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This was a really really fun map!! Played it on UV and it was just the right difficulty for me. Here's a demo (2 or 3 deaths iirc) if you wanna watch it: matt-orca.zip


I absolutely loved all encounters. Every arena felt very readable from the start (probably a lot due to the texturing/geometry simplicity), and despite most encounters being pop-up ambushes in a way, i felt fair every time and i could adapt to it just fine (i even first tried that really nasty secret room!), and the encounters themselves might've been simple but i found them extremely fun. I also really enjoyed the whole vibe and feel of the map, like you're exploring this mystical but ominous magical cave.


As far as single map releases go, this one is definitely up there for me, especially as of recent. :)

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image.png.e90e436f146ac48d394d858c9e393a44.pngQuite fun map ; 
What I liked:
- The fact you see from starting point what keys you have to find
- The atmosphere
- Good items all alongside the progression
- Good fighting room
- Music is cool
What I feel it missed: 
- designed for only one type of gameplay : shotgun/rocket. Sometime I enjoy to use chaingun and/or melee weapons (berserk/chainsaw) or even some plasma weapons
- lack of secrets area (I think you got plenty of obvious spot you could use, like behind waterfall)
- I didn't understood why there is nobody in next maps (normal next level and secret ending level); Maybe it still under development?

Btw that was a cool run.

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5 hours ago, MattFright said:

This was a really really fun map!! Played it on UV and it was just the right difficulty for me. Here's a demo (2 or 3 deaths iirc) if you wanna watch it: matt-orca.zip


I absolutely loved all encounters. Every arena felt very readable from the start (probably a lot due to the texturing/geometry simplicity), and despite most encounters being pop-up ambushes in a way, i felt fair every time and i could adapt to it just fine (i even first tried that really nasty secret room!), and the encounters themselves might've been simple but i found them extremely fun. I also really enjoyed the whole vibe and feel of the map, like you're exploring this mystical but ominous magical cave.


As far as single map releases go, this one is definitely up there for me, especially as of recent. :) 

Thanks so much for playing!! I'm really glad to hear you liked it :D, it was really fun to watch the demo. 


(also, I'm not sure if you ended up revisiting but something different happens if you touch the flower instead XD sorry if that was unclear)


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34 minutes ago, Korsuv said:

image.png.e90e436f146ac48d394d858c9e393a44.pngQuite fun map ; 
What I liked:
- The fact you see from starting point what keys you have to find
- The atmosphere
- Good items all alongside the progression
- Good fighting room
- Music is cool
What I feel it missed: 
- designed for only one type of gameplay : shotgun/rocket. Sometime I enjoy to use chaingun and/or melee weapons (berserk/chainsaw) or even some plasma weapons
- lack of secrets area (I think you got plenty of obvious spot you could use, like behind waterfall)
- I didn't understood why there is nobody in next maps (normal next level and secret ending level); Maybe it still under development?

Btw that was a cool run.

Thanks for playing! About the missing elements: I guess I just felt it was too small for those things haha, and I already included a secret so I didn't think anything else was necessary XD, also the exit maps are just maps to prevent you from going into one of the doom 2 maps XD they don't have exits haha.

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2 hours ago, Jizzwardo said:

Thanks so much for playing!! I'm really glad to hear you liked it :D, it was really fun to watch the demo. 

  Reveal hidden contents

(also, I'm not sure if you ended up revisiting but something different happens if you touch the flower instead XD sorry if that was unclear)



Later on i did yeah, it was cool. Though it is pretty confusing if you activate both switches like i did and walk around in the darkness

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hehe yeah, its a bit more clear if someone were to have exited normally first through the main way, and then released the yellow key lets you access/touch the actual flower haha, but I'm ok with it being like this anyway :)

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This is a lovely small map where relaxing dreamy visuals are accompanied by extremely well designed low monster count combat. I highly recommend everyone to check it out.

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this was so pretty! excellent chunky cavern vibes, this color scheme is really really pleasant and I love those cutaway roof spirals. I think all of the encounters did a good job of giving the player just enough space to move around (esp with the way you place revenants) and forcing them to stay mobile. also really loved the somber credits map, reminds me a tiny bit of Sacraments'.


did not find the secret room/forgot to look for the yellow key but here's a jittery demo! attempt #4, familiar with some of the encounters but not all of them going into this: orca4.zip (Woof 14.5.0 / UV / cl 9)

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On 5/16/2024 at 7:45 AM, scumgirle said:

this was so pretty! excellent chunky cavern vibes, this color scheme is really really pleasant and I love those cutaway roof spirals. I think all of the encounters did a good job of giving the player just enough space to move around (esp with the way you place revenants) and forcing them to stay mobile. also really loved the somber credits map, reminds me a tiny bit of Sacraments'.


did not find the secret room/forgot to look for the yellow key but here's a jittery demo! attempt #4, familiar with some of the encounters but not all of them going into this: orca4.zip (Woof 14.5.0 / UV / cl 9)

Hey thanks so much for playing! I'm really glad you liked it :)


If you wanna try to find the yellow key, here's a hint:


There are two "secret switches" in the map, one for each "path".

Thanks for the demo! It was really fun to watch :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice atmospheric little map with some fun combat. I found a slight cheese for the cyber fight by staying pacifist (though I think its fine as is). Also, it's possible to soft-locked behind a few of the column staircases if you fall behind them. The columns that raise up leading to the blue key for example. fda and uv-max: orca-ryiron.zip

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On 5/28/2024 at 5:10 PM, cu2 said:

Here me. finally getting through it on demo
I think I even got zapped once, heheh, tough cookie


Thanks so much for playing! I loved watching your demo :) it felt like you experienced the wad exactly how I wanted/intended players to.

12 hours ago, ryiron said:

Nice atmospheric little map with some fun combat. I found a slight cheese for the cyber fight by staying pacifist (though I think its fine as is). Also, it's possible to soft-locked behind a few of the column staircases if you fall behind them. The columns that raise up leading to the blue key for example. fda and uv-max: orca-ryiron.zip

Thanks for playing! Your demos were really interesting and fun to watch, I've never imagined someone playing it like that before XD, but yes, I do think its also fine. Those softlocks are being fixed before I release on idgames however. Thanks for that!

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Hey just to let everyone know I updated the wad with just a few bugfixes and a slight update to one of the fights. In a few days I'm going to upload this version to idgames. 


Thanks again to everyone who played!! I really appreciate it and its been so fun to hear people's feedback.

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Nice unassuming map and interesting concept with the "good" and "bad" ending.

Although, that yellow key trap is quite evil for anyone who doesn't know what's coming.

Some softlocks with the columns are still there:
- it's possible to get stuck between lines 1767 and 1773
- once sector 149 has been raised it's also possible to get stuck between lines 1187 and 1250 if you wedge yourself into the corner there

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11 hours ago, Keyboard_Doomer said:

Some softlocks with the columns are still there:
- it's possible to get stuck between lines 1767 and 1773
- once sector 149 has been raised it's also possible to get stuck between lines 1187 and 1250 if you wedge yourself into the corner there

Noted, thank you! I hope that's all of them tbh.. 

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