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Foxhole: Just another outpost

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Map I started a couple years ago, but recently decided to finish it up and port it to UDMF - based on testing I think it's fine, but there could be bugs, a lot of script in this one.


IWAD: Doom2

Tested in: GZDoom 4.10

Jump/Crouch: Please don't

Freelook: Please do




Yeah, there were some bugs and some gameplay streamlining that was needed.


- Fixed massive flaw around red key boss area

- Simplified the Thaum/blue key area, added a subtle light indicating which locker it's hiding in

- Fixed aggro issues around blue key area and red door

- Removed one of the thaums, not necessary anymore

- Minor alignment issues that were bothering me

- A couple new surprises near end of map


~~~ VERSION 3 UPDATE (final) ~~~


I enjoyed working on this and could probably spend hours more adding to the architecture and features, but I think I have a final here, unless someone finds another game-breaking bug. This version includes a much steeper ending, the more you kill early game, the better time you'll have at the end. It starts as a more survival style, and starves you on ammo a bit, but it pays off if you stick to it. However, I did test enough to know that you can do the bare minimum and use none of the secrets, and still make it through.


I hope you enjoy!


DOWNLOAD >>> Foxhole-3.0.zip











Edited by sidestepper
Final edit, I think.

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Good and very nicely built architecture. That is definitely the plus point of this map. However what I didn't like and the thing that surprised me the most is the Thamuz trap on red key door. So if the player reach the door anyway without red key which they should not actually but still, it basically means he/she is dead there because two Thamuz is just unfair in a place like that.


Oh, and the idea of switch that open bars or doors is awesome, I loved that. The beeping sound and simple animation is 10/10, makes this map looks better ^_^

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4 hours ago, Yousuf Anik said:

Good and very nicely built architecture. That is definitely the plus point of this map. However what I didn't like and the thing that surprised me the most is the Thamuz trap on red key door. So if the player reach the door anyway without red key which they should not actually but still, it basically means he/she is dead there because two Thamuz is just unfair in a place like that.


Oh, and the idea of switch that open bars or doors is awesome, I loved that. The beeping sound and simple animation is 10/10, makes this map looks better ^_^


Thanks for giving it go, I'm glad you liked it! I'm actually not sure why I spawn the Thaums if you reach the red door - they should wait until you first enter a locker normally. I appreciate the feedback - might post a version 2 after I fix that and also clean up a couple other things I noticed.

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It feels like the Thamuz are basically just sitting in the locker room and waiting. I don't even want to think about the lack of indication regarding the red key.




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@LadyMistDragon Thanks for trying it - you did in fact reveal an oversight on my part with the red key area. I had not considered anyone finding the secret in that room before beating the Baron boss - the secret will bypass how you get the red key and actually soft lock it, so good catch there, that's a critical flaw. Red key is literally dropped by the Baron normally, which also opens up the area so you can come and go again. I will patch it up as part of a version 2. The Thaumz are just waiting - you're not supposed to beat them (Until later), just avoid them while finding the blue key, like a survival game. It only gets shooty shooty runny runny later.

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