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Caco vs. Caco

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I'd never seen this before tonite; I was testing a map I'm working on.

There are five cacodemons each of which comes out of a separate garage door

but the trigger that opens the garage doors opens them all at once. In the skill

level I was playing, there are nine hell barons and I can't remember how many



Anyhow, I wasn't really testing the monsters. I was running around without

having set the god mode cheat and was checking switches and platform

triggers kind of stuff. From what I've read in an old-old Doomworld post, it was

barrel damage that started this fight. I was watching four cacodemons battling

against the fifth. I would've screenshot it but I was too busy staring at the screen

with my jaw just about on the floor here!


Before posting here, I did the big G search and came up with a youtube video

from 8 years ago:


The Doomworld post cited this infighting occuring between two imps but the

principle is the same and explains that indeed it was the barrel which is the

cause of the behavior, not the source port (Zand 3.0 for Win in my case).



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Barrels can always do it, but IIRC a sudden change of direction with a melee attack can also catch a fellow monster species and will hurt them. I certainly remember the latter was easier to trigger in PSX Doom.


If you want to see the behaviour with a much easier trigger, a simple Dehacked patch can be made to turn on monster in-fighting for all species (except arch-viles)


Cacodemon fights are interesting in large, outdoor areas. They have a tendency to rise to the top of the sector when they fight. Because they will float backwards when hit until they reach a solid linedef, they will often end up a long distance from each other lobbing acid balls across the sky :)

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On 6/3/2024 at 2:41 AM, pritch said:

Barrels can always do it, but IIRC a sudden change of direction with a melee attack can also catch a fellow monster species and will hurt them. I certainly remember the latter was easier to trigger in PSX Doom.


Interesting ^


On 6/3/2024 at 2:41 AM, pritch said:

If you want to see the behaviour with a much easier trigger, a simple Dehacked patch can be made to turn on monster in-fighting for all species (except arch-viles)


Yah, I'm familiar with playing around with such stuff using DECORATE. Also, ThingHate was used

in the titlemap of Chap DM 3. I never considered making a monster attack its own species because

"what's the point?" but this happened to me as a natural occurence and had me scratching my head.

It was so odd to see, like just out of place in a Doom environment; since I didn't witness the actual

trigger event, I was just amazed to see four cacos seemingly ostracize a fifth. When that one fell out

of the sky, the other four resumed their pursuit of me, the player.


On 6/3/2024 at 2:41 AM, pritch said:

Cacodemon fights are interesting in large, outdoor areas. They have a tendency to rise to the top of the sector when they fight. Because they will float backwards when hit until they reach a solid linedef, they will often end up a long distance from each other lobbing acid balls across the sky :)


True; they all ended up on the ceiling. But the fight never got far enough for them to distance

themselves from each other much. They got about a third to half way from the barrel point of

origin to a wall of the "arena".


In my DECORATE work, (a different project entirely), I have baby cacos whose code is simply

lost soul behavior so I'm very familiar with the stunned back pedal moves by the caco babies.

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@prfunky @pritch Decino can explain this way more intricately than I can if you don't want to watch the whole thing just skip to about a minute 30 seconds he shows what all happens in the code to make this happen and how you can exploit it I've triggered it a few times before.



Edited by LegendaryEevee

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