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Offering playtesting

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Thanks for checking my map out!


Based on your feedback & playthrough I made/will make some modifications:


  • Last door is now marked by an exit sign to make it more obvious that it's the exit from the level.
  • Imps in the larger inaccessible building can now shoot at the player even if they're standing right under the window.
  • I'll change the candle-eye decoration for something else.

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Hi @Astro X, would be great if I can get some feedback form this one: https://www.doomworld.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=298765

I think is completed, but I'm the only playtester 🤦‍♂️

A preview: 



Temporary name: Lights&Shadows.

Format: Doom 2 vanilla.

DSDA-doom: run nicely (complevel 2).

Will be included later in my ~6 maps wad currently have 3 maps here: 


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I would like to see you play my latest wad Atrophy

You can use DSDA if that's what you prefer, I don't mind any compatible source port.

I would like to see a practiced UV playthrough, since I've only seen some people play the map blind. I would like to see if you find the efficient way through :)

I hope you enjoy it!

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Greetings. I would like to have you play this map. On Ultra-Violence, practiced. Complevel 9, preferably on DSDA-Doom. I want to know how hard the fights are for other players.

Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did something happen? It's been 3 weeks...

I understand life sometimes gets busy, I'd just want to see if this is getting anywhere at all. Again, sorry if I intruded too much.

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