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What guitar was used for the SC-55 samples?

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I've recently been wondering what guitar was used when recording the samples for the sc-55 distortion and overdrive guitar. I'm a guitar player myself but I'm not that good at recognising tones and I'm sure someone would be able to get a similar tone to it just by listening. I want to make a cover of a few songs from doom and I feel like trying to match the tone of the samples would sound better than just using a generic tone for the guitar. If anyone has any info, please reply.


Edit: sorry for posting a copy of this thread, I didn't see it on my profile and figured it failed to upload or something but no, it's just doomworld not showing recent activity OR notifying me of replies. thanks.

Edited by Tactical Burger

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To my ears, probably something with humbuckers. Beyond that I don't think the guitar itself matters so much as getting the right EQ and gain staging characteristics. It's a very honky tone, so something with that kind of mid-range attack would be important for recreating that vibe.

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