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Why are recent Doomworld threads stupid?

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The public Post Hell days were something else. I kinda miss reading those fucked up weird threads but I can see why the admins decided to eventually close it off to the public.

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9 hours ago, Obsidian said:

I mentioned this in another thread, but this sort of thing could be mitigated to some degree if people used their status updates

This assumes that people can actually see those status updates in the wild, as such, the website's kinda borked?

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I wish people would use the status update feature more often in general, but even without the forum being somewhat broken I think it's just unfortunately too far "out of sight and out of mind". I think it would take a complete re-do of the whole layout to make the feature more prominent in order for people to really think about it and use it. It would improve the ecosystem here a lot though, people would be a little more connected and following someone would actually serve a purpose besides notifying you to tell you that the person made a post on the forum that you were probably going to see anyway. Right now it's more like a symbolic gesture than anything.

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3 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I wish people would use the status update feature more often in general, but even without the forum being somewhat broken I think it's just unfortunately too far "out of sight and out of mind". I think it would take a complete re-do of the whole layout to make the feature more prominent in order for people to really think about it and use it. It would improve the ecosystem here a lot though, people would be a little more connected and following someone would actually serve a purpose besides notifying you to tell you that the person made a post on the forum that you were probably going to see anyway. Right now it's more like a symbolic gesture than anything.

AtariAge Forums, which also use Invision Community for the layout, have this very feature in which status updates from members are publicly shown on the main page sidebar. It's a big shame the fact that we don't know who actually owns Doomworld makes implementing this, alongside other features, practically impossible.

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The status updates USED to be on the right side of the forum after the big upgrade, they got hidden not too long after.

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9 hours ago, VICE said:

This is shit, but this is still written as an actual thought formulated by a person capable of thinking - an entire paragraph with substance and an idea - i.e ''This person is x,y,z, this is my dumbass opinion on it''. It got nothing on 'Y Caco Red? Idk'' (which was probably a joke. A lame one).

Yeah buy it's not like you'll see an account made in 2024 post a thread as braindead as this one ;)

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As someone who has been on internet forums for 23 years now, internet discussion has always been blighted by unfunny, socially awkward people DESPERATELY trying to be funny. It's super cringe and obnoxious imo. It just seems like they desperately need people to like them and are more interested in drawing attention to themselves than discussing the topic. These people don't care about Doom, they are just using it as a vehicle to find people to validate them. It's not something you can fix though, the people who are legitimately interested in discussing stuff in depth will always be a minority.

Edited by Akagi666

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1 hour ago, Milkeno said:

Yeah buy it's not like you'll see an account made in 2024 post a thread as braindead as this one ;)

Even if I did, I wouldn't laugh and actually push my screen back thinking it was good advice. ;)


And that moderator response in the third post is on-point.

Edited by VICE

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11 hours ago, Gothic said:

I agree, Doom General has been very braindead recently, take a look at this shit:


The guffaw this got out of me, well done. Christ, some of those thread titles are fantastic.

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2 minutes ago, june gloom said:

The guffaw this got out of me, well done. Christ, some of those thread titles are fantastic.

i'm genuinely curious what "bleeping sucks" was about

edit: ohh it was about swearing, lame, i thought bleeping was like the sound deers make

Edited by fruity lerlups

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Obviously the problem is one of classification. If there was a subforum called stupid posts where they were correctly ordered and did not mix with the rest, there would be no problem.


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13 hours ago, Gothic said:

I agree, Doom General has been very braindead recently, take a look at this shit:


I would assume there are a lot of people who come to this site with the intention of posting degenerate shit in order to vent the lack of creativity in their actual lives. I seriously can't imagine a sane reason someone would post something like this.

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50 minutes ago, WH1T3 R0SE said:

what the fuck is going on i just join the doom community just to download mods

Is that why you made an account to post?

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8 minutes ago, Akagi666 said:

Is that why you made an account to post?

no i just want to download mods from doomworld but the download button is broken

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As an alternative to status updates, nothing's stopping you from carving your own Doom niche elsewhere on the internet. I run a Tumblr blog that has a decent following, I've posted about it before, and before that I used Backloggd (Letterboxd for video games) to review WADs. Obviously not everyone's going to want to review wads and Doomworld already has the interface, but in this case 99% of the issue is the "idiot of the week" threads with the usual suspects chiming in and the thread getting locked. It is what it is, it was a different gang of whodunnits back circa 2016-2017 and I in fact made one of those threads while Post Hell was still around. Xaser hit the nail on the head, it's just a young person thing.


I was 15 when I joined Doomworld, the closest thing to forums I had figured out was lurking SomethingAwful when I was a kid to find Let's Plays so I didn't get forum etiquette, that's why I try to be at least somewhat nice to these new people and not outright clown them. It's an uptick, sure, but like Kinsie said it probably runs like clockwork and in any case there's 1 thread a week. This isn't anything new really.


So whatever, yeah, I'm technically a zoomer, what difference does it make, we're all gonna get old and die so. Plenty of time to decide if a forum dedicated to an old FPS is worth your time. Mods do a good enough job, this is just the internet. Think about how bad it gets on Twitter or Reddit without any admin intervention.


Food for thought.

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I'd say it's inexperience with forum etiquette or immaturity combined with whatever the poster may be going through mentally. Which could describe someone of any generation.


On the topic of status updates, I think it would be helpful if they showed up on the right-hand sidebar somewhere. I think there's a little bit of space that could be used somehow, or things already there that could be adjusted to fit them.

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7 hours ago, RataUnderground said:

Obviously the problem is one of classification. If there was a subforum called stupid posts where they were correctly ordered and did not mix with the rest, there would be no problem.


Indeed. It would be constant work for moderators, but the "Everything Else" forum could have a subforum like "Hell's Sewer" where they manually move tasteless threads to quarantine them.  Skim the scum off the top of the aquarium, as it were...


A post like idk, Why Do Plasma Guns Have Blue Balls (with all the crassness implied, of course it would; and of course it would lack a question mark if this were posted), shouldn't be in "Doom General", and no one should willingly argue "But it talks about Doom in general!" because that argument isn't valid for such a type of post.

Edited by DiavoJinx

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As someone who’s a bit on the newer side, I am firmly in the camp of “bring back post hell”. We need somewhere to move all the shitposts because of many of the points above.


Still, I understand it’d be a lot of work for mods and it’d have to be smartly implemented as to not encourage that type of posting. But I think the benefits of it would outweigh the drawbacks.

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Been here for 20 years, trust me it is less stupid than before :P


51 minutes ago, Logamuffin said:

As someone who’s a bit on the newer side, I am firmly in the camp of “bring back post hell”. We need somewhere to move all the shitposts because of many of the points above.


Post hell was amusing but also no more effective than just locking or deleting threads. In fact, I think it was less effective, because it was sort of a troll's badge of honor to get Helled. And, anyone who was feeling cranky about it could then make another post and be like "look at my post that was sent to post hell waaaaa"

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Dumb shit has always existed on forums, but in particular a lot of young people didn't use these types of forums growing up and so don't understand the etiquette.

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silly stuff is just silly stuff. bad forum etiquette is responding in good faith to threads like "I'm doing an essay for college about doomer's backgrounds" with 30 strangely intrusive questions

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Typically I will post on niche topics even within the Doom community. But the website has been somewhat broken for me for a while. I have a hard time time keeping up with everything, so I used to search for niche topics that I missed. Well now that is broken for me, it won't show any recent posts. Also "Unread Content" is broken too (after I accidentally marked the site as read a while back), so I don't get to see the small topics through there anymore either. So the only topics I can randomly stumble across now is mostly the most popular ones like this.

I think that would get any topic that entices people to respond (whether good or bad is irrelevant) gets seen, and all the niche stuff I like is harder to find. It is a similar problem that Facebook had where the most popular rage inducing topics ended up floating to the top. I have noticed recently, YouTube has been recommending me a lot of small channels which I like, though so its not all "doom" and "gloom" across the internet.

I do hope that the topic search and unread content functionality can have a return though! I bet its something related how topic data is stored via dates.

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2 hours ago, maxmanium said:

Dumb shit has always existed on forums, but in particular a lot of young people didn't use these types of forums growing up and so don't understand the etiquette.

The leniency window is bigger and the repercussions are smaller nowadays. It's arguably a lot fairer as there were no doubt some hasty bans for people that didn't actually mean any harm, but as toxic as it was in the early to mid naughties when we were all tweens and teens still and the early internet largely consisted of socially awkward shut-in nerds if you said dumb ass shit you would remember what you did and either got your head on straight and didn't do it again or you were cast into the abyss. Or launched into the sun. Or banished to out-of-bounds. Or whatever we did for fun back in the day.

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As a newbie with the tendency to confuse threads and blog posts, I read some ideas here about status update or things like that and I genuinely ask myself : what threads are considered good on "doom general" or "everything else" ? (I know there is a whole spectrum between stupid and good but just want to know, without any agressivity, what is the idea of promiseland in these sections of the forum ?)

In a place with people running from 10 to 70 yo, from veterans, specialist to newbies or people who came here because of rediscovering doom during confinement or because of myhouse... yeah, with all of that, sure you'll mandatory face some silly threads, sometimes densely represented but, first, it's relative, second, most of these threads disappear quickly in oblivion...

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I whole heartedly believe it started when myhouse.wad got discovered by YouTube, reddit, and TikTok. It was the tri-yearly defibrillation of this three-decade-old franchise and so did come the people re-discovering/just realizing the modding potential of the old games - along with that, stupid posts. That's it, I think. Maybe I'm just salty about that damn mod's fanbase but being both a Doom fan and a browser of the aforementioned social medias, I had seen how an influx of people coming to dick-around on places like this can have a drastic effect on a congregation of videogame fans. On the contrary, you have the oldheads being cunts towards new posters. Not exactly a preferable alternative.

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It's not just Doomworld that has boring threads lately. Check out this masterpiece of an article that PCGamer just posted, where they act like gib-pronunciation-technique advice from John Romero is something new and not something everyone heard years ago:




Rest assured that they'll make a new one when he explains that the cackodemon is actually a cockodemon.


See, articles like this also lead to redundant content, because someone will read such an article and then come over here to share it, not knowing that it's already common knowledge here.

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