monkeymaster69 Posted May 25, 2024 (edited) so i have been trying to make a reload animation for a ported 10MM pistol from fallout i used Weasel tutorial but it doesn't function ive follow the guide to everything said but the reload is buggy before it let me reload the gun even with a full clip and succedetly it didn't reload at all and had infinite ammo for some reason ill leave the code here so that some one can tell me where i got wrong the tutorial Actor Vaultdweller : doomplayer { Player.WeaponSlot 2, 10mmPistol Player.StartItem "10mmPistol" Player.StartItem "ReloadAni10mm", 15 Player.StartItem "fist" } actor 10mmPistol : Weapon { Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 Weapon.AmmoType1 "ReloadAni10mm" Weapon.AmmoUse1 0 Weapon.AmmoType2 "10MMClip" Weapon.AmmoUse2 0 Weapon.AmmoGive 20 Inventory.Pickupmessage "Picked up a pistol." +Weapon.Ammo_Optional +Weapon.Ammo_CheckBoth States { Ready: 10MM A 1 A_weaponready(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD) Loop Deselect: 10MM A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: 10MM A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("Reload") 10MM A 4 10MM B 6 A_FireBullets(4,4,-1,6,"BulletPuff",1) 10MM B 1 10MM C 5 A_ReFire Goto Ready Reload: 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ReloadAni10mm", 12, 2) // If the gun's full, jump 2 states. 10MM A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("10mmClip", 1, "ReloadWork") // If there's extra ammo, reload. 10MM A 1 // Here's where that first line ends up - the gun does nothing and returns to Ready. goto ready ReloadWork: 10MM A 1 10MM D 3 10MM E 3 10MM E 0 A_GiveInventory("ReloadAni10mm",12) 10MM G 8 A_TakeInventory("10mmClip", 1) 10MM E 6 10MM D 4 10MM A 3 ReloadLoop: // Here's where the magic happens! TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("10mmClip", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("ReloadAni10mm", 1) // Only give ONE bullet at a time) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ReloadAni10mm", 12, "ReloadFinish") // If it's full, finish up. TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("10mmClip", 1, "ReloadLoop") // If it's NOT full, keep it rolling. Goto ReloadFinish // And if it's not full but there's no reserve ammo, finish up anyway. ReloadFinish: TNT1 A 8 10MM A 1 Offset(0,82) 10MM D 1 Offset(0,72) 10MM E 1 Offset(0,62) 10MM F 1 Offset(0,52) 10MM G 1 Offset(0,44) 10MM F 1 Offset(0,38) 10MM E 1 Offset(0,35) 10MM D 1 Offset(0,32) Goto Ready Flash: 10MM A 3 Bright A_Light2 10MM A 3 Bright A_Light1 10MM A 0 Bright A_Light0 Goto LightDone Spawn: 10MM A -1 Stop } } Actor 10MMClip : Ammo replaces Clip { Inventory.Amount 10 // You'll get half this if a monster drops it. Inventory.MaxAmount 150 Ammo.BackpackAmount 30 // How much you'll get out of backpacks or equivalent. Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 300 // The new max amount if player has a backpack. Inventory.Icon "CLIPA0" // This displays on the fullscreen HUD. Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up some 10mm ammo." States { Spawn: CLIP A -1 Stop } } ACTOR ReloadAni10mm : Ammo { Inventory.MaxAmount 12 +IGNORESKILL } Edited May 25, 2024 by monkeymaster69 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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