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E3 a month away...


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What are your D3 expectations? I'm hoping of a lot of new screenshots, a LONG gameplay video, not just some leaked shakycam footage, and not some legacy video crap either. I want actual ingame, high detail game footage. Hopefully a guestimated release date too, though that isn't id's style.

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Wired magazine said there would be a new demonstration at E3. Hopefully we will see some new screenshots aswell, along with some nice free desktopart.

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Alientank said:

What are your D3 expectations? I'm hoping of a lot of new screenshots, a LONG gameplay video, not just some leaked shakycam footage, and not some legacy video crap either. I want actual ingame, high detail game footage. Hopefully a guestimated release date too, though that isn't id's style.

Why would you want all that crap? To spoil all the surprises before the game is out?

I just want the game when it is ready and no damn screenshots or other spoilers! Thank you.

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I hope id software does not release too much new media and I hope that the speech Carmack is holding will inspire our imaginations about the future of 3D realtime engines beyond the already high expectations.

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Dark-tenshi said:

I wih id should stop releasing info and finish the game.

??? Id has realeased almost nothing, only a couple small stuff got leaked. Plus it doesnt take any time or work to release some information!

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well,i consindered all the info that has been released so far is much enough.The pic of monsters in PCGamer is already a major spoiler to me.Relasing more info can be more spoiler

You`re true that Releasing more info won`t take time.But I just only want the DAMN game.

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Wobbo said:

??? Id has realeased almost nothing, only a couple small stuff got leaked. Plus it doesnt take any time or work to release some information!

Which rock are you living under? Take a look at the screenshot section - we've got more than three screenshots, we've got an official video as well as a GeForce 3 demo showing off Doom 3 tech (which is not quite so official).

And then we've got the leaked stuff which should MORE than suffice. If it were only the bootleg video, it wouldn't be so bad, but people can download a fucking leaked alpha of the game which contains quite a lot of details on the game - that's even supposing that the final product will be vastly updated and improved (and maybe even changed somewhat).

Wtf do you people want? Do you want id to release as much info as they did with RtCW? That's exactly what toned the game down in the end - we don't want that for Doom 3.
I've said it countless times before, but now the situation calls for it again:
I would rather be kept in the dark and be pleasantly surprised than know like 50% about the game before it came out.

Every once in a while, I hear negative voices towards Doom 3, which never fails to piss me off, because it kills my own enthusiasm - do you know what brought this about??? Too much released info. Good night, sleep well!

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readville said:

Doom(and everthing else) will get owned by HL2 at E3.

Don't count on it. Half life 2 isn't expected to bring anything new to the table, afterall it IS using the Quake 3 engine, Doom 3 is...sorta. It's pretty much a new engine minus a few commands and that. Doom 3 is a revolutionary thing, Half life 2 is just another single player storyline and multiplayer. CS 2 might be good though, never know. If they can control the cheaters this time around.

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Alientank said:

Don't count on it. Half life 2 isn't expected to bring anything new to the table, afterall it IS using the Quake 3 engine

It's not what you got.....it's how you use what you got that counts.

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Valve has developed their own in-house engine.It has been previously mentioned many times.And it`s posible that HL2 will use this new engine.

I don`t care that HL2 will own E3 or not.If the final product turn to be good,I`ll play it.

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Dark-tenshi said:

Valve has developed their own in-house engine.It has been previously mentioned many times.And it`s posible that HL2 will use this new engine.

I don`t care that HL2 will own E3 or not.If the final product turn to be good,I`ll play it.

Agreed, the final product is the ONLY thing that matters. Everything else is pure speculation/hype.

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Me hoping that we'll get to see the new cyberdemon or cacodemon. Though that kinda depends. Maybe i don't want to be spoilt on the info.

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Half-Life 2 is not using the Quake 3 engine, but a powerful new engine developed by Valve in-house over the past four years, called Source.

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  • 2 weeks later...
dsm said:

Which rock are you living under? Take a look at the screenshot section - we've got more than three screenshots, we've got an official video as well as a GeForce 3 demo showing off Doom 3 tech (which is not quite so official).

??? Theres less than 15 screenshots, and thhe geforce 3 demo showss almost nothhing. all i was saying is that id has not been BUSY releasing info and even if they WERE it isnt taking time away from making the game

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We will get an official Doom 3 trailer at E3. My guess is there will be much stuff we've already seen, but also footage of a 'new' monster... perhaps the Revenant.

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readville said:

Doom(and everthing else) will get owned by HL2 at E3.

you my friend are a fucking idiot noob. Nuff said. Weve seen the screenshots, half life two doesnt even come *CLOSE*

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Shaviro said:

We will get an official Doom 3 trailer at E3. My guess is there will be much stuff we've already seen, but also footage of a 'new' monster... perhaps the Revenant.

Will they release it on the internet this time? Or is it 'E3 booth only'?

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Alientank said:

Half life 2 isn't expected to bring anything new to the table, afterall it IS using the Quake 3 engine,

Yeah right, it's brand new. Get the new PCG, there's a huge piece on HL2, which goes over the brand new engine's capabilities. So read up if you're interested.

For E3, I'm hoping there will be a playable demo, a short one, like the Unreal2 demo. It shouldn't be too hard to make a small map with a few imps or zombies.

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gatewatcher said:

Yeah right, it's brand new. Get the new PCG, there's a huge piece on HL2, which goes over the brand new engine's capabilities. So read up if you're interested.

For E3, I'm hoping there will be a playable demo, a short one, like the Unreal2 demo. It shouldn't be too hard to make a small map with a few imps or zombies.

That won't happen.

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Without saying anything about who is going to own who I still believe that Half Life 2 is going to get more attention than Doom 3 here.

Mostly because it is brand new, where Doom 3 has been in development (and the public spotlight) for some time. If id doesn't come up with anything to trumph the previos E3 show I guess Half Life 2 will be the star of the show.

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Exactly. Also because of the fact that many young gamers have simply never played Doom or Doom II. They have never been involved in the wadcommunity and they don't live Doom like some of us do or used to do. For many of them, Halflife is the one and only FPS out there. I don't blame them for it, they were simply to young to play videogames when Doom was big.

This obviously doesn't apply to everyone, but for a lot of young people out there, it does.

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because timm willits said it I believe. hesaid something like we wont showw off the game, not even to press or public or something like that.

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