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Who win in fight? Frank Horrigan or Doom 1/2 Cyberdemon?

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Frank has endgame knife and end game plasma rifle, cyberdemon has no melee but rocket launcher


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frank horrigan has a total of 999 hp, meanwhile the cyberdemon has 4000. the rocket launcher in doom can do 20-160 damage, it'll take a minimum of 7 or a maximum of 50 direct hits from a rocket. meanwhile the end boss plasma gun can do 30 - 70 damage per hit, meaning a minimum hitcount of 134 or maximum hitcount of 58. easy win for the cyberdemon tbh

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2 hours ago, 8088mph said:

frank horrigan has a total of 999 hp, meanwhile the cyberdemon has 4000. the rocket launcher in doom can do 20-160 damage, it'll take a minimum of 7 or a maximum of 50 direct hits from a rocket. meanwhile the end boss plasma gun can do 30 - 70 damage per hit, meaning a minimum hitcount of 134 or maximum hitcount of 58. easy win for the cyberdemon tbh

Frank has 70% Damage Reduction against most damage types, along with a 20 Damage Threshold.


As for the rocket launcher, you forgot splash damage. Doom Rocket Launcher does 20-160 in increments of 20, +128 splash damage on direct hit and Frank is not immune to splash damage.


If we treat the direct rocket hit and splash damage as 2 instances of damage, Frank would take greatly reduced damage. DT gets counted first, then DR. So:

(108*0.3) + ((0 to 140) *0.3) = 32.4 + 0 to 42 in increments of 6.


So a damage per rocket would be anywhere between 32.4 + (0 to 7 * 6). So a maximum of 74.4.


Meaning 31 rockets maximum with min damage rolls and 14 rockets minimum with max damage rolls.


We can average that to 53.4 damage per rocket, so 19 rockets for Frank to die. If we treat direct rocket hit + splash as a single damage instance, things get even worse for Frank as DT only gets deducted once.


Frank on the other hand also has a 10% chance to crit, which can result in x1.5 to x3 normal damage. But the chance is too low to make up the difference.


Even if trying to account for the rate of fire, Cyberdemon fires a salvo of 3 rockets, and Frank has 20 Action Points with a shot costing him 5. Even if he fired 4 shots for every 3 Cyberdemon rockets, it's still a clear win for the Cyberdemon, simply due to the massive HP advantage. Cyberdemon would win even with just the splash damage, if every single direct rocket hit rolled minimum (20) damage and got completely negated. Splash being a static 128 is simply too much for Frank to sustain. He would have to get INSANELY lucky with the 10% crit chance and roll x3 damage many times in a row (astronomically low odds).

Edited by idbeholdME

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I mean, for how much trouble they've given me, personally? Frank Horrigan fucks up the Cyberdemon, mutie.


However, 8088mph, idbeholdME, and plums make many good points. :P

Edited by Trigsy
plums has replied

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