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anyone here experienced with modding ammos and crafting in fallout new vegas?

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grungo need someone to merge these 3 mods, me not know how, and all three cannot co-exist due to errors and stuff


some ammos cannot be used in one mod while another mod is enabled


script overwrites cause some ammos to be un-equipable or cannot be found in the crafting menu


please dm grungo me confused about all of this, me not skilled at modding AT ALL





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This would be a major undertaking. You can't really merge them simply. You'd need a pretty expansive patch that loads last and combines the different changes to the core data into one. Have you looked for an existing patch?

Edited by Murdoch

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So I haven't modded F3/FNV myself but I did make some personal modding stuff for Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.


What you'll want is FNVEdit, which is the FNV-specific version of the broader xEdit program that also exists for Oblivion, Skyrim, Skyrim SE, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4.


Then basically what you'll do is open your modlist in FNVEdit, let it cook for a while (the longer your mod list, the longer the time it takes to process everything), and then look at what you get.


Most likely, what you'll want to look for are formlists. You should see some ammo-related formlists that get modified in separate ways by each of the mods. It shouldn't be too hard to manually merge the changes from each one, it's mostly a question of copy-pasting from one column to the other IIRC (it's been a while, honestly; but I don't remember it being too hard).

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