I found timid results with quake... I thought it would be a thing for every FPS games (at least existing in modding community) ? Maybe the genra name is different in other communities ?


Also, does monsters always (or at least, usually) infight in FPS ? I remember quake infighting, for instance, don't know if it's a general thing.

Related : if there is infight, does pacifist category relies equally as in doom into infight ? (I mean, it's not necessary for pacifist but it is used regularly especially for map harder than Ultimate doom - doom 2 maps))


Are there other specificities ?

Edited by apichatpong

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My wild guess slaughter maps are facilitated by BFG9000. Not sure if Quake also have anything that facilitates it.

I'm also wondering if jumping can make a difference with combat.

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@apichatpong BFG / Cyberdemons / Cacodemons / Revenant Missile / Gibing / UV-Max / Pacifist Run.  These are all terms I find synnonamous with the DooM franchise or at least originating here.  

Edited by LegendaryEevee

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"Slaughter-map" is too Doom-jargony, since any other game with "killing lotsa baddies" would kinda qualify, like Serious Sam, Risk of Rain, Nuclear Throne (?).

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22 minutes ago, Pechudin said:

"Slaughter-map" is too Doom-jargony, since any other game with "killing lotsa baddies" would kinda qualify, like Serious Sam, Risk of Rain, Nuclear Throne (?).

Thanks Pechudin ! That was one of my question ! Is slaughtermap restricted to doom because of game mechanics or terminology ? Seems it's le latter.

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