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Lack of resources for doom3 mapping for trench broom


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I recently set up trench broom for doom 3 and I feel like there is a lack of info out there for it, I'm not sure how to create scripted sequences and stuff like that and all I can find info for doom3 map editing isn't trench-broom related, can anyone point me in the correct direction? (by the way I did look in the pinned thread but alot of those websites are down and were made before trenchbroom got doom 3 support)

Edited by Milkeno

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15 hours ago, Milkeno said:

I'm not sure how to create scripted sequences and stuff like that


I have no experience with Trenchbroom, but basic scripted sequences work the same in Doom 3 as in Quake games: you have a trigger for the player to activate that is linked to other entities. It shouldn't be fundamentally different.

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