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[MAP01 DEMO] The Master Levels II

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So, somebody actually loves "The Master Levels", I'm not the only one, lmao.

I'll play the demo and look forward for the full thing! =)

Edited by Async Unicorn

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All right!

So, here's my demo! 

(Complevel 2)


Nice, but very tough level at the beginning, but that's doable! 

I think it will be good to hide a BFG somewhere in the secret, preferably when you're inside, but otherwise - good job! I'll keep my eye on it, cause I'm a fan of "The Master Levels" and I love vanilla stuff, =)




Edited by Async Unicorn

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15 minutes ago, Async Unicorn said:

All right!

So, here's my demo! 

(Complevel 2)



ooh! This is such a nice demo! Really chaotic, I love it. Even seems like your first attempt(?), if so, congrats! It is such a tough level.

16 minutes ago, Async Unicorn said:

Nice, but very tough level at the beginning, but that's doable! 

I think it will be good to hide a BFG somewhere in the secret, preferably when you're inside, but otherwise - good job!

Yeah, I agree, it is kinda tough but, hey, it's meant for masters! :D
And yeah I kinda agree that there really is a lack of BFG, I made the level with "no BFG" in mind, to keep things more panicky, in a way - though now that I see someone playing it I feel like I really should place one somewhere. I'll try to come up with an obscure secret to place one :)



I'll keep my eye on it, cause I'm a fan of "The Master Levels" and I love vanilla stuff, =)

Thanks a lot for playing it! >< I glad you like it!

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I have been too much a Master Levels apologist as of lately, with me own Masterpack project and all that.

I'm loving the reinterpretation, haven't actually finished it yet since I'm so excited, but I can already see Tim Willits' and Chris Klie's style influencing what's already made. Tight techbase packing a relatively small number of enemies in a much efficient setup feels like it makes Klie's style quintessentially perfectly. Upping the heat is definitely good here, the Master Levels needed a higher challenge.





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if you make tribute for the Master Levels why do you change the concept and style of the maps?  it's not a tribute... anyway, just my opinion.

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13 hours ago, espilka said:

if you make tribute for the Master Levels why do you change the concept and style of the maps?  it's not a tribute... anyway, just my opinion.

Jeez dude, it's only one map lol

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There will be more obvious Master Levels homages in future levels, this is only the first introductory level (that is still loosely based on Tim Willits's tech bases, so)

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22 hours ago, Async Unicorn said:

So, somebody actually loves "The Master Levels", I'm not the only one, lmao.

I'll play the demo and look forward for the full thing! =)

Yes! There's like 4 or 5 of us ;)



Excited to see this project come to fruition.

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