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What Do These Do, And Are They Worth It?



Found this stuff, and it reads as though it could help get me some better lighting/coloration, and I'm just wondering what some of these actually do, and if they're even worth messing with.

Like, is Lowercolor_top, going to let me gradient this?


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I believe these are described in the UDMF specifications on ZDOOM Wiki.

Here's an exert from the article:


      lm_sampledist_line = <int>;   // ZDRay customizable sampling distance for this sidedef. Defines the map units each lightmap texel covers. Must be in powers of two. Default = 0
      lm_sampledist_top = <int>;    // ZDRay customizable sampling distance for this sidedef's top part. Defines the map units each lightmap texel covers. Must be in powers of two. Default = 0
      lm_sampledist_mid = <int>;    // ZDRay customizable sampling distance for this sidedef's middle part. Defines the map units each lightmap texel covers. Must be in powers of two. Default = 0
      lm_sampledist_bot = <int>;    // ZDRay customizable sampling distance for this sidedef's bottom part. Defines the map units each lightmap texel covers. Must be in powers of two. Default = 0    

      nogradient_top = <bool>;        // disables color gradient on upper tier. (Hardware rendering only.)
      flipgradient_top = <bool>;    // flips gradient colors on upper tier. (Hardware rendering only.)
      clampgradient_top = <bool>;   // clamps gradient on upper tier to actual bounds (default is the entire front sector height, hardware rendering only.)
      useowncolors_top = <bool>;    // Set to 1 to use the colors set in the sidedef. Default is using the colors from the owning sector.
      uppercolor_top = <int>;       // Material color of the top of the upper tier.
      lowercolor_top = <int>;       // Material color of the bottom of the upper tier. (Hardware rendering only.)

I believe there are some additional user entered customizations that are also possible but I haven't looked too deeply into this.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/2/2024 at 10:21 PM, Ghost_Ellis said:

Like, is Lowercolor_top, going to let me gradient this?

You can download an example pwad from here




I read both UDMF_v1.1 and UDMF_ extensions v1.15 and tried to colour the linedefs myself in a new map but I failed miserably.


The questins I have now are:

  • How are those colours set up in the map?
  • How is this done in UDB?
  • How is this done in Slade3?



I made some progress using both, Slade3 for walls and UDB for ceiling/floor. .

Now a map can be quite colourful








Edited by Kappes Buur

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