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GAYhem 2024 - The (Gender)Queer Doomer's Community Project! (Recruiting)

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Alright, so, I'm revamping the palette, it should now be vanilla compatible, and this resource pack should be complete with a finished ANIMATED and SWITCHES lump and everything.

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So is this vanilla, UDMF21 or a hodgepodge?

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, TMD said:

So is this vanilla, UDMF21 or a hodgepodge?

It’s MBF21 right?

Also someone needs to make the BFG shoot a rainbow projectile for this project.

Edited by Logamuffin

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Logamuffin said:

It’s MBF21 right?

Also someone needs to make the BFG shoot a rainbow projectile for this project.

It would be funny to use a BFG from press-release (you can natively in Woof / Nugget Doom), which Romero described as "Christmas Tree", but with rainbow shooting all over the place, :D 

Edited by Async Unicorn

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16 hours ago, Xaser said:

In case someone stumbling across this thread is genuinely wondering what a non-rainbow-y LGBTQ+ tribute map might look like, check out Eviternity MAP26.


I have a question about the map - what makes it a LGBT+ tribute map? I tried looking at the automap but any symbolism escapes me.

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Posted (edited)

Had I been in a better emotional/mental state (as well as have experience mapping in MBF21), I'd have signed up immediately. I look forward to seeing the project unfold and complete. <3


EDIT: I've decided I wanna join in on this. I'll need to have a practice at MBF21 for a wee while, but I should be able to knock something out in a month

Edited by DistroyA
Changed my mind

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I unfortunately definitely don't have the time to contribute but I hope this project goes well for all involved! 

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Hey, I'm not gay or anything like that, but I 100% support this community project, and I'd love to make maybe the title or intermission music, or really just any MIDIs for this WAD, as I love inclusive projects! Let me know if i can help! :)

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, wumbo said:

I'd love to make maybe the title or intermission music, or really just any MIDIs for this WAD, as I love inclusive projects! Let me know if i can help! :)

Oh look at this convenient quote i found

7 hours ago, SilentD00mer said:

One question: I didn't see any mention to the music used, so I could use the original music(or the music from any IWad)? I got no talent for music so I can't compose my own tracks :D


I'm also open for midis, if anyone is interested. I've also made some midis in the past that you could call "queer", but that's something i will share on the discord server.

Edited by DankMetal

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I think this is a great idea, I don't know if my mapping skills would be up to snuff for a community project but at the very least I would be happy to do some playtesting. I didn't know the queer community in doom was this big. I am glad to know that we are less of a minority than I thought :)

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Novaseer said:

All good, don't worry.


Anyway, here's the opening I have so far without the berserk tint:


i have a palette that i've submitted to freedoom, i could lend it to this project

it also contains different palette tints that'll preserve brightness, as well as a different colormap that i manually edited from multiple different existing colormaps (which i have the xcf for and can remove the parts taken from those other existing colormaps)

(also i'm gay btw)

Edited by Donowa

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On 5/30/2024 at 4:53 AM, 8088mph said:


Anything you say can be interpreted as the worst possible message, so be careful about anything negative you have to say, as it can and will be misinterpreted as hateful.

EXAMPLES: Instead of saying "strange" you should say "This looks like a unique community project!"

If you're playtesting any of the maps, give solid advice, instead of saying "This map sucks."

No hate allowed towards the LGBTQIA+ community please!




I'm sorry but : This looks like a unique community project.


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6 hours ago, wumbo said:

Hey, I'm not gay or anything like that, but I 100% support this community project, and I'd love to make maybe the title or intermission music, or really just any MIDIs for this WAD, as I love inclusive projects! Let me know if i can help! :)

If you'd like to help, I'd recommend to go ahead and join the discord server.

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Proud to say that i support the LGBTQIA+ community.
I'm no mapper, but hey, this seems interesting.

Gonna follow this thread for some progress!

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Oh, fam! I'm knee-deep in projects as is but I'd love to make an asexual-themed map for this. Black-gray-white-purple is just such a perfect palette. Count me in. 

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1 hour ago, BluePineapple72 said:



Are yall in need of HUDS? I made these Pride Bars ages ago and haven’t really found a use for them. Wanted to do a Pride Bar community project but never came around to it. 

These are cute!

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i would like to join! :3
if i can get a vm working real quick , or find a good alternative to slade that actually works on arch for me -w-

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1 hour ago, BluePineapple72 said:



Are yall in need of HUDS? I made these Pride Bars ages ago and haven’t really found a use for them. Wanted to do a Pride Bar community project but never came around to it. 

awwwww! :3
i hope we use the trans one >w<

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man i really wanna participate but im lazy as fuck and haven't even finished like multiple of my own wads :3

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Count me in for a level! I'm fixing to do some speedmapping this weekend to flesh out an idea. 

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20 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:



Are yall in need of HUDS? I made these Pride Bars ages ago and haven’t really found a use for them. Wanted to do a Pride Bar community project but never came around to it. 

i think the pride flag designs look kinda garish, i think that going with other symbols like the pink triangle or the lambda would work better

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RE: the status bar, I prefer the flag designs. I'd rather be called a slur than given the pink triangle. Maybe let players choose.

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I personally think something akin to BTSX's hud with pride colours for accents would be perfect for the project.

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