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The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox

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What is the DWmegawad Club?

This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind.


Can I join?

Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before.


What levels am I allowed to post about?

Whatever day of the month it is, is the upper limit for the map you can post on. So if it’s the 6th, you may discuss up to MAP06.


Do I have to post an entry every day?

Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club.


When do we vote on the next month’s megawad?

Voting begins on the 25th of the current month. Remember to add one “+++” before your vote to make it easier to count. For example:


+++ Ultimate Doom


Note that you can vote for up to three separate nominations in a single month, and every wad must contain at least three maps each. The winning nomination must receive at least four votes for a thread to be made. Ties will be decided by RNG.





After a brief hiatus, we’re back with two classic wads! First up is Operation: BIOWAR, a megawad mostly created by Chris Harbin that follows in the footsteps of projects like Icarus: Alien Vanguard and Memento Mori. After that is B.P.R.D.’s Equinox, a mighty adventure through some glittering silver space stations.


Note that we’ll begin playing Equinox on the 18th, meaning that the last two maps of Biowar will be played on the same day.


Author & Maplist for Operation: Biowar:

MAP01 - “The End” by Chris Harbin

MAP02 - “Terror Core” by Chris Harbin

MAP03 - “Onslaught” by Chris Harbin

MAP04 - “The Arrival” by Chris Harbin

MAP05 - “Skybase” by Chris Harbin

MAP06 - “Last Call” by John Bishop

MAP07 - “Apparatus” by Chris Harbin

MAP08 - “Biolabs” by Chris Harbin

MAP09 - “Security” by Paul Corfiatis

MAP10 - “Dark Woods” by Chris Harbin

MAP11 - “Frozen Terror” by Chris Harbin

MAP12 - “Military Center” by Chris Harbin

MAP13 - “UAC Prison” by John Bishop

MAP14 - “Absolution” by Chris Harbin

MAP15 - “Heat” by Chris Harbin


MAP31 - “Juggelo Funhouse” by Chris Harbin


MAP16 - “The Killing Fields” by Chris Harbin

MAP17 - “Sacrilege” by Chris Harbin

MAP18 - “Die Heuschrecke” by Chris Harbin


Maplist for Equinox:
















Doomwiki: Operation: Biowar | Equinox

DSDA: Operation: Biowar | Equinox

Kmxexii reviews: Operation: Biowar | Equinox

Devalaous Quality of Life Patches





The DWmegawad Club Metathread
















Edited by dobu gabu maru

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neat, I've been thinking about replaying Equinox recently. Biowar I've never played but it looks interesting. Long live the DWMC!

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MAP01: The End. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 37/37, S: 2/4, I: 20/40. Comp. time 3:39 (on 2nd play -> S: 4/4, I: 40/40. Comp. time 2:13)


Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of old wads despite being old fart myself, but I'm in the mood of playing old school stuff right now. Something presumably easier (we'll see about that), or at least shorter. I'll be doing pistol starts despite that's one thing these older wads may not be well-suited to (still healing wounds from Rebirth's later maps).


The wad starts with relatively simple tech base; a couple of rooms, couple of corridors and a courtyard connecting two areas. Simple combat from simpler times against zombiemen (with a replaced dying growl -- on replay I realized these sound very much like they're borrowed from Quake), imps and pinkies. The spaceship floating outside the starting room is a nice touch, and the situation screen in the starting room sets up the mission. Intruder (not doomguy, I suppose) detected. This sort of story telling is something I don't see that often in Doom, and I wonder if it was more prevalent back in late 90s/early 00s, with Doom trying to compete with other games doing narratives better within gameplay? I don't know.


I couldn't figure out a way to obtain the armor bonus secrets on my first playthrough. The shootable switches were easy to spot, but I didn't realize something was happening in the other room. When I finally figured to look in the other room, I did a quick replay, hence double stats above.

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Posted (edited)

I've only learned about Biowar pretty recently. I'll try it and see if I join the club to comment on it. It has Mark Klem music though, which is nice.


Not gonna play Equinox for sure though. Saw a DoD's video on it and this wad looks very unfriendly.

Edited by Li'l devil

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Posted (edited)

Playing on UV unless otherwise noted.


Operation: Biowar
Map01: The End
I'm not necessarily against maps withholding the basic weapons. In this case, the balance practically requires the player to do a lot of work with the pistol: health is scarce, and many weak hitscan enemies have you in their sights much of the time. The resulting gameplay is pretty lame, but I don't often encounter maps that lean on the unmodified pistol so much. You could interpret it as refreshing. Either way, there's an incentive to check out the secret rooms containing shotgunnners, the most dangerous enemies in the map, to take their weapons. Without them, you may be harassed by a pinky or two while defenseless (happened to me at first). 



Edited by Pseudonaut

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Posted (edited)

Hi, folks! I'm gonna pull the trigger this time and join in. The club threads have been a great source of perspective while playing various wads over the years, been reading them as a lurker long before I made this account, so I'll toss my hat in the ring since there seems to have been a dip in participation numbers lately. Hopefully this'll also give me the kick in the butt I need to actually finish Equinox.


Operation: Biowar

MAP01: The End
(UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2)


The first level of Biowar is a fairly classic warmup map that'll only take you more than two minutes if you stop to admire. The opposition consists of a few basic zombos, imps, and pinkies, and even though you only get a shotgun if you find one of the (admittedly easy) secrets, you'll have no trouble pew-pewing them to death with just the pistol. The layout is very... orthogonal, as is not uncommon for 90s maps, but the new textures and doomcute details like the dropship hovering outside the starting room window go a long way to liven the place up. There's even an environmental sound effect in the opening room, in vanilla! Wow!


I don't remember hearing about the WAD before, and my research beforehand consisted of having a peek at the README file. Playing it this way, the strongest impression didn't come from the gameplay or level design, but the replacement audio and graphics. A bunch of them seem to be from Quake II, if I'm not mistaken. The new HUD face looks a bit like a very angry potato, but also familiar somehow. Can't quite place it, though.

Edited by veevil

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Posted (edited)

Biowar is a familiar wad to me because I recorded a longplay on DOOM2.exe 2 years ago.



I will revisit the maps on DOOM2.EXE but I will play them on pistol start instead. I don't aim 100% kills and secrets because it's not really worth it in this type of wad.


Map 01 : "The End"




Vanilla effects such as the sound of thunder or the broken wall created with middle-textures give meaning to this all-too-common base. This map is made up of square rooms and rectangular corridors, and the secrets are equally symmetrical, which remove all the pleasure to discover them.


Combat also relies heavily on the use of pistols, which can be quite uncomfortable in Map 01, especially when accessing the small warehouse before the exit.

I can't decide which took longer to design, the doomcute plane or the map itself. In any case, don't expect anything extravagant in terms of level design in Operation:Biowar.


Grade : C+ (11/20)




Edited by Roofi

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Posted (edited)

I'm gonna try to join the club and finish the wads this month (wanted to on april but "In city only" felt too challenging for me).


Operation : Biowar

Map 01 : The end - UV, pistol start, all kills and secrets


A nice, 90's style, opening map with only one small surprise which is the lowering to the final room. Due to this surprise I had to finish the map with pistol and then teleport back to find the (easy) secrets.

I liked the opening with the doomcute spaceship in the sky and some attention to details like the exploded wall you have to go through to reach fresh air.

Edited by apichatpong

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Posted (edited)

It appears that the UAC has not learned from its mistakes. You have learned that the UAC president has allied himself with a high rank demon, and has sold the souls of all of the UAC workers. In return the demon codenamed TCHERNOBOG has agreed to supply the UAC military division with an unlimited amount of live demonic biological weapons. The UAC has already hit our main headquarters and skybase. And it appears that Flynn Taggart has been killed, so its up to you to infiltrate the UAC's biolabs and destroy the UAC headquarters. The UAC must not continue its ways, destroy them, find a way to get to TCHERNOBOG and put a bullet in his heart.

Played before but it's been a while (July 2022) so this time I'm going to spice things up with forced pistol starts. UV difficulty. Nugget Doom. Vanilla compatibility. So yeah, quite a surprisingly grim backstory; that, despite Doomguy's best efforts the UAC essentially sold him out due to the head of the UAC being extremely corrupt, which has a lot of implications that goes outside the usual Doom storyline but we can probably assume you are either one of Doomguy's buddies coming to avenge him or are else just another expendable grunt that was, like all these space marines tend to be, suppose to clean up another one of the UAC's messes. Except now it's full-on mutiny in the midst of a demonic apocalypse. Dark cynical times!

MAP01: The End (of everything as we know it?)
K: 37/37 I: 40/40 S: 4/4 T: 2:51

I've always liked that spaceship outside the window at the start, and the computer screen, along with the new gloomy sky, and those new switches, and the blood splatters everywhere. And the ambient sounds that somehow eluded me for years of screams and distant explosions that I don't believe they play on any other level so I'm curious how they accomplished that outside of DeHackEd which this PWAD does not have. You spend an uncomfortably long time using that derpy little handgun but resistance isn't too heavy considering you just started, but the shotgun guys could prove to be quite troublesome if they manage to hit you a buncha times as health is scarce and there are only a few armor bonuses so be mindful of that. Cute midtexture showing the side of the starting building having been blown open (or out.) You spend not much time outside before you retreat into the next building, lowered into a dark but small crate maze before leaving shortly. The only other PWAD that the track Stigmata by Mark Klem is featured in is GothicDM 2 afaik but I think most players will associate it with BIOWAR.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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Heads up for @dobu gabu maru: I have quality of life patches for both of these wads on my patch thread.


I also have Biowar on my 'now playing' tab, and Equinox is something ive considered playing soon, so I can actually take part sorta this time.


I played Biowar map 1 a while ago, and it was pretty short and unmemorable like a lot of Map 01s, but it does give a chance to acclimate to the weird new statusbar face and the new sounds. I wish I knew who the character of Biowar is, I wanted to include that in my patch for the obituaries, like I did with Fragport.

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17 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

I wish I knew who the character of Biowar is, I wanted to include that in my patch for the obituaries, like I did with Fragport.

Oh, he's Slade "Havoc" Mondo, one of the baddest dudes around and pledges no allegiance to corporate shitheads.


That's my headcanon.


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3 hours ago, Li'l devil said:

I've only learned about Biowar pretty recently. I'll try it and see if I join the club to comment on it. It has Mark Klem music though, which is nice.


Not gonna play Equinox for sure though. Saw a DoD's video on it and this wad looks very unfriendly.

In fairness, Equinox is very challenging to pistol start players, as I also found out first hand. This time I will be playing through it continuously, and I’m expecting a much more comfortable time.

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16 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

Oh, he's Slade "Havoc" Mondo, one of the baddest dudes around and pledges no allegiance to corporate shitheads.

  Hide contents

That's my headcanon.



You can make it canon for yourself by adding custom obituary entries to a DEHACKED, and replacing all the %o parts in the strings with a custom character name, so every death portrays a specific character instead of your own player name. Pyroscourge taught me this trick and ive used it in Fragport, 32 Hours in Pain, Rowdy Rudy, Ray Mohawk etc, anything where Doomguy is specifically a set character. Works in ZDoom-family ports and Woof atm. Eternity has its own seperate strings that I dunno how to edit.

(apologies for offtopic, but spreading editing tricks and knowledge is always a good thing)

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Never played either of this month's wads so I'll give it a go. DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Starts.


MAP01 - “The End” by Chris Harbin



I like the presentation here, despite the combat playing like a typical map01. The ship outside the starting area, new assets, and sound effects as you make your way through the base are pretty cool for a 90s wad.

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Woof!, -cl2, pistol-start with saves


This installment of DWMC is going to be a bit different for me, as I've played both wads before. I've discovered Operation: Biowar when I was playing around with Compendium, a compilation of numerous old-school wads. I enjoyed it a lot, though back then I had different standards, with beating the mapset being enough to earn a praise. I'm curious to see how it fares under a more critical eye. All maps were made by Chris Harbin unless noted otherwise.


MAP01: The End


Biowar opens with a small military base under attack. While the combat isn't anything special (mostly consisting of killing zombies, imps and occasional pinkies with a pistol; shotgunner cubbies act as secrets and greatly speed up the crate basement before the exit), the visuals deserve a recognition. New textures (especially boxes that reminds me of Eternal Doom), floating airplane in the distance and mid-textures faking a blasted wall, combined with new HUD and sound replacement, they all demonstrate a high production value that isn't that common in wads of its day. 


The End is a strong start that always makes me excited to go forward.


3 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

And the ambient sounds that somehow eluded me for years of screams and distant explosions that I don't believe they play on any other level so I'm curious how they accomplished that outside of DeHackEd which this PWAD does not have.

I believe those are Nazis and Keens with replaced sounds, killed somewhere off-screen.

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Posted (edited)

Alright, I guess I can devote a little bit of time per day to play Biowar, assuming the levels won't get too long, as I'm in the process of trying to beat other wads on UV and it takes me a lot of time, lol. I'll make my reviews very concise, because I don't want everyone to read walls of text.


Woof!, UV, continuous, no mid-level saves


Level 1: The End (what a name for an opening map)


Well, I didn't like having to pistol everything, but this is a cool opening map. I really like the mood outside. The music track though is one of my least favorites from Mark Klem. The sound replacements mostly come from Quake and that's alright, but I do not like the new status bar face. It looks like a typical 90s tough hero. I like how there are sound effects of people dying in the background, that's very cool. What else? I noticed crates from Eternal Doom, and there's a nice plane outside in the starting area. The intermission music is one of my favorites from Klem however, and I wish it was used for a map instead.

Edited by Li'l devil

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It's been a while, huh? I can't be bothered to make videos for every map like I did in The Olden Days (2022) but it'd be fun to casually play a map a day and jot down some words about them.


Source port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence

Saves/rewind allowed

Pistol starting each map




Operation: Biowar

MAP01: The End

By Chris Harbin

Kills: 100%

Items: 17%

Secrets: 25%

Time: 1:39


Interesting name for a first map, I'd have to agree, though the name doesn't really go beyond what you do at the very first second of the map. One of the most 90's wads I've played in a hot minute, between the excellent Doomguy face replacement and rather haphazard choices for new textures. The same applies to the map itself. For a map about 60% pistol work, it's probably on the stronger half as far as stuff like this is concerned, though at large, about as mundane as mundane openings get. Nice Eternal Doom crates.


Grade: C

Difficulty: D-

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Posted (edited)

MAP01 - “The End” by Chris Harbin

Played With Nugget Doom, Smooth Doom 21, UV


A nice and short start to this wad. A bit too short for me to be honest, I was expecting a bit more. One thing I noticed was that the wad looks quite good for a 90s wad. Its also implementing some really nice use of custom textures with the standalone doom textures for its time. I do have mixed feelings about the HUD face being changed, not really a fan of how out of place it feels when compared to the rest of the game and, in my opinion, leaving it as regular doomguy would have been better. In terms of gameplay, the map is easy which is unsurprising for the first map. And here is to hoping that this wad doesn't get so hard that I'll lose motivation to play it and give up on it midway through the month :P. Overall, the map is not bad but also not extraordinarily great. It's just a good starting map.





Edited by SuyaSSS

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Equinox is a long-time favourite of mine that I also haven't played in ages, so I hope I'll be able to stick with this. I've briefly played Biowar previously and can't remember much about it, so for all intents and purposes I'm going in blind. I'll attempt to record and upload a playthrough of each map to accompany comments, pistol-starting in Crispy Doom. Casual playthrough, don't care if I miss secrets etc.


MAP01 - The End


Not a huge amount to say given the brevity of this map, however it does a really nice job of establishing environmental storytelling with the use of ambient sounds, a plane visible at the start, the blown apart wall midtex, and the computer also at the start. I really like that. Combat is made either interesting or tedious by gatekeeping the shotgun behind a secret accessed by (admitted rather obvious) shoot switches, which I missed until I was basically done. Personally I don't mind having to fight my way to a better weapon and am not put off by having to pistol most of this, its MAP01 after all.

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Map 01: The End


Ive decided to play this and Equinox in the Compendium wad as Ive been working my way through all of them anytime I want some older flavor. I hope that doesnt taint my experience any but we shall see. As for this first map it isnt anything super special but it does have what I found to be a nice atmosphere. The spacship flying outside the window of the opening room grabbed my attention and immediately got me primmed and on board for this set. Then upon entering the first hallway the demon noises and blown out section of the wall set the tone for what I hope is going to be a fun mission into an overrun complex on an alien planet. Im all in. 😀

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K, I will do this but due to Equinox's bloated map size, I'm not likely to make it past probably 5 or so if I do that.


Map 01: The End

by Chris Harbin

 (Crispy Doom, pistol start, UV)


You know, a midi version of "The End" would not be a bad way to start this. But the reused midi here works well enough, still adhering to 90s badassery and complementing the vague military theme. Your guy here is a square-jawed tough guy with rather interesting aspect resolution. I think there's story but I don't wanna look it up.


What's important is that we're starting out in a wreck of a facility, with a massive computer bank to our backside and a back texture that does nothing but is certainly different. The hall leading out of here has a hole blown out on the right side, leading off to an open field with a building with a security station adjacent what seems to be storage on a lower floor.


Combat isn't really tons to speak of, kind of dense for an opening map and withholding shotguns unless one can be bothered to shoot some switches leading into said stations, otherwise, we're going to be stuck maneuvering around a lot of annoying enemies to reach the exit. Didn't bother with the armour bonuses on the cubes in the security stations though. Nothing seemed to stand out.


Good opening map



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Posted (edited)

I'm gonna take a crack at participating. Equinox is one of my favorite WADs, and I've never played Biowar but it looks cool and I really should play more 90s wads. This month has a lot of chaos in store for me though so I likely won't be very consistent with this. Also I'm shit at writing reviews.

A year ago I was writing walkthroughs for Equinox on DoomWiki but I stopped after MAP05. I should get back to that in case anyone would find those helpful.


Biowar MAP01 (UV, continuous, saves):
I like the 90s-era custom graphics and sounds. Also I recognize that status bar from Community Chest 2 and the face looks like it's modified from HacX. That death mugshot is creepy as shit!!! Anyways the map is okay, and I didn't look for any secrets. idk what else to say about it. :P

Edited by Plerb

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I have played both wads before. I liked one and hated the other. I'll let you guess which.


MAP01: The End

DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start


Operation: BIOWAR begins with a map called The End. Odd. The combat is very pistol-centric. I don't like that, but you can get a shotgun in the later half. The layout and detailing are simple but serviceable. The last two secrets were annoying to find. Because many of the sounds were replaced, I didn't realize I was lowering a lift by crossing a linedef until I watched someone else's demo. Overall, this was an okay opener.

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I have played all of both wads before (except the last couple of maps of Biowar), but this time I will be revisiting them in different circumstances.


Biowar I first played when it popped up in Ironeagle a few years ago. I submitted in UV, not getting very far in map 2, but then later did another unsubmitted attempt in HMP, which I got to about map 16. But this time, I will be playing pistol start (on UV), rather than the continuous play mandated by Ironeagle.


Equinox I played about a year ago pistol start, which often necessitated some extreme ammo management. This time, I will be playing it continuously and therefore expect a more comfortable time.


Operation: BIOWAR

DSDA-Doom, UV pistol starts


MAP01 - “The End” by Chris Harbin


Well this may be an 18 map mapset, but looks like we’re already at the end, so Doomguy can pack up and go home :P

In all seriousness, this is a pretty basic opener, albeit the replacement sounds, HUD and textures do catch the eye, as well as the neat little touches such as the blown-out hole in the wall. Combat is pretty much entirely pistol-based, albeit you do get the shotgun a tad earlier via the shoot-switch secrets.
Nothing to complain about, but nothing to write home about either. Ultimately I will take it over a frustrating map :P

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MAP02: Terror Core


Riding down an elevator leads to a small hub with 4 teleporters, each taking you to a small room with rather dense monster placement (thanks for the shotgun in the hub). The red ones contain keys, the white takes you to the exit. Despite being no larger than MAP01, Terror Core feels underwhelming. Perhaps it's the disconnected nature of its design, perhaps rather basic texture choice and layout, but at least the music was great.

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MAP02 - “Terror Core” by Chris Harbin


From the military base of the first map we descend to an underground cavernous area, consisting of a central hub+3 layout, each containing a key, and which can be done in any order. This is where my UV Ironeagle run prematurely ended, and I can see why. Combat is a little spicier thanks to the heavier hitscan and imps in close quarters without much room to dodge, albeit I survived without too much trouble this time.

Ultimately the combat interested me more here, but the pretty basic presentation interested me less.

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MAP02: Terror Core

DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start


An Important thing to note is that as soon as you press the button at the start, you need to perform an SR50 over the railing to get the secret. If you fail, then too bad. You'll have to restart the level. That's bad level design right there. I don't like it. The rest is good, though. It's what Doom 2's MAP21 would be like if it were actually fun. You start off in a room with four teleporters. One of them will take you to the exit, but you need to grab three keys before you can reach the exit linedef. The hardest room was the one that puts you in direct line of sight with two shotgunners. If you don't act fast, you'll be gunned down. And after you grab the red key in that room, two chaingunners will show up, and they'll murder you if you're not expecting them. That's something I'd expect from Plutonia. Overall, this is definitely better than the first map. I especially liked the use of that shiny blue texture from Eternal Doom.

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34 minutes ago, E.M. said:

If you fail, then too bad. You'll have to restart the level. That's bad level design right there. I don't like it.

You can still jump over the fence if you stand on a teleport pad (after you return to the hub from any of the side rooms). I believe it was an intended way.

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According to my Doom Launcher stats, I finished 6 maps of Biowar before getting distracted by other stuff like Requiem and Cleimos II.


Terror Core was a lot more interesting than Map 1, with its hub-like center and the secrets in the pit surrounding it. I got destroyed by the surprise chaingunners, iirc


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Welp, I decided I was gonna record my entire playthrough of Biowar, now I have 3 and a half hours of footage... I'm gonna have fun splitting those lmao

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