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Your scariest bug/insect story/stories?

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For me it was a Tarantula Hawk Wasp. Their territory is far larger than many people may know. 


Anyways me, my gf at the time and her brother were out in the woods out side Boise for camping purposes. Long story short, the bother got stung and we weren't sure they were Hawk Wasps until was he involuntarily passing out from a single sting. its basically a 2 hour drive back to Boise from our camping spot so the brother was pretty delirious for most of the trip back.


Now the hilarious part about the Hawk Wasp sting and how it treated the brother: Hawk Wasps are known to have one of the most painful, nonfatal stings. BY many wild life education channels they are acknowledged to be basically 2nd only to the Bullet Ant.  The brother when asked about the pain said it wasn't that bad, but the effect of making him delirious basically says that his body shut down in response to the pain it was receiving and he consciously did not feel much of it. 



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