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Make dehacked turret

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Is it possible to make a stationary enemy that just stands in place and shoots without having to be triggered in the first place? This is for vanilla doom 2. Thank ye.

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I think it's possible, though it might be kind of scuffed. First, you'll want to give the turret thing a very high mass to keep it from getting moved by damage. Then, you'll want to give it an initial spawn state where it keeps calling A_Look.


But instead of using A_Chase for its chase frames, you can just give it a cycle of A_FaceTarget starting at its "First moving frame" to make it face its target, and then, after the last A_FaceTarget frame (which will depend on how long you want it to wait before firing), have it go directly to its attack sequence, skipping A_Chase entirely.


Have its attack sequence then loop back not to its first moving frame, but to its initial spawn frame. This will keep it from continuing to attack the player after they've left line of sight.


It'll require some trial and error, but it should work with enough tweaking.


(This should probably go to Editing Questions forum, however.)

Edited by bofu

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