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Which of The Demon's From "Doom" (1993) and "Doom Two" are most likely to engage in the theft of catalytic converters?

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either as a hobby or as a profession? which demon would be the most efficient at it it?

the archvile seems like they would steal catalytic converters as a profession, i don't trust anything that has a laugh like that.

while the imp would probably just steal catalytic converters for fun, but might need some assistance from a few friends, imp or otherwise.

as far as i can tell, the cacodemon is exempt from such an activity, as they would have a hard time fitting under the vehicle. but their exemption status is mostly because they do not have any hands to assist in activities like opening doors or stealing catalytic converters, although a bite might suffice for catalytic converter removal.


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Pinky demons would steal catalytic converters to eat them.

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All of them.

This is why they invaded in the first place.

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Posted (edited)

@heliumlamb Here's my breakdown.


Zombiemen = Too noisey to get away with it.

Shotgun Soldiers = Possibly?  8 out of 10.

Chaingun Soldiers = Would probably just put holes in it trying to shoot it off the car.

Imps = Too noisey they'd never get away with it.

Demons = 9 out of 10 but there's one better.

Spectre = Absolutely the best.  Stealthy, quick, and straight to the point.

Cacodemon = Doesn't even have hands unless we go with the DooM 64 version.  Even then don't think he could get under the car.

Pain Elemental = Same as Cacodemon.

Lost Soul = Umm....Hands?

Hell Knight = 9 out of 10 especially in their modern forms DooM 2016 / Eternity

Baron of Hell = Would probably destroy it trying to find it.

Revenant = Pretty sure his arms would come off trying to steal it.

Mancubus = Again Hands!?!?

Arachnotron = Unless he can telepathically lift the car to access it good luck.

Archeville = Yes he's quick, yes he's fast, no he's not quiet you'd hear him coming before he even got near the car.

Spider Mastermind = See Arachnotron.

Cyberdemon = CYBERDEMON SMASH!!!!

Icon of Sin = Keep rolling that dice until you get someone to do it for you...


My 100% analytical breakdown...

Edited by LegendaryEevee

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Should we base a wad idea around the idea that Doom Guy's catalytic converter got stolen, and the whole wad is centered around Doom Guy trying to track down the thief before it gets pawned?  You could end it with the EP4 endscreen except holding a sawed off CC instead of rabbit head.

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There is an Imp in The Inmost Dens that tried to sell me some really shady performance enhancing "medicine". Not saying he's stealing catalytic converters but I think there might be a criminal ring going on behind the scenes that also steals them. I swear ever since I moved to Downtown I see demons on the regular trying to break into comically blocky sector cars and try to get away with it. Man I hate Episode 2 city.

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Every day I am more convinced that Dead Internet Theory is less of a conspiracy and more of a reflection of reality, but not because bots are becoming more and more human-like in behavior, but because humans are becoming more and more like bots.

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barons of hell sell you cars where they tell you they've put in a catalytic converter in but actually haven't bothered to, for costs

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15 minutes ago, RataUnderground said:

Every day I am more convinced that Dead Internet Theory is less of a conspiracy and more of a reflection of reality, but not because bots are becoming more and more human-like in behavior, but because humans are becoming more and more like bots.

Catalytic Converters In Profile

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I believe the Arch-Vile began resurrecting fallen allies as a strategy to steal more catalytic converters, and it proved to be an effective invasion tactic.

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Posted (edited)

Chain Gunner. He looks likes Phil Mitchell anyway. 

Phil Mitchell = Thug on a shitty UK Soap Opera who owns a Garage. 

Edited by Eurisko

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8 hours ago, Gez said:

Pinky demons would steal catalytic converters to eat them.

That explains why spectres exist.

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7 hours ago, vyruss said:

Should we base a wad idea around the idea that Doom Guy's catalytic converter got stolen, and the whole wad is centered around Doom Guy trying to track down the thief before it gets pawned?  You could end it with the EP4 endscreen except holding a sawed off CC instead of rabbit head.

I mean the Demon Slayer himself did go on his Rampage because of his dead pet rabbit if that was Canon we definitely can go a million directions with things lol

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9 hours ago, LegendaryEevee said:

Arachnotron = Unless he can telepathically lift the car to access it good luck.

Spider Mastermind = See Arachnotron.



Mr. LegendaryEevee, are you implying that the Spidermaster mind lacks the required limbs to steal a catalytic converter? If so I would like you to examine the following image.


Sir, what do you see on the body there?

Oh I know!


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17 minutes ago, ᒐack102 said:




Mr. LegendaryEevee, are you implying that the Spidermaster mind lacks the required limbs to steal a catalytic converter? If so I would like you to examine the following image.


Sir, what do you see on the body there?

Oh I know!


Yes but those arms are not longer than their legs so they have no way to reach under the car to get the converter.

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Just now, LegendaryEevee said:

Yes but those arms are not longer than their legs so they have no way to reach under the car to get the converter.

Every heard of ducking down?

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, ᒐack102 said:

Every heard of ducking down?

Since I'm a mechanical engineer and machines are my specialty and I clearly have nothing better to do with my life right now let's finish this the arachnotron is almost 6 ft tall according to in-game height where is the spider Mastermind is almost 12 ft tall the way their legs are constructed they are incapable of kneeling down the ground level on top of this even us average height people 5 to 7 ft tall cannot reach a catalytic converter under a car even by kneeling you would have to be on your back on the ground with the car jacked up thank you let's let other people enjoy this thread


Edited by LegendaryEevee

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4 minutes ago, LegendaryEevee said:

Since I'm a mechanical engineer and machines are my specialty and I clearly have nothing better to do with my life right now let's finish this the arachnotron is almost 6 ft tall according to in-game height where is the spider Mastermind is almost 12 ft tall the way their legs are constructed they are incapable of kneeling down the ground level on top of this even us average height people 5 to 7 ft tall cannot reach a catalytic converter under a car even by kneeling you would have to be on your back on the ground with the car jacked up thank you


Hear me out: Flip the car over with the big ol feet. THEN, get the spider to it's sides, where it's arms are, then, tear it out.

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21 minutes ago, ᒐack102 said:

Hear me out: Flip the car over with the big ol feet. THEN, get the spider to it's sides, where it's arms are, then, tear it out.

Afraid not my friend first check the lowest the Spider Mastermind can reach. This image from the Wiki shows her with her Sway Bar (Tie Rod) fully extended aka lowest she can get and she's still above the fist of the DooM Marine. We know the player is 6' (72") tall. Typically your shoulders are roughly 1' (12") below the top of your head. Meaning he's swinging those fists roughly 5' (60") off the ground.



Since the bottom of her chassis is as low as her arms can go her arms can reach down as low as 5'3" - 5'7" (63"-67") above ground. Now let's look at an average car or SUV


this one for instance is 1,658mm or 65.275" Tall from the ground to be at the height under the vehicle it would be the radius of the tire in this example 16". So if the car were flipped over the underside would be 65.275-16 or 49.275" off the ground below the spider masterminds best chance at 63".  The only way it could even be possible is if it were upside down tilted at an angle sitting on something at least 14" tall or pressed against a wall. At that point mentioned earlier there are just way better options.

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21 minutes ago, LegendaryEevee said:

Afraid not my friend first check the lowest the Spider Mastermind can reach. This image from the Wiki shows her with her Sway Bar (Tie Rod) fully extended aka lowest she can get and she's still above the fist of the DooM Marine. We know the player is 6' (72") tall. Typically your shoulders are roughly 1' (12") below the top of your head. Meaning he's swinging those fists roughly 5' (60") off the ground.



Since the bottom of her chassis is as low as her arms can go her arms can reach down as low as 5'3" - 5'7" (63"-67") above ground. Now let's look at an average car or SUV


this one for instance is 1,658mm or 65.275" Tall from the ground to be at the height under the vehicle it would be the radius of the tire in this example 16". So if the car were flipped over the underside would be 65.275-16 or 49.275" off the ground below the spider masterminds best chance at 63".  The only way it could even be possible is if it were upside down tilted at an angle sitting on something at least 14" tall or pressed against a wall. At that point mentioned earlier there are just way better options.

Alright you beat me, I don't even know how to beat that. BUT. Only saying "see arachnatron" feels like an injustice, since it HAS arms, but the best condition to actually steal one is to press it against the wall. So I feel like you should change that part. Still, you win.

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Tbh I can see a cacodemon gnawing the hood off of a random car, ripping the battery out and drinking all the chemicals from it

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, LegendaryEevee said:

Spectre = Absolutely the best.  Stealthy, quick, and straight to the point.

spectres obviously have the stealth and speed advantage, but the thing is, depending on the car they're going for, they're probably gonna have a tough time fitting under it without a jack. they're simply too bulky to fit in a space like that.


now, the arch-vile...i can see them being great at it. yeah, they're noisy, but when the cops are gonna take 72 hours to show up anyways, that's not much of a problem. they have high health in case someone sees them and decides to take matters into their own hands, and are quite fast in order to escape before that even happens. but more importantly, they're skinny af. outside of lowriders and sports cars, they'd probably be able to fit under most cars in order to get the part.


plus, just look at the guy. he looks exactly like the sorta person you'd expect to be stealing catalytic converters and selling them to pay for his glue-sniffing addiction.

Edited by roadworx

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Archviles actually use the catalytic converters for a powerful demonic ritual (pawn them off) to bestow themselves with arcane powers of destruction (buy "mana potions").

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Spectre obviously. Especially at night.

What the hell do demons need 20th century human technology for anyway? Does Hell need to cut down on toxic carbon emissions or something?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, roadworx said:

spectres obviously have the stealth and speed advantage, but the thing is, depending on the car they're going for, they're probably gonna have a tough time fitting under it without a jack. they're simply too bulky to fit in a space like that.


They Don't need to fit under the car because every iteration of them has been shown to be able to just lift it off the ground to steal it. Seen in both clips below their hands reach the ground so regardless of the version they could literally just flip the car and steal it no problem.




Edited by LegendaryEevee

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