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Favorite Doom Pyramids?

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I really really REALLY like pyramids. I think it's like a human instinct or something where we just like big triangular thingy for no reason. And the Doom engine is particularly well suited for pyramids.. Which is why I'm going to go over some of the most memorable and best Doom pyramids in my opinion. Feel free to also post screenshots of pyramids that you like, I'd really like to see them!


Of course we all know the obvious answer for a question like this, so I'll get it out of the way:


Alien Vendetta Map20: Misri Halek



Even though its famous it's kinda cut off at the top, so not technically a pyramid? Though I suspect that's due to limitations with having the player be able to go inside the pyramid. There is an actual pyramid right behind you when you spawn in so I won't complain too much. Of course we all know what's inside that pyramid, and that should count for something.

Rating (out of 5): ▲▲▲½


Auger;Zenith Map10: Photon Geyser



This one sort of has that Las Vegas Luxor Casino vibe with the lights, which I really dig! On top of that, this part is probably the most memorable arena in the entirety of Auger;Zenith (At least for me). This pyramid has it all, it's snazzy, it has bruteforced slopes, and it's not Egypt themed for a change!


Rating: ▲▲▲▲


Lost Civilization Map19: Division.




These pyramids are just awesome. They jut out of the sky, they're steep, they're varied and there's tons of them. Jaaska also put pyramids all over LostCiv, most notably the sky pyramids in Map01, which make no sense but they sure do look cool as hell. It's clear Jaaska is a pyramid aficionado like myself, and that on top of how unique and visually striking these pyramids are make them without a doubt my favorite.


Rating: ▲▲▲▲▲

Edited by Logamuffin

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the one in Map13 of Doom 2 in City Only, going inside just leads to the regular exit of the map but it still looks very amazing


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Avactor is chock-full of pyramids, I just had a quick run through and counted more pyramids than maps in the WAD. A few highlights:


MAP01, the first pyramid in the WAD:




MAP08, an imposing sight right at the start of the map (and yes, you do go inside it):




MAP09, two pyramids outside the playable area of the map, purely for decoration. I didn't even notice these until I was running through the maps looking for pyramid-like structures on the automap:




MAP10; I particularly like this under-construction pyramid, it's a fresh take on the theme after so many other pyramids in the WAD, and it makes for a great centerpiece as you ascend the scaffolding and fight at different levels:








Since we've covered Misri Halek, I'd be remiss not to mention MAP29 from Struggle: Antaresian Legacy, which is heavily inspired by Misri Halek:




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Alien Vendetta by far. I love how they crammed a whole level under that pyramid. Of course, ultimately it's underground, but it's all very consistent.

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Ancient Aliens MAP18. Bonus point for the rotating pyramidion hologram.




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Always nice to see threads that put temporary focus on specific sector designs. Although I don't pay enough attention to doom pyramids, the Avactor shots that Shepardus posted are insanely beautiful, I kinda want to revisit them now (but I won't lol). 


I thought of these two:



This is from Earth by Roger Ritenour. It's in the second map. And it's completely vanilla of course, there's nothing else around it. I really liked it when I first saw it, like one of the major highlights from a wad I otherwise wasn't a fan of. Seeing it now reminded me of other very old pyramid-esque/ish structures like TNT's map 31 or HacX map 15 but I didn't take pictures of them.



This is from Deadly Ritual, the DBP number 51. Although I took the screenshot from an angle you normally could not reach (and it kinda spoils the trick behind it), there're other spots from where you can properly view it in all its greatness.



This is mine and it's in the bonus wad in Hell Revealations. Of course I was gonna plug in something I made myself. It's humble and, well, truncated... I'm pretty sure I thought of Earth's one a few times while I was making this one. It was originally gonna have a tall staircase comprised of lots of short steps, as an obscure nod to a tall staircase in HR2 map 28. Vanilla drawsegs limit vehemently opposed to that plan. I like it for what it is.


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First pyramid I saw in a DOOM game.  MAP31 PHARAOH in FINAL DOOM - TNT EVILUTION.  This map is really cryptic.. I got lost for years.  I didn't know you had to download a TNT31 MAP PATCH or something that lets you obtain the YELLOW key.  Without it.. you are DOOMed in this level.


Edited by vanilla_d00m

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The ones that are in Arch-vile Arrival and Steve88's map for Mysterious Mayan Mayhem....


Yeah...I can't be surprised.

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I love all of the pyramids so far! I'm gonna give my dumb pyramid reviews for these also, mostly because it's fun and I get to use the pointy triangle symbol a bit more.


@Mystic 256: D2ICO Map13

Wow, I like this one. Love the 2 texture design it has going on, it makes it look a bit more varied and cool. Also, the spikey things it has definitely make it one of the most unique looking pyramids so far. Reminds, I built a pyramid in Minecraft once that had a bunch of spikes like that. Really cool.


Rating: ▲▲▲½


@Shepardus: Avactor's Pyramids

Going to be rating these together cause there's a bunch of them. First off, Mayan pyramids, love it! A lot of pyramid designs focus on an Egypt theme, so any one that doesn't gets big points from me. The two-tone design of gray and green is very nice. And even though a lot of these pyramids look very similar, I like them. Oh yeah, the one exception is the under construction pyramid from Map10. An underground pyramid is something I didn't know I needed to see, but it looks absolutely fantastic.

Rating: ▲▲▲½

@Shepardus: Struggle Map29

Wow, the construction on this one is intricate. So intricate that It's very hard to tell what's going on at first because everything is the same color. For example, I didn't realize the main structure was a pyramid at first because of it blending in with the sky. So definitely points off for the colors, but everything else is great. It has that same steep pyramid design that Division had, and the main is kind of staggered in terms of its platforms, giving it a unique shape. I can't give this a high score because it is honestly difficult for me to look at because of the colors, but it is still fantastic in terms of its design.


Rating: ▲▲▲


@antares031: Ancient Aliens Map18

I was trying to remember which AA level had the pyramid so thank you. Looking at it again, this pyramid is absolutely bonkers. Colors are great, the texture variety is great. I love the neon light strips running up it, and as you said, bonus points for the rotating symbol at the top. This is definitely one of the most unique and interesting pyramids so far, which is no surprise since it's from Ancient Aliens. I can see why the CIA would want to cover this one up!


Rating: ▲▲▲▲▲


@galileo31dos01: Earth's Pyramid
This one is just a standard pyramid. It's brown I guess? Like the surroundings though, so I wont give it a
single ▲ (the grade for standard pyramids).

Rating: ▲½

@galileo31dos01: DBP51's Pyramid
Wow, this one is sort of like one of Avactor's Mayan Pyramids but more unique. The midtex shenanigans are clever, and I love the pseudo-floating nature of it. It kind of makes it look like it's taking off with rockets or something. Bonus points for the underground cave and the overgrown-ness of the pyramid. Overall very good!

Rating: ▲▲▲▲

@galileo31dos01's Hell Revelation Pyramid

I like the non-standard design here. It's not triangular and that's cool because not all pyramids need to be triangles! Points off for the lack of detail but what's there is good.


Rating: ▲▲▲


@Xaser's Sky Pyramids

Wow, these are cool. I just love inverted pyramids for some reason. Other than the invertedness, there isn't much to see, they're just one texture. Bonus points for the surroundings and placement though, I guess.


Rating: ▼▼▼


@WASFDDDDD's 15 minute pyramid

Looks like 15 minutes. I guess you used slopes, that's kind of cool, but other than that there isn't much to say here. Just a standard pyramid.

Rating: ▲


@vanilla_d00m: TNT Map31

The original Egyptian pyramid from the original Egyptian level. One thing I never liked about this pyramid is the way it just has a hole straight to the middle. I know that's how you need to build a pyramid to make it navigable in the doom engine, but like still you could've designed it different. But I can't complain too much, it was the 90s after all, and this map in particular was the originator of many a Egyptian level. This pyramid walked so others could run! That's gotta count for something.

Rating: ▲▲½


@Berubaretto's Creepy Doom 64 Pyramid

What the heck did you take this picture with? The color filter makes it look creepy as hell and I like the vibe. The gargoyle face at the top definitely adds to that. There isn't much to see but it has vibes, and that definitely gives it big points.


Rating: ▲▲▲½


@Vosolokoviteh's Deathmatch Pyramid

I like this one. First, it's in lava, which is badass. Second, it has those Mayan type steps going up it, which I also very much enjoy. Points off for being one texture but the design is solid. Rock solid, one might say...


Rating: ▲▲▲

Edited by Logamuffin

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Dannebubinga uses revenants on pyramids like candles on a birthday cake:






A few extras from Sunlust:





And of course I gotta plug my own humble temple from Saturnia:

Edited by Xyzzу

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10 hours ago, Logamuffin said:


@WASFDDDDD's 15 minute pyramid

Looks like 15 minutes. I guess you used slopes, that's kind of cool, but other than that there isn't much to say here. Just a standard pyramid.

Rating: ▲


Man if I knew these were being graded I would've made something more impressive

I can do that if you want

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11 hours ago, Logamuffin said:

@Berubaretto's Creepy Doom 64 Pyramid

What the heck did you take this picture with? The color filter makes it look creepy as hell and I like the vibe. The gargoyle face at the top definitely adds to that. There isn't much to see but it has vibes, and that definitely gives it big points.

It's a beta screenshot of Doom 64 displaying a Mesoamerican style step pyramid but it doesn't appear in the final game.


I'm pretty sure it's also a map in Doom 64 Retribution.

Edited by Baron T. Mueriach

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On 5/26/2024 at 10:36 PM, WASFDDDDD said:

Man if I knew these were being graded I would've made something more impressive

I can do that if you want




Hope this isn't too overdetailed lol, I tried my best




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This one isn't as impressive on the outside as it is inside - Map 06 from Golden Souls 1, Daring Desert. The level, being set in the pyramid, is far more claustrophobic than most of the wad, but it's a nice change of pace all the same. A lot of GZDoom features are used pretty well here. There's even a neat cameo near the end.


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Now I'm not sure when this was added or removed, but at one point E2M1 in FreeDoom Phase 1 had a structure with some harmless little slopes that were only visible in ZDoom family ports.



This was taken in ZDoom. Maybe I should have raised the gamma a little more.


This was taken in PrBoom+.


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While Misri Halek will always be the one that comes to mind first, another that comes to mind is a map inspired by Malde's magnum opus: Eternal's MAP31 from Epic 2, Osirion.


As to be expected from Alexander S, his construction is clean and carefully lit. There's a sense of grandeur that pulls you in... a grand mausoleum, standing proud under the gentle gaze of the moon, and a boundless starry sky.


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Was there a pyramid in Scythe or Scythe II? I may confuse it with just the tomb themes.


Some of these I've seen before but not that Avactor. Definitely have to check that out. Great dark vibes.



Edited by slowfade

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5 hours ago, baja blast rd. said:

good thread, rate my pyramid



Just noticed the zombieman and almost caused a ruckus in the apartment.

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@xyzzy: Dannebubinga's Revenant Pyramids

These are pyramids and they serve a practical gameplay purpose. Win win! They aren't very special in the visual department to be fair, but I will give points for functionality.


Rating: ▲▲½


@xyzzy's Saturnia Pyramid

Another mayan pyramid! The use of the wood textures on the stairs is cool, makes it look more plutionia-esque. But other than that, it's a pretty standard Mayan pyramid. Still like it though.


Rating: ▲▲▲½


@WASFDDDDD's Better Pyramid

Just to be upfront, I was not expecting anyone to make a pyramid specifically for this thread so I can grade it. But seeing this is a welcome surprise. I love the layered design and use of slopes, as well as the colored lighting which gives the pyramid a very unique tone. One thing I'll gripe about is that the sky really does not go well with the rest of the structure. But overall, this pyramid is huge, finely detailed and visually appealing. Please turn this into a real, standalone level and release it so I can play it.


Rating: ▲▲▲▲


@RulesMcGee: Golden Souls MAP06 Pyramid

Very basic from the outside. I guess I'll give it points for the desert haze, and surroundings, but other than that there isn't really much to judge here.


Rating: ▲½


@baja blast rd.: Super Awesome Cyberdemon Pyramid

I am speechless. I have no words. This pyramid is simply amazing. It is perfectly laid out. Perfectly crafted. I cannot believe a mere mortal created this work. Everything about it is simple, elegant perfection. I can't help but cry in the face of such beauty.


Rating: ▲▲▲▲▲

Edited by Logamuffin

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On 6/1/2024 at 1:38 PM, Logamuffin said:


@WASFDDDDD's Better Pyramid

Just to be upfront, I was not expecting anyone to make a pyramid specifically for this thread so I can grade it. But seeing this is a welcome surprise. I love the layered design and use of slopes, as well as the colored lighting which gives the pyramid a very unique tone. One thing I'll gripe about is that the sky really does not go well with the rest of the structure. But overall, this pyramid is huge, finely detailed and visually appealing. Please turn this into a real, standalone level and release it so I can play it.


Rating: ▲▲▲▲

I was thinking about turning it into a playable level, but it just doesn't have the makings of one. There's too much symmetry, no structure, no flow, it's all there just to look cool. Hell of an aesthetic, but not much of a level if we're being honest

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