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Single Map 2 - Flooded Camps of Arakan

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Release Date: 12th May, 2024

Location: Chittagong, Bangladesh


This is the Second Single Map I've made; tried to make something more grippy with limited ammos and handy in movements for the short slaughtering's. The Map starts with a big sector with two different bridges and flooded bases. The Player needs to find all three keys from each surprising sectors to unlock the exit door. Take care of the Archvilles before they keep summoning monsters. Sorry for not adding any difficulty levels, added no custom textures or music. I am still trying to learn about these things, but being delayed. 


The Big Maze sector has several traps. You must find all three keys as quickly as possible from each sector. 

Sourceport: GZdoom

Ultimate Doom Builder (ZDoom ACS - UDMF Format)

Download Link: 02. Flooded Camps Of Arakan.zip

Possible Bug: 

1. Switch Activation with All Three Key for Exit Door

Screenshot 2024-05-05 015640 - Copy.png

Screenshot 2024-05-05 014956 - Copy.png

Screenshot 2024-05-05 020352 - Copy.png

Screenshot 2024-05-05 021100 - Copy.png

Edited by Thaumaturge_Tanishq
Identifying possible bugs

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You'll get a little more attention if you post this map in the main Wad Releases forum rather than this sub-forum.



Height variation and room size are quite primitive indeed. Another thing would be perhaps to make the stairs in this wad a little bit more visible because it almost seemed like there was little way to progress until a player just mysteriously stumbles onto them because there's no stair guards that tell one that they're here. Might be good to switch up the texture choices a little bit too, just in spots, although this map is scaled large enough that the only choices are basically to use more varying textures or shrink things down a little. The colosseum was strangely charming, although perhaps jumping up the stairs to get to the cyberdemon and red key should not be required. Actually, the jumping in the map feels entirely arbitrary and basically unnecessary.



Edited by LadyMistDragon

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