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Will the next doom game release this year or next year?

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7 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

Yeah people losing their jobs in current year for unfinished products would be hilarious!

We Did It Reddit!


The new Doom Game is finally in our hands!



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2 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

2024 is a very trying time for me too, if I only had to worry about an unreleased game and acquiring alcohol I'd be fuckin' SET for the rest of the year.

Yknow. There's shit in my life that I currently have to put up with. Parents keep nagging about me getting a job and having to "act my age" and be mature and such.


But I try looking towards the positives in life. I just know that this game will be worth it in the long run.

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4 minutes ago, nathanB404 said:

There's shit in my life that I currently have to put up with. Parents keep nagging about me getting a job and having to "act my age" and be mature and such.

How old are you?? If you're 16 or older, you should most certainly have a job by now... They aren't nagging, they're trying to make you a productive member of society.

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5 minutes ago, Baron T. Mueriach said:

How old are you?? If you're 16 or older, you should most certainly have a job by now... They aren't nagging, they're trying to make you a productive member of society.

I’m 20 years old sadly. It’s a bit hard moving into this adultish life style that I’m trying to get accustomed to. 

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What about when you beat the new Doom game and then you have to wait another 5+ years for the next game and spend another 5+ years making threads ranting about how it's taking too long??? You need to find some more "positives in life", like I dunno, playing the thousands upon thousands of community-made releases.

Edited by Plerb

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never, actually all games will cease to exist soon. live it up while you can.

while you are here did you know that steve jobs is often misinterpreted as one person, much like bill gates? they are actually a large group of homunculi with their leader being the fully grown one

Edited by oneselfSelf

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2 minutes ago, Plerb said:

What about when you beat the new Doom game and then you have to wait another 5+ years and spend another 5+ years making threads ranting about how it's taking too long??? You need to find some more "positives in life", like I dunno, playing the thousands upon thousands of community-made releases.

I think by 2025 I’ll be mentally mature enough to not be making shit posts. I’m going through puberty I feel and I’m at a awkward stage in life 

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24 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

2024 is a very trying time for me too, if I only had to worry about an unreleased game and acquiring alcohol I'd be fuckin' SET for the rest of the year.


Why would you give me something I can relate to in a nathanb404 thread?

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3 hours ago, nathanB404 said:

praying that it’s not coming out



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I feel like this is getting out of hand. Lately i've been seeing this person post the same trash "When is the new doom game coming out?", "which one will come first doom or quake?"


My child in unholy christ, stop. It's kinda getting annoying.


For everyone else......... How do you like your pinkies cooked? Deep fried or Air fried?

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3 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

How do you like your pinkies cooked? Deep fried or Air fried?

I prefer them air fried with a side of megashperes and baby cacodemons

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27 minutes ago, ALilGrayBoi said:

If a doom game was coming that early ID would’ve teased it by now. Don’t count on it

so no 2024 release?

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25 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

For everyone else......... How do you like your pinkies cooked? Deep fried or Air fried?

nooooo, pinkies are cute :(

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1 minute ago, nathanB404 said:

so no 2024 release?

I doubt it. Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get a 2025 release. If we’re lucky

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1 hour ago, nathanB404 said:

I’m 20 years old sadly. It’s a bit hard moving into this adultish life style that I’m trying to get accustomed to. 

you can have a job and be excited about a Doom game, those are not mutually exclusive things

anyways, the answer is no, don't count on it

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30 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I feel like this is getting out of hand. Lately i've been seeing this person post the same trash "When is the new doom game coming out?", "which one will come first doom or quake?"


My child in unholy christ, stop. It's kinda getting annoying.

It's been hard for us NuDoom fans during these times. From the closure of Mighty Doom, to the fallout between Mick and Bethesda Studios. We have been through it all.


It's been 3 years since tag 2 and 4 years since eternal's launch. We are starving for new doom content officially from ID here. As we have been desperately waiting to see what ID has been cooking since the job listing's came into fruition all the way back to November of 2021. I, and a lot of other Nudoomers outside of this site can agree that our patience is  running out. NuDoomtuber channels such as hmmmp and deadk3y have seemingly fallen out of the community due to this 2 year long content drought of nothingness. The only NuDoomtuber still going is HMG. But even he struggles to create new content for his channel. 


To say the situation is dire is a understatement. 

Screenshot 2024-05-16 10.36.19 PM.png

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asking a bunch of people who don't have access to Bethesda's inner bowels isn't going to make a new game come out faster :)

also, buddy, it's a fucking game, if I can be so blunt, there's a literal billion other ones you can play in the mean time.

Edited by Major Arlene

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@nathanB404 How is it nu-id's fault that the nu-doom community put themselves into a box? Jfc at least help re-populate the Zandronum servers that shit's gotten depressing in the last decade. I thought the new games and the additional community members it brought over would've re-injected life into that scene, but alas not.

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@nathanB404 I hate to be the one to say this, but I know a lot of us are thinking it at this point and someone has to vocalize it: you have a problem.


I get being excited about the prospect of a new Doom game. Trust me, I do. But there's a line beyond which that excitement becomes disruptive at best and downright unhealthy at worst. And you, my friend, stepped over that line a long time ago. If we'd at least seen some kind of reveal about a new Doom game at this point, I'd understand being this hyped up, but the fact of the matter is that you're obsessing over something that probably doesn't even exist and, even if it does, realistically won't be released anytime soon.


What I would whole-heartedly recommend you do is take some time off all of your electronic devices and put your energy into something else. A week or so at least. Take a nice, long walk. Hit the gym. Go bird-watching. Re-evaluate your priorities. And when you come back, make a thread about something else. Anything else.

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13 minutes ago, nathanB404 said:

It's been hard for us NuDoom fans during these times. From the closure of Mighty Doom, to the fallout between Mick and Bethesda Studios. We have been through it all.


It's been 3 years since tag 2 and 4 years since eternal's launch. We are starving for new doom content officially from ID here. As we have been desperately waiting to see what ID has been cooking since the job listing's came into fruition all the way back to November of 2021. I, and a lot of other Nudoomers outside of this site can agree that our patience is  running out. NuDoomtuber channels such as hmmmp and deadk3y have seemingly fallen out of the community due to this 2 year long content drought of nothingness. The only NuDoomtuber still going is HMG. But even he struggles to create new content for his channel. 


To say the situation is dire is a understatement. 

Screenshot 2024-05-16 10.36.19 PM.png


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59 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

asking a bunch of people who don't have access to Bethesda's inner bowels isn't going to make a new game come out faster :)


I'm going to break my NDA. I, as a matter of fact, do have access to Bethesda's inner bowels, and I do in fact have the ability to make it come out faster. I've grown restless like Young Nathan here has, and my ire knows very few bounds. I will sacrifice my noble prestige of being a Bethesda Corporate lackey and spill the beans. For context, I am under a contractual obligation to not talk about these things thanks to my role as the supreme overseer of the official Doom Discord. Frankly, this whole community should be sucking my toes as their overlord keeping the normies from finding out about us, but I am a humble internet janitor.


  • The next Doom game will be called "Doom: Excommunicado"
  • Runs on id Tech 7.2
  • Xbox/PC exclusive for 2 years.
  • Samuel Hayden does not make an appearance.
  • The main enemy roster will focus on monster alternatives. We will see "Elemental" Imps, such as Sodium Imps, Lead Imps, Americium Imps, and Nacho Imps.
  • Guns will abandon the alt-fire system and dial things down to more like Doom 3 behavior. No reloading, but more sluggish and calculated.
  • This is in response of struggling to make suitable alt-fires for the standard shotgun, which has also been removed in making the super shotgun into the "ultra Shotgun".
  • It will take place on Io, one of Neptune's moons.
  • No I did not make a typo, yes it's Neptune. In the effort to attract the woke crowd, Triton transitions into Io. Don't ask me.
  • The core of the plot will involve Doomguy entering his mid 50's and having to deal with a mid life crisis as he realizes he never found true love.
  • Andrew Hulshult will only be making a voice acting cameo. Music will be directed by Louis Cole, speculated member of Clown Core.
  • Levels will be punctuated with Commander Keen mini games. Not the original ones, they're going to use the levels from the cancelled mobile game people were raving for, but now the Keen twins are now Keen quadruplets.
  • There's discussions of making a preorder bonus that will unlock a fifth episode of Classic Doom. Turns out there's a whole E5 in all those wads, and we've just been too stupid to find it.
  • Romero talks about those holes.
  • Mother Demon makes a return, but her role is pitched as a "even the baddest of bad guys can become good" sort of role. They don't do anything to justify this, and my take away is we're supposed to horny simp for her, like how everyone horny simped for Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil: Village.
  • Plasma Rifle now fires blue energy.
  • We revisit the Icon of Sin and find Sandy Peterson's arm on a pike.
  • There will be a product placement for Soap brand shoes. Doomguy will turn to the camera and say "way past cool" before he pulls a grotty front flip.
  • The Archvile will not make an appearance.
  • The Viscount of Damnation will finally make its modern appearance, after last being seen in the leaked Doom 64 dev wad.
  • Boom compatible. Can read UDMF maps technically, but they couldn't crack the line action format in time.
  • Sticking to the theme of fighting gods, the central antagonist/place will be Valhalla. Doomguy will initially find kinship with the realm of the fallen vikings, until he sees one cooking a rabbit.
  • I die. Like, literally, me. Kevan. *ME*. They put me in the game and I die.
  • The game will follow a more traditional map format, offering 64 levels.

Now can we please stop enabling threads like this?

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i think these threads are hilarious, personally.


i mean, he just posted a pic of a tweet saying "young sheldon ends tonight". he's clearly fucking around

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55 minutes ago, nathanB404 said:

It's been hard for us NuDoom fans during these times.

Not as hard as it has been for us Thread Reading fans during these times, having to put up with threads like these.

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