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Can anyone recommend hardware for dumping roms from N64 cartridges?

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I've managed to get my hands on a copy of Goldeneye and I'd like to experience it with keyboard and mouse controls.


I've also got a Doom 64 cartridge and I think it'd be nice to use that to play EX, even though I've got the official remaster too.

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What kind of budget do you have, do you have any experience with soldering, do you have any preference on how to use?

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I'm willing to spend tens of British dollars, I have no experience with soldering, and I think a preference would require me to have experience with any other aspect of this, which I don't.

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Your cheapest option is probably the JoeyN64, but the UK distributor is currently sold out. So realistically, that leaves you with either waiting for them to come back into stock, or the two other ways to dump your own N64 games: The old way and the new way.


The old way involves a real N64, a Gameshark, a parallel cable and a PC with a parallel port running Windows 98, allowing you to dump the game using the old Game Software Code Creator software.


The new way involves either building or buying a Sanni Cart Reader. This either requires a knack for soldering and some technical knowhow, or a decent whack of money to buy a prebuilt one (AliExpress has them for about £100)

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Thank you both very much. I've arranged to get an email notification if/when the JoeyN64's available again, and if I ever start to have doubts about it, I'll think more seriously about getting a pre-built Sanni.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello again. Today I was lucky enough to find a copy of the Jaguar version of Doom. Unfortunately, that's one of the few systems the Sanni doesn't support. When I tried searching for something else that could do the job, none of the results seemed relevant and/or up to date. Maybe it's something beyond my price/experience range. That's kind of the impression I currently have.


@Quasar Do you have any advice?

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