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Have you never made a DOOM map before??

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I personally never or tried to make a DOOM map, I'm not good at measuring or stuff like that, it would probably be no good anyway.  I just play the maps that are already made for me :)

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Posted (edited)

I wish I did! sometimes when I see the creativity and quality out there it really makes me wish I had the discipline and time to do the same and learn mapping!

Edited by JoeyKelastiof

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You know, I thought the same thing, but I very recently decided to download Ultimate Doom Builder on a whim to see what garbage I could come up with. 

To my surprise though, making quality maps is actually very easy. UDB has a lot of nice features like that make mapping feel more like playing with legos than filling out a spreadsheet. My first map, while far from the best was received well despite some mistakes (which are now obvious in hindsight). This video also inspired me to an extent:


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I've released three so far this year (and hopefully more) but I've made way more in the past for different games. Doom mapping seems to be the one I can easily feel confident in finishing an idea for but I do want to eventually get back to Quake and Half-Life mapping one day... or maybe I can just stick with Doom forever.

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1 hour ago, vanilla_d00m said:

I personally never or tried to make a DOOM map, I'm not good at measuring or stuff like that, it would probably be no good anyway.  I just play the maps that are already made for me :)

You should try it, even if it's not necessarily to make a complete project or megawad, it's fun and easy enough to finish maps and with the abundance of resources you can get the jist of it pretty quickly, and this is coming from someone that rarely ever finishes anything.

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Posted (edited)

Not really. I made two maps, but they were trivial. Even more trivial than in 5-minute speedmapping competitions.

It's not actually that hard. Draw an inclosed figure with linedefs to form a sector, select a texture for floor, ceiling and walls (it's not necessary, IIRC), place a "Player 1 start" and that's it.

Edited by Dimon12321

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I've made some small maps thanks to DoomGappy's tutorial, but my skills are still beginner and it's a bit hard to keep up with motivation and creativity.

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3 hours ago, Skullzrawk9 said:

You know, I thought the same thing, but I very recently decided to download Ultimate Doom Builder on a whim to see what garbage I could come up with. 

To my surprise though, making quality maps is actually very easy. UDB has a lot of nice features like that make mapping feel more like playing with legos than filling out a spreadsheet. My first map, while far from the best was received well despite some mistakes (which are now obvious in hindsight). This video also inspired me to an extent:



In my understanding it is very difficult to produce quality maps. Playing with legos _is_easy, but creating something extraordinary is not.
BTW: instead of having a link for watching nice YT-vids; couldn't we have a link to your wad to to be able to form our own opinion?   :-)

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4 hours ago, vanilla_d00m said:

I personally never or tried to make a DOOM map, I'm not good at measuring or stuff like that, it would probably be no good anyway.  I just play the maps that are already made for me :)

I am great at measuring as well as knowledge of construction and I make boring maps. I really do envy creative people. You may be a really great mapper and just don't know it.

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Posted (edited)

I've never made a Doom* map... before summer 1994. ;-)


Doom Builder is so easy to use (especially coming from 90s map editors, ouch) that I think any fan should be able to try making a map these days.

Try it!

It doesn't have to be a good map, just make something & experiment around.  You'll learn, and acquiring knowledge is always good.  Even non-creatives who only try and don't do much with it will learn and should come away with more insight & appreciation for the game.

*EDIT:  Clarified a "Doom map" before getting accused of half-truths -- before then I had made Wolf 3-D maps. ;-)

Edited by DiavoJinx

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2 hours ago, DoomGater said:

In my understanding it is very difficult to produce quality maps. Playing with legos _is_easy, but creating something extraordinary is not.

Very true, but everyone needs to start somewhere and the Doom equivalent of "playing with legos" (creating single combat scenarios, short maps, speed mapping, etc) is a great one.

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Glad I’m not the only one.  My whole time I been here.. I saw mostly map making discussions and wads.  Making a map is the last thing on my mind.  Thank you for the answers.

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I have made some maps for a soon-to-be released project technically, though they are just literal cubes of maps and no real conventional maps

Though of course I do hope for that to change soon. finishing up that last box and showing it off to the team was a better feeling than beating any megawad

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Posted (edited)

I've been playing Doom for nearly all of my 31 years of life so far, but I never thought I'd become a mapper.. that is until last summer when, on a whim, I downloaded Ultimate Doom Builder just to see what would happen. I quickly fell in love with it, decided to build my first map ever for the Doomworld Maximum Project 2023, and I've been addicted ever since. 

Even if you don't consider yourself creative, I'd encourage you to give it a try if you love Doom - you might be surprised at how much you enjoy it! There are always several community projects that are very welcoming to new mappers, as well as many great and supportive folks in the community who will help you grow.

Edited by stochastic

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I've made a few, and published fewer. Working on it. 


The tools really aren't that difficult to work with, especially if you stick to vanilla assets so you don't really need to fiddle with lumps.


I personally find detailing and the finer kind of decoration/texture to be difficult to get right, I've got a weak visual imagination, and I am not one who really plans in depth, and so my maps tend to come into being organically, and kind of chaotically.  Think I'm getting the hang of making things seem consistent, and repeated revision does allow for refinement and a little extra eyecandy to happen.


Although, the wonderful thing about Doom maps is that they don't really need to be intricately detailed masterpieces to be enjoyable experiences, especially if one is creative in other ways or can design a solid fight. And so for now, while I'll tweak endlessly to make them look a little nicer, I prioritise focus on making my maps fun romps more than visual extravaganzas. 

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Yes, but I can't recommend my maps that are publicly available as of now, since I'm a new mapper (3+ years experience) and I keep quickly learning and improving. Give me a good year or two and I'll have at least one wad I can confidently say can represent my mapping style, maybe even with my own midi soundtrack.

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Posted (edited)

I've made about 25 maps over the last 20 years

Edited by Dubbag

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The problem with making a Doom map is that, once you get through your first map, you want to make a better one...and then a better one...and then a better one..until one day you wake up and realise "I'm a mappaholic" LOL

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I'm the type to procrastinate. What little maps I have made have just been scrapped altogether. Idk, I guess I don't have much of a creative drive. I have more fun playing maps for the game than making something for the game itself.

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Coming up on 350 made, 300 published soon - mostly deathmatch and CTF.


Started Feb 2021 - but I should have realistically started earlier - I've been playing the game since 2000 - only in 2021 did I learn mapping finally.


If you haven't mapped, you should at least give it a shot - you may really love it, and if you love doing something, then the learning part comes much easier - however daunting it may seem at first.




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I made only one map quite recently in Boom format. Now I started making a map in UDMF format to participate in RAMP, and oh ma gah, the Boom format will seem like flowers, because triggering in UDMF is a complete pain 😭, though at that time Boom seemed very complicated to me.

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Posted (edited)

I've dabbled in map-making for years, for Doom and Duke 3D, but never releasing anything, losing interest after a few days. But I've made enormous progress on my GAYhem map in just a week. It's probably the fact that there's a deadline.

Edited by june gloom

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I’ve made/released one map and have another that’s nearly complete, but the ambition and inspiration has all but vanished. 

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yes but i stick to mostly source maps now, hoping for s&box to come out soon so i can start mapping for source 2 

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I'm learning to make maps. Made 8 so far. Its part of a megawad that shows my map making journey 

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