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Doom 64: Doom 2 Port

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Depends on your definition of "exist."


There is the Doom 64 for Doom II mod, which aims to recreate the maps, but keeps it strictly in a Doom II style, so it will have almost none of the colored lighting, sprite replacements, and so on. This will probably work with Brutal Doom.


If you're looking for something more like Doom 64, there is Doom 64: Retribution, but this will might NOT work with Brutal Doom.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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There are several conversions, but for what you're asking, Brutal Doom 64 would be your best bet.


Some other options:

  • Consolation Prize - Stripped-down versions of PSX Doom TC and Doom 64 Retribution made for compatibility with gameplay mods. If for whatever reason Brutal Doom 64 isn't for you, running Brutal Doom with this would be your next best bet.
  • Doom 64 for Doom II - Vanilla-compatible recreation of Doom 64's maps. There are some things that break when using Brutal Doom with this (actions that are triggered by cyberdemon deaths won't work, so you'll have to noclip to finish some levels), but I think it'd be mostly playable otherwise.
  • Doom CE - Faithful recreation of PSX Doom and Doom 64 with enhancements. I don't know if this would work well (or at all) with Brutal Doom. Note that the Doom 64 part of this doesn't actually run with Doom II, it uses a patcher with the PC port of Doom 64 and requires a copy of said port.
Edited by Shepardus

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Heres a couple more D64 inspired mods

  1. The D64ifier Core(GZDoom)-- https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-d64ifier/downloads/the-d64ifier-core
  2.  The D64ifier Addons-- https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-d64ifier/addons
  3. D64ifier for Zandronum-- https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-d64ifier/downloads/d64ifier-zdoom-zandronum
  4. D64ifier for Software Render(PrBoom, Crispy, Odamexand more) -- https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-d64ifier/downloads/d64ifier-for-gl-prboomprboomzdoom
  5. Brutal Doom 64-- https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom-64/downloads/brutal-doom-64-version-10
  6. Doom64 Graphics Wad-- 



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15 hours ago, henrycorniferd said:

does a port of doom 64 exist for doom 2 because id be fun to play it in brutal doom

Have you heard of Brutal Doom 64 v2.666

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yeah, 2.666 is the most up to date version of brutal doom 64, although it leans slightly less into the action territory to compliment the moodier tone of d64

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