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Liminal Doom 2 [RC4]

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Que coincidencia hermano, el otro día andaban hablando de espacios liminales en doom.

Que interesante saber que hay tanta gente aquí que le gustan los espacios liminales.



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Well this certainly is interesting! I'll be very curious to see how this compares to the first one and what lessons you took away/applied to this batch. Maybe I'll even dust off the old youtube channel for it?

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I enjoyed the first one, aside from one specific Spider Mastermind fight (you probably all know the one). Brother sent me a pic of the room tht the ending map/title screen of Liminal Doom was based on, I sent him the wad in response, and he was all '..huh'. Would be neat if that ending map was expanded to a full one here, but its unlikely :p

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Te juro que algún día cuando tenga tiempo y un poco más liberada mi lista de wads, algo tuyo voy a jugar (tu mapa del HCP me gustó bastante)...

En fin groso, se ven muy bien las capturas, ¡y testeado por el mismísimo Ribbicks! Vos sos loco che. Felicidades por el lanzamiento.

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Que capo Dash, la verdad por lo poco que vi de tu mapping, se nota que sos un tipo que le pone mucho espiritu a las cosas que quiere representar y elaborar. Y eso se nota mucho. Ojala este post llegue alto!

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Thanks for letting me playtest this, was really fun and cool. Probably gonna give it a try on HMP soon-ish. I give my "very good shit brother" seal of approval

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@dashlet Loving the WAD so far if you want to check my runthrough I've officially made a full playlist as I navigate through this amazing WAD, this can be found below.  Great Atmosphere and Ambushes my friend, enjoying Map 02's insane ambushes right now and hope to have that one up before the day is over.  Love what you and your team have done with this so far my friend, amazing job \m/



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Thanks everyone for the support. This project drained a lot of energy from me in the last months, but im really happy to see it finally out. Hopefully everyone can get something memorable out of it.

17 hours ago, Devalaous said:

I enjoyed the first one, aside from one specific Spider Mastermind fight (you probably all know the one). Brother sent me a pic of the room tht the ending map/title screen of Liminal Doom was based on, I sent him the wad in response, and he was all '..huh'. Would be neat if that ending map was expanded to a full one here, but its unlikely :p

Hehe, just starting map01 will surprise you then.

Edited by dashlet

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If my seal of approval is worth anything, you got it. I'm up to map05 and I don't want to say much so as not to spoil anyone, but suffice it to say that the experience has been very rewarding. The ambition on display here is staggering. A huge recommendation from me, enjoying it a lot.

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  • changed a couple of keycard strings
  • purple key fight in map03 its now a bit more harder
  • fixed missing texture in map04
  • fixed a door needing a blue key instead of purple in map05
  • fixed a softlock in map05 show area
  • fixed a possible unintended sequence break
  • some other tiny changes probably
Edited by dashlet

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  • fixed a softlock in map31
  • added a disclaimer to the text file and the thread about map05
  • map05 changes:
  • added a bit more of health 
  • buffed normal difficulty even more in terms of ammo and health
  • removed shadow horde on normal
  • added a bit more of ammo in the red key fight arena
  • added an alternative path through a teleport on the red key card zone
  • added a clue for the blue key card
  • the shadow horde now properly appears at midnight
  • some tiny changes to brightness and textures in some zones


Edited by dashlet

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Okay, hopefully this is the last version. Only updating this if a softlock or graphical glitch its found, otherwise after some time ill be uploading this to idgames. Credits to taviow and stxvile for playing through map05 fully and finding bunch of clunky things and for general feedback.



Map05 changes:



  • fixed a problem with the show rendering the secret exit unreachable.
  • replaced the archvile near the show area with a pain elemental. This prevents you from vile jumping into the show, breaking things. 
  • buffed blue key fight on hard: imps are now revs, and theres an extra archvile outside with a baron.
  • the archvile on the yellow key fight now lowers when the barons are reveal.
  • the automap secret does not requires the grey key card anymore.
  • the red book area now contains 3 hellknights instead of 2 on hard.
  • added more imps to the purple key fight on hard.
  • added one secret that contains a clue on how to get the purple key.
  • changed the "hours" textures to something a bit more clear.
  • added some enemies on the area unlocked by the green key. 
  • other misc changes that prevents some clunky stuff.



Edited by dashlet

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@dashlet  Fully covering this WAD on my channel loving the aesthetics of Map03 right now.  Feel like I need to be at the Hot Springs after Map02 because that Secret Fight (at 24:18) was one of the most brutal fights I've ever experienced!  I think the difficulty just shot over 9000!  I literally stopped counting all of the deaths during that fight.  I'm absolutely loving the aesthetics and the challenge my friend once I'm done I'll make a wrap up trailer to promote your amazing work on this WAD.  Outstanding job with this WAD my friend


Edited by LegendaryEevee

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Masterful, labyrinthine construction of spaces between, spaces that once were but are no longer, and spaces that could never be. The clock is ticking.


ldoom2-maribo.zip - v0.27.5, RCs required for playback included.

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What a coincidence !

On 5/22/2024 at 8:29 PM, DankMetal said:

Que coincidencia hermano, el otro día andaban hablando de espacios liminales en doom.

Que interesante saber que hay tanta gente aquí que le gustan los espacios liminales.



As @Dankmetal mentionned it, not long ago I started a thread about liminal spaces in doom and how to reproduce them in the engine (she linked said-thread in the quote). It also helps that I intend to soon create a community project about liminal spaces (mostly focused but not limited to the poolrooms), so this might help a lot !

Right now I don't have the time to play it, it looks very promising from the screenshots, I will say it and give my feedbacl when I end up playing it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, just finished map 01. This is amazing so far.


I actually popped in here because I have the missing music credit for map 01. I was trying to think of where I'd heard it before, and it's actually by an obscure old MIDI composer called Michael Fonos who made a handful of tracks inspired by hypothetical video games or something like that. The track used in map 01 is called "The Ditch, Part 1: Nostalgic." You can find other tracks by him on this page.

Edited by Not Jabba

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On 6/11/2024 at 6:26 PM, Not Jabba said:

Hey, just finished map 01. This is amazing so far.


I actually popped in here because I have the missing music credit for map 01. I was trying to think of where I'd heard it before, and it's actually by an obscure old MIDI composer called Michael Fonos who made a handful of tracks inspired by hypothetical video games or something like that. The track used in map 01 is called "The Ditch, Part 1: Nostalgic." You can find other tracks by him on this page.


Thank you for finding this. I remember getting the midi from the site you shared, but it was so long ago that i thought that the page may have been removed. Thankfully its still up and i can properly get the music credits for map01. I knew it was called nostalgic and something.

Edited by dashlet

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