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How do I create a doom level off a mod?

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This is bugging me. Since I got an interest in project brutality. I wanted to make a level based on the mod. However, the assets that project brutality has (ammo pickups, items, guns, enemies, etc) are not present in the things tab of doombuilderx. (the level builder I use) So if anyone can tell me how to add them. I would greatly appreciate it.

Edited by Starcat1234

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11 hours ago, Starcat1234 said:

This is bugging me. Since I got an interest in project brutality. I wanted to make a level based on the mod. However, the assets that project brutality has (ammo pickups, items, guns, enemies, etc) are not present in the things tab of doombuilderx. (the level builder I use) So if anyone can tell me how to add them. I would greatly appreciate it.

You need to add the project brutality pk3 as a resource in builder and you need to make sure it's DECORATE/ZSCRIPT files contain call numbers for the actors to appear in Doombuilder.

Just be aware when mapping for specific mods that use specific assets such as Brutal Doom or Project Brutality. Anyone who wants to play it also needs those EXACT same assets (and potentially the exact same version of PB you used) or errors may arise from incorrect or missing files etc. You may also be severely limiting your potential audience to only players who use Project Brutality.

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The last part is not a problem for me. Since the levels are just personal. But I get what you¡re saying.


Also. How do I change Zscript?

1 minute ago, Doom-X-Machina said:

You need to add the project brutality pk3 as a resource in builder and you need to make sure it's DECORATE/ZSCRIPT files contain call numbers for the actors to appear in Doombuilder.

Just be aware when mapping for specific mods that use specific assets such as Brutal Doom or Project Brutality. Anyone who wants to play it also needs those EXACT same assets (and potentially the exact same version of PB you used) or errors may arise from incorrect or missing files etc. You may also be severely limiting your potential audience to only players who use Project Brutality.


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5 minutes ago, Doom-X-Machina said:

You need a copy of SLADE to access the DECORATE and ZSCRIPT files in the PK3.

No wonder slade is important.

Edit: Done. Now I will see if it works.

Edited by Starcat1234

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3 minutes ago, Doom-X-Machina said:

Allows you access to WAD and PK3 files, import/export of assets, access to everything basically...

It is an invaluable tool to anyone building maps or mods for Doom.

I'm assuming it isn't user friendly. But I didn't test it out, so I'll have to see.

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SLADE is extremely user friendly by my reckoning--at least it's probably about as user friendly as a modding tool can be.  There's a bit of a learning curve, but the same is true of any tool I suppose.


Thank all your lucky stars and planets you don't need to use XWE ;)


Hope you can figure this out, I'm not one to play with mods really but I do think they deserve to have more maps balanced and designed for them and would probably check them out too.

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For some stupid reason, Project Brutality only defines SpawnIDs for monsters, not DoomEd numbers. This means that if you want to spawn one of the new monsters, or a specific non-randomized monster, you need to place a Map Spot and use ACS to spawn them that way. It's pretty dumb. You can crack open the PBTEST map to see such machinations in action.


I like to think I've been a pretty strong, loud proponent of making gameplay mods mapper-friendly, so I'm pretty disappointed by this discovery TBH. Gameplay modders should absolutely give their stuff editor numbers and editor keys. It takes like five seconds, there's no excuse.

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I did this with Condemned (built on top of Wayfarer's Tome). As others have said you need to probably package the version you build off of with your levels to ensure compatibility. Probably good practice to contact the mod creator as well.

RE: What Kinsie said, you could probably just add a MAPINFO file to your level set to give the Project Brutality things DoomEd numbers. Giving editor keys is a bit more advanced if they aren't in the original but you can do it

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On 5/24/2024 at 2:03 PM, Kinsie said:

RE: What Kinsie said, you could probably just add a MAPINFO file to your level set to give the Project Brutality things DoomEd numbers. Giving editor keys is a bit more advanced if they aren't in the original but you can do it

Alright. I'll keep that in mind.

Edited by Starcat1234

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