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2Fast 2Frantic | A short and punchy sequel | COMPLVL 9

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A while ago I made a short, punchy map called "Frantic" and it received a fairly positive response. So I sat down and thought, why not make another one?
Ladies and gentleman I present to you: 2FAST 2FRANTIC A sequel with more punch, more monsters and more vine textures! I hope you all enjoy! 


I tried to think outside the box with this one in both terms of design and monster encounters. I hope it paid off well! let me know! Feedback is 
Greatly appreciated!

Advanced engine needed  : Boom Compatible Source port
Primary purpose         : Single play/co-op/deathmatch
Title: 2Fast 2Frantic
Filename: 2F2F.wad
Author : DMH094 
Other Files By Author   : 
                      Exodus (Ongoing)
                          - The Baptism
                          - De-Purified
                          Tales From the Graveyard
                          - Back to Formula 
                          - In the Blood 
                          - Meltdown
                          - King of the Hill
                          Deep Space VI
                          Here's to Thirty 
                          The Darklands 
Additional Credits to   :
                          ASHTRALFIEND for plasmaball sprites
                          Plasma rifle sound from Doom 3

                          Secret and teleporter sounds from "Quake" (1996)
                          Midi: "Trigger" by "Mr Freeze" & "Bucket"


                          Additional textures: 
* What is included *

New levels: 1
Sounds: Yes
Music: Yes
Graphics: Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch: Yes

* Play Information *

Game: Doom II
Single Player: Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes
Other game styles: Pistol Start
Difficulty Settings: All

* Construction *

Base: New from scratch
Build Time: 27/5/2024 - 5/6/2024
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WhackEd
May Not Run With: non-boom compatible ports
Tested With: GZdoom and DSDA

* Copyright / Permissions *

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
and remix, transform, and build upon the material. If you do so, you must
give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if
changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way
that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the
material for commercial purposes.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors

Link to Frantic 1:











Edited by dmh094

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Fun little map. I quite like the palette change and texturing work. Combat is pretty good, with some spicy encounters. The first cyber is pretty nasty (I didn't realise they are low health at firtst), however the cyber by the blue key doesn't really do much, and the one at the end in-fights for free with the spider mastermind. You can hang back at the ledge to give the mastermind a direct line of sight and be completely safe from the cyber's rockets.


Here's an fda and a near max, which is mostly blind from where I died in the fda. A few monsters didn't teleport in for me, including the first cyber. You maybe need to change your monster closets to handle the teleport destinations being blocked. f2f2-ryiron.zip

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Very spicy little map, fam. There was some interesting challenges to the use of cramped spacing, but at no point did I feel like you were being unfair. Very curious set-pieces, sector layouts and texturing. It's good old-fashioned fun!



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good fun map 

1 monster never teleported although i visit all areas plus secret 

new color scheme took some time to get familiar

and cyber demon got low health i feel 

my 2 death fda prboom cl9 uv used popi9.zip


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On 6/5/2024 at 7:11 PM, ryiron said:

Fun little map. I quite like the palette change and texturing work. Combat is pretty good, with some spicy encounters. The first cyber is pretty nasty (I didn't realise they are low health at firtst), however the cyber by the blue key doesn't really do much, and the one at the end in-fights for free with the spider mastermind. You can hang back at the ledge to give the mastermind a direct line of sight and be completely safe from the cyber's rockets.


Here's an fda and a near max, which is mostly blind from where I died in the fda. A few monsters didn't teleport in for me, including the first cyber. You maybe need to change your monster closets to handle the teleport destinations being blocked. f2f2-ryiron.zip

Hey there! Thanks for playing! Appreciate it! :) 


yeah I always cyberdemons more fun if they are manageable but not easy. There’s that sweet middle spot you got to have 😂 I figured 1750 health was pretty decent.


hmm. I can understand the blue key cyber not doing much but the end one shouldn’t be that easy. Maybe I should move around teleport destinations?? Not sure, I’ll work it out.


yeah I think the first cyber has a chance of getting blocked by the hell knight. 

what other monsters didn’t spawn in?? 

I will check out the run for sure :)


Thanks for the feedback! Greatly appreciated! :) 





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On 6/5/2024 at 9:16 PM, Biodegradable said:

Very spicy little map, fam. There was some interesting challenges to the use of cramped spacing, but at no point did I feel like you were being unfair. Very curious set-pieces, sector layouts and texturing. It's good old-fashioned fun!



Hello there! Glad you enjoyed it! I tried to think at little bit outside the box in terms of encounters haha. Not that great at that kind of stuff yet but I’m working on it :) I find im Not so good at big areas but cramped spaces are my thing. Too

many survival horror games maybe? 😂


thanks for playing! :) I’ve seen your videos on some other maps as well! Your a bit of a celebrity round these parts :P 

awesome run btw! 

appreciate the feedback! Also yeah, cyberdemons had lowered health :P







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On 6/6/2024 at 6:05 AM, dmnwizard said:

rough, beautiful and full of love

I am to please! Thanks for playing!  Very much appreciated :)





On 6/6/2024 at 4:53 AM, LadyMistDragon said:

2Fran-TIK-TIK-TIK! (sorry, someone had to do it :P)

well I mean, your right there :P

Awesome run, but there’s no sound :P aw we’ll still good nonetheless.


thanks for playing! Appreciate it!





On 6/6/2024 at 4:53 AM, LadyMistDragon said:




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On 6/6/2024 at 7:27 AM, Zahid said:

good fun map 

1 monster never teleported although i visit all areas plus secret 

new color scheme took some time to get familiar

and cyber demon got low health i feel 

my 2 death fda prboom cl9 uv used popi9.zip


Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it! 

What monster? Might have been the hell knight at the start. Think I have to move around some teleporter stuff. 

yeah, palette kinda spices up all the colours haha :P yeah cyberdemon has low health.


uv? You mean bloodcharged? Come on now 😂😂 I’ll check it out :)





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A very intense and cruel map towards the player. The map is very well made, although there was not much space.

The skeleton below was rubbing against the ceiling so that even his head was not visible. The second archvile was put to sleep by a spider with a blaster, whether it should have been like that or not, but they immediately started fighting each other.

In the end, the mastermind was probably superfluous, it was helplessly beating against four walls while I was unloading the rest of the ammo into him.


After completing the mission, the game crashed for some reason.

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5 hours ago, dmh094 said:

yeah I think the first cyber has a chance of getting blocked by the hell knight. 

what other monsters didn’t spawn in?? 


Not sure which ones exactly. Your monster closet design only gives the enemies a single chance to teleport in though. Because you only have the one teleport line, and the scroll floor action, if the monster's teleport destination is blocked it won't teleport, and then it will be stuck at the end of the closet. A better design is to remove the scroll floor action and instead have a control sector attached to the closet which propagates sound from a sector the player is in so the monster in the closet wakes up when the player shoots. Also having multiple teleport lines helps if the destination is blocked the enemy can still teleport.

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