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Arena Violence - OLD MAP THAT I MADE

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I Was looking through my DOOM WAD's and I found this WAD that I made when I started mapping, It's very much a Slaughter Map, so maybe some people would like to play it, I did update the Textures, like making ceilings and floors flat textures instead of wall textures like I did in the first version.

Title                                : Arena Violence
Filename                         : ArenaViolence.WAD
Advanced engine needed  : GZDoom
Primary purpose              : Singleplayer
Author                            : ArchLiver
Email Address           : No.
Misc. Author Info       : One of the oldest maps I made in UDB, with the textures edited so it doesn't look like a mess.

Description             : Large Arenas, I guess, filled with enemies.

Additional Credits to   : Shrek. (I'm obviously joking)

* Information *

Game                    : DOOM 2
Map #                   : Map01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Ultra Violence only.
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : 15 Minutes, if I remember.
Editor(s) used          : Ultimate Doom Builder
Known Bugs              : None.
May Not Run With        : Anything non-UDMF compatible

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional




Download: ArenaViolence.zip

Easier Version: ArenaViolence (EASY).zip

Edited by MisterLivers

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The map was in all honesty not that good. It looked pretty bland and enemy placement was just not thought out at all.

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Thanks for your feedback, I knew it was very bland and not that good, but if someone wanted to play it they totally could. The Monster placement was bad aswell which I do agree, I mean it was one of my first maps, made a long time ago!

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@MisterLivers Bro, it's definitely a basic map, and while it was fun, I really didn't like the enemy distribution here, on top of that, the doors have trouble opening again, and there's no cover or much health to properly fight with past the yellow entrance point, so it's not a map I'd like to replay again, but it was really fun on this first look.



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Thanks for the feedback, as I said it was one of my first maps I made, very basic I do agree, when I played this map again for the first time in forever, I surprisingly did not notice the doors, what do you mean by the doors have trouble opening again? you mean the other side, I did that so people couldn't just walk back and slowly chip away at them, circle strafing was in mind.

Edited by MisterLivers

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@MisterLivers Well, that's understandable, of course, and the thing about the door too, although now that you say that the thing about the door was intentional, that makes the map worse due to the lack of health there is, and the many Chaingunners that are placed in the same room, haven't you seen how much health those enemies drain? You could have at least left a Soulsphere in each room and a green armor.

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True, I could make an easier version with those recommendations and keep the original version for people who want a challenge I guess.

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On 5/30/2024 at 10:33 PM, MisterLivers said:

True, I could make an easier version with those recommendations and keep the original version for people who want a challenge I guess.


Thanks, and the other version will be more made for people who are completely masochistic, dude.

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This map feels like a DOOM2 version of Fortress of Mystery.


And by the way, some of the key doors are one time use only, so if you decide to open them and back out you'll end up softlocked.

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