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[Help] Having issues spawning radioactive barrels

Yousuf Anik


Yes, as the title says, I'm having problem spawning the radioactive barrels, this is from Realm667. There are 3 types of barrels but when I try to place these in my map I only see the soundbarrel that has the number with 168, I don't see the other two on any list. I tried changing their numbers but they don't appear either way. But I want them, especially the empty barrel. My question is why the soundbarrel only appear on the editor? Why not the other two?



Edited by Yousuf Anik

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They should be there in the User-Defined category - UDB will put any DECORATE items that don't have a defined category there by default.


If you want them in other categories, you'll need to add stuff like //$Category Decoration or //$Category "My New Category" to the definition to make them show up elsewhere. Example:




Would also definitely recommend you clean that code up a little bit, like in that example up above. Compactness like what you did makes it EXTREMELY easy to do stuff like miss a curly brace, and that can easily mess stuff up and be a mega-pain to hunt down.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Yeah, put each curly brace on its own line with proper indentation, that'll make code easier to read.


Also, read up on editor keys to make custom actors integrate better in the editors.

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@kalensar I wonder why they are not showing on my UDB. There are other so many items, they are showing fine. But what's wrong with these?


One more thing, I noticed that if I delete any of these barrels, let's say I delete the empty barrel part, I get a long list of errors and then it seems like none of my other items show on the UDB. They appear as ? mark.

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@Gez @Dark Pulse Hey both, thanks very much. I do usually clean up a code if I find it like the one above so it looks comfortable. And about category, I don't usually define any category because yeah, they stay in user-defined category anyway which is fine I think for me.


Now, I've adjusted the code a little bit, put it in a category and also gave them entirely new numbers. And it's now giving me 24 errors as said before and completely messing up my map. See here: https://prnt.sc/ttVk1EA-I7dw


And if I completely remove the barrel WAD file, everything becomes fine and appear again normally. I see that if I change a little bit anywhere in the code of this barrel WAD file, I see these errors. This is a bit unusual because I don't see any problem in other files in my map, I changed some of them a little bit and they are fine.


Here is the code that I tried to make it look better.

actor soundbarrel 7168

//$category Extra
radius 8
height 29
  TNT1 A 0 a_playsound("radioactivebarrel/detected",0,0.2,true,attn_static)

actor emptybarrel 7169

//$category Extra
radius 8
height 29
  BARR E -1

actor radioactivebarrel 7170

//$category Extra
radius 8
height 29

Is there something wrong with the code? I'm wondering what is it. It's now making me remove the idea of adding these barrels. They looked cool so I though to use them.



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Never mind, I just figured it. The problem was from the states part to loop or stop part of the code I think. And they are working fine now without any errors. Thanks again guys for all the suggestions.

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