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Doom64EX not working on PS Vita

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I recently hacked my PS Vita to play various homebrew ports. When getting Doom64EX to work, I did the following steps:

1. Installed and extracted libshacccg.suprx using the ShaRKBR33D app (this file is required for Doom64EX to run on the vita).


2. Installed Doom64EX using VitaDB downloader.


3. Using VitaShell USB, I transferred the DOOM64.wad file into ux0:data/Doom64EX/.


However, upon starting up Doom64EX from the home menu I received the following error:



An error has occurred in the following application.


Saved Core File Succeeded.

ux0:data/psp2core- 1716148744-0x0000222895-eboot.bin.psp2dmp


I’ve tried re-doing the steps above and re-installing the app, but am met with the same error. Is there a possible solution to this issue?


Thanks in advance!

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That's probably something you'd have to take up with whoever did the PS Vita version of Doom 64 EX.


Thanks for making me remember my PS Vita and PSTV though. Loved those things.

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