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Spooky Simulator Community Project

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Hello guys! My first public project.


You are trapped in a world full of monsters who want to give you a heart attack and you have to survive to not lose your sanity. Will you succeed? Can you get out intact without losing your sanity? We hope you will be able to return to your home.


  • All maps submitted in GZDoom: UDMF format or another format
  • Everyone can put custom textures, flats, monsters , sprites and weapons (including the main resources created by me)
  • Each person can sign up for 2 maps, but you can submit more than that if we have a drop-out and there's no new participants
  • Multiplayer/Co-op not required, and I do not guarantee It'll work properly in release
  • Please do post progress on the thread at least once a month, to let us know you're still with us
  • If you want to quit please do announce it, and please do not just disappear and shadow out
  • Please follow this thread if you're in this project
  • Please engage conversations in this thread
  • No secret maps, just hide your secret very good
  • The deadline is 20/10/2025


Resource Bundle for this project.

DropBox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m10wel2orehjdtxrf6ccb/resources.rar?rlkey=nwlt5o2ot8cbk4blyp2aykizw&st=o13d23p2&dl=0



  • MAP01 - "Welcome to Spooky Simulator!" by PROTO32TYPE
  • GZD01 - "Don't scare my cat" by PROTO32TYPE
  • GZD02 - "We don't have a dog sir" by Saigonno566
  • GZD03 - "FEGELEIN!!" by VNGHam00019
  • GZD04 - "Peek-A-Boo" by Saigonno566
  • GZD05 - "Cursing in Serbian..." by HOrTeN77GO1
  • GZD06 - "Bunker of Doom" by VNGHam00019
  • GZD07 - "Oh shit..." by HOrTeN77GO1
  • GZD08 - "Nothing is normal" by SYUZaNdroNZ
  • GZD09 - "Finally... the end" by SYUZaNdroNZ



If you're interested in sending the file via email: thierry.mancini@yahoo.it


  • Please do include your resources in a .rar/.zip file (name the file with your username, for example PROTO32TYPE.rar).
  • There is no submission template, just post it as it comes.



Edited by PROTO32TYPE

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A small note, it is worth specifying the target port itself with the version (but in this case I understand it means the latest GZDoom). Just UDMF is already the case when the boundaries are not the map format itself, but the port that will be used. For example, there are Eternity Engine 4.02 UDMF, Eternity Engine 4.03 UDMF, ZDoom UDMF, Zandronum UDMF and so on, everywhere the format is the same, but the set of tools in the hands of the mapper can be radically different even within different versions.


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You didn't even describe what the goal of the project is, other than saying that it's "spooky". Why would anyone join a project that has no goal or description?


2 hours ago, roadworx said:

delete this

Indeed, I think the moderators should delete this thread!

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I would suggest giving this full thread a read.



1 hour ago, Li'l devil said:

You didn't even describe what the goal of the project is, other than saying that it's "spooky". Why would anyone join a project that has no goal or description?


To this point a clear description of the project aims plus a sample map that the host expects to include in the project would really help.


1 hour ago, Li'l devil said:

Indeed, I think the moderators should delete this thread!


I disagree because if they just delete it, then that is of no help to OP (or any other readers interested in starting a community project of their own) in the best practices of starting a community project.

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1 hour ago, Horus said:

I would suggest giving this full thread a read.




To this point a clear description of the project aims plus a sample map that the host expects to include in the project would really help.



I disagree because if they just delete it, then that is of no help to OP (or any other readers interested in starting a community project of their own) in the best practices of starting a community project.

Whoops! I read this but I forgot the description of this project. Sorry guys :|

The description:

You are trapped in a world full of monsters who want to give you a heart attack and you have to survive to not lose your sanity. Will you succeed? Can you get out intact without losing your sanity? We hope you will be able to return to your home.

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Sorry if I forgot to put the description (I hope it doesn’t get deleted). Anyway, is anyone interested in attending? 

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I clicked on this because I like making spooky maps but the description is so vague it doesn't tell me anything.  It's sounds like the back of a random ps1 game. 


I mean I hope it gains some traction or you can make it more appealing, but I've also never mapped in UDMF and I don't feel starting with a project that already has some red flags on it.   

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I would like to make some clarifications:
1- Treehouseminis I pointed out that the description seems a bit vague, if you want something more technical type that is platformer and similar things is free choice of user.
2- Even if this project has red flags it does not discard it so easily.
3- Try to be optimistic.

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The deadline is 20/11/2025

Oof, 2025.


Regardless, why not aim to release during an October to line up with the Halloween season????

(As someone who for years designed haunted experiences in VR I can advise that 2 weeks before Halloween is the latest to release a project in that season.)

Edited by DiavoJinx

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2 hours ago, PROTO32TYPE said:

@Treehouseminis All maps submitted in GZDoom: UDMF format or another format

After reading the other comments it's a no from me dawg.  I'm not saying you can't make this a successful project but the type of horror you're going for isn't my thing.  I'm more a vibes or atmosphere person.  I hate being chased by things. 


It feels more like one of those youtube react bate mods I've seen.  Not trying to be a hater just not for me.  

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6 minutes ago, PROTO32TYPE said:

Very good idea @DiavoJinx!

New deadline is 20/10/2015.


Don't know if anyone is going to be able to make this deadline, boss

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Anyways, I choose to make MAP01 and GZD01.


MAP01 - "Welcome to Spooky Simulator!" by me

GZD01 - "Don't scare my cat" by me

Edited by PROTO32TYPE

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11 minutes ago, PROTO32TYPE said:

@dasho no problem, you can do with tranquility and a lot of patience


And a time machine

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  • 2 weeks later...

MAP01 - PROTO32TYPE - "Welcome to Spooky Simulator!"

Sourceport: GZDoom - UDMF format




Edited by PROTO32TYPE

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GZD01 - PROTO32TYPE - "Don't scare my cat"

Sourceport: GZDoom - UDMF format




Edited by PROTO32TYPE

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49 minutes ago, PROTO32TYPE said:

Is anyone interested in participating in this project?


I would guess not at this point.


Perhaps if you were to complete one of your two ongoing maps and then show a video playthrough of them on this thread, then perhaps people will get a much clearer picture of the kind of "horror" that you want from other people's map submissions by watching your own in action. Maybe it will inspire other people to join your project at that point.


Having downloaded the resources file to take a look at it, I assume you're after some kind of jumpscare-based action going off the resources available. And it seems heavily FNAF-inspired also.

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