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who here is excited for the next doom or quake game?

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i've been potentially waiting and counting down the days for the potential reveal of the next game from ID software during the June 7 summer games showcase from Microsoft.


I really hope that the game releases this year. It's been far too long since the last doom installment and I think we are due for another Doom game or Quake game even. The wait has been unbearable, and my anticipation has been growing ever so slightly. But I know I'll get through it, and will one day get the game in my hands. But for now I just wait with anticipation. 


Hopefully the game also wins goty 2024. But that's just wishful thinking. 

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I don't know, I feel like doom has become too much of a power fantasy game, especially with the lore? Doom and Doomguy kind of just became boring when Doomguy became some sort of god. Then there's Quake which is all over the place, kind of just ID's multiplayer shooter now.

Honestly, just waiting for Wolfenstein 3.

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Story wise, Doom Eternal was too converulted with way too much lore shoved in with poor pacing.


Gameplay wise, it was absolutely amazing and I'm still good to play more of the same or similar mechanics.


Eternal's learning curve and tutorials was awful and not focused on enough when criticised.


If these weaknesses are addressed in the new game, I'll be thrilled.


But I will also be interested if they take a different approach and even go opposite direction of power fantasy, where we are a vulnerable human trying to survive against powerful demons in a more horror theme. Maybe include some stealth elements too.


Either way I'm confident id software can deliver.

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I haven't played all the way through Eternal yet, so I'm satisfied with what I've got. We'll see how I feel when Eternal is finished, though!

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42 minutes ago, 8088mph said:

I don't know, I feel like doom has become too much of a power fantasy game, especially with the lore? Doom and Doomguy kind of just became boring when Doomguy became some sort of god. Then there's Quake which is all over the place, kind of just ID's multiplayer shooter now.

Honestly, just waiting for Wolfenstein 3.

It completely lost all the tension and atmosphere, as well as exploration. The combat of 2016 was distilled to its purest form with Eternal, and some levels genuinely looked nice, but progression was annoying with all the start and stop thanks to tentacles, puzzles and trial and error with the climbing/platforming. Not even going to get into the nonsense that is the lore. They need to seriously scale things back with the next installment if they're to hold my interest. I was insinuated to get Doom 2016 2 or Doom 2019 and ended up getting w.e Doom is suppose to be now, a borderline parody of the source material?

As for Quake there's something there with the first game, they could take it to all sorts of interesting places, it could be straight up survival horror or a slower, more methodical action game. Hopefully both, since not everything needs to be OTT and cartoonish.

And personally, MachineGames shot themselves in the foot with a minigun ad infinitum with the last Wolf, which was almost seven years ago now. Youngblood/Cyberpilot doesn't even count. That series frankly needs a reset too. Every other company got a shot at the IP, and MG has been hogging it for a decade.

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Not really. I don't think any new Doom or Quake (especially Doom), is needed. I mean, you could make your own levels for essentially every Doom/Quake game, so you could either make your own levels or get some off of the internet.


Like Wolfenstein 2 though, it wasn't all too bad.

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Posted (edited)

Me. But really I'm awaiting the final Machine Games Wolfenstein reveal. 

Edited by Mr. Freeze

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They can’t go anywhere in a new doom game. The story is at a decent conclusion and the gameplay can’t be any better. If they make another there’s gonna be a Toy Story 4 situation. I wanna see them make a new fps IP or a remake of wolfenstein. 

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Imagine if they make a new Quake in which the Ranger receives the powers of Shub-Niggurath (or other Cthulhu-shit) and he becomes another super-human God. This will be fucking lame. 

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Posted (edited)

New Doom game - not really, like others have said already I don't think there's a lot more they can do with Doom barring a reboot, and it's still a bit early for a reboot.


New Quake game? Now that's more like it - I hope that's where they go next because I'm seriously curious to see how they re-design the monsters, locations and story (especially the story, seeing how all over the place it was in the original)

Edited by Tiramisu

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New Doom games are always welcome. They only need to drop the boring action-adventure map format from the last two games and replace it with more compact, interactive and unpredictable map design.

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This might sound harsh and as much as I love Quake, I'm not really sure why people are hankering for a reboot/Q1 sequel. Because if it were to actually happen we'd be getting a game like Wolfenstein without the stealth or a game nearly like DOOM Eternal. No offense to either of those games but I'm not sure if I want another serving of them in a new coat of paint.


That's not even going into what it'd be like story wise. I bet you five bucks that it'd just make the nearly broken adlibbed Quake lore, that couldn't even decide what "Quake" was, even worse one way or another. I know this would happen because it already did: MachineGames tried to tie 1 and 2 together with really odd choices in Call Of The Machine. A Quake reboot would just try so hard to connect both games together finally when that doesn't really need to happen.

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I will happily be proven wrong, but I just don't see a new major DOOM or Quake game being announced at the games showcase.


6 hours ago, nathanB404 said:

I really hope that the game releases this year.

There are only 7 months left in the year. There is no way id is announcing a new game and then releasing it in the same year. Take DOOM 2016 for example. The teaser trailer was released in 2014. Similarly, DOOM Eternal was announced in 2018 but did not release until 2020.

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I still haven't played through Doom Eternal but next time it's on sale on Steam I'll have to buy it, if i have the cash. I think the last Doom game was Mighty Doom? Correct me if I'm wrong. My phone can't run that as it's to old.


So I'm pretty good for now. I still need to play the newer Wolfenstein games too. I'm pretty far behind in games tbh.

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I’m always excited for more Doom but I am concerned Xbox will have exclusivity on it. 

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id Software introduced something like 8 new game franchises in their first 5 years of existence, and has introduced 1 in the 28 years since. I know game development was very different then but wouldn’t it be fun to imagine them doing something new? 

Also how many threads are you going to make pining for a new Doom game? I know you’re excited and all but it’s starting to feel like a weird unhealthy thing at this point 

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i'll never have a good enough PC to run a modern FPS \o/ if the next id release is a puzzle game created in games factory count me in

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8 minutes ago, yakfak said:

i'll never have a good enough PC to run a modern FPS \o/ if the next id release is a puzzle game created in games factory count me in

They should bring back Rescue Rover

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5 hours ago, Shepardus said:

I'm excited for the next Hovertank 3D game.

You joke but I'd pay for that to be a reality.

That, and/or a new Dangerous Dave/Catacomb 3D game.

20 minutes ago, Stupid Bunny said:

I know game development was very different then but wouldn’t it be fun to imagine them doing something new? 

They came up with RAGE and its sequel a while ago, but it's safe to say most didn't really like it.

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There's no interest from me. The recent Doom games are nothing special, really, just more modern shooters. Whatever they do next will not and cannot bring back any of what the original 90's games brought to the table.

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1 hour ago, taufan99 said:

You joke but I'd pay for that to be a reality.

That, and/or a new Dangerous Dave/Catacomb 3D game.

I'd love to see a new Catacomb game too, in fact I'd love to build the world, but the current developer is not interesting in making a new game.

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Posted (edited)

I'm waiting for the pc port of Doom Rpg :)


Nah. I'm pretty much done with Doom or Quake.

Edited by lukasxd

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I've seen too many IPs go down in flames to not look at every new entry with a sense of trepidation.

Especially as AAA gaming steadily tries to claim the throne of corporate bullshittery.


VR might pick up again at some point in the next decade, the tech has advanced significantly and it's a lot less clunky than the old Vive these days. The economics make it difficult to get into for now, but I think it'll have another time in the limelight when things start picking up again. If that were to happen, maybe a good time for Doom or Quake to get a full on VR remake. Assuming I have the budget for a decent VR kit at that time.


Outside of that, I'm mostly... fine with what's already out there, still having a fine old time with the good old games. And even the new ones.


There IS a part of me that wants an official ending to the Keen saga, while we're vaguely on the topic of id games, but Keen mobile kinda evidences why I have concerns. 

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I'm genuinely pleased... to see so many comments not liking the NuDoom games. =)  (Should be expected, we're all here for the classics, after all!)


I had played through Doom 2016 on release, but I think mostly because I hadn't really played a modern FPS since BioShock Infinite's release (loved that game! the classic style gameplay & wild story).

I never finished Doom Eternal. It is NOT for me.

Side note, part of my Steam review explains:


After the about fifth major platforming section, I rage-quit in the "Skyrim" level. I almost rage-quit the previous level with the drop-as-soon-as-you-touch-them platforms (yes, in a Doom game) and Super-Mario-spinning-ball-and-chains (no, I'm not joking) platforming section that has that one jump every '90s side-scrolling platformer had which needs to be pixel perfect to clear to start the sequence and if you miss anything you restart needing to make that one pixel perfect jump to begin again. No thank you.
Soulsborne games and even Hollow Knight have caused me less frustration.


Reinstalled 2 years later.
Played a little while longer. Did more forced parkour monkeying & forced locked-in-an-arena-until-you-kill-everything-that's-thrown-at-you-at-once sections with sections of nothing in between.
Got frustrated again by another B.S. Super Mario timed platform dropping jumps (yes, plural) sequence that can only be done if every jump and dash is performed exactly perfectly with instant death for each failure.
No thank you; I wanted to play Doom and something fun.
Rage-quit uninstalled.

So if a third NuDoom follows the most recent 2, after Doom Eternal I won't be buying it.  Doom 1 & 2 are perfect for me! I don't need new-new-new to be happy.


A new Quake game... idk.  Never played Quake 4.  Quake 2 was my jam -- and it was basically Doom 2 in a different skin (just look at the weapons), and that was good. Quake 3 was all deathmatch all the time and was fun for that when I was in college... that was an era for me, it's own compact thing.


Even if I was interested, I avoid the hype cycles that rumor mills generate. Without a specific official announcement, rumors are easily ignored. ;-)

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