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Blood Temple - Doom 2 Single Level WAD

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Blood Temple

Blood Temple is a single-level WAD for Doom 2 to be played with GZDoom or ZDoom. Descend into an ancient temple nestled deep within the jungle and discover a terrifying secret within! 


Filename: blood_temple.WAD
Required Port: GZDoom or ZDoom
Primary purpose: Singleplayer
Author: Skullzrawk9

Description: An ancient, demon-infested temple

Game: DOOM2
Map #: Map01

Freelook: Recommended

Jumping: Optional

Crouching: Optional



Google Drive - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pix-dMS2JrItw0EFRkp8XYTqV6BITfen/view?usp=sharing

IdGames - [I'll link it here once the map gets approved]






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Fun little map!


Combat felt fair, ammo and weapon placement was well done. And the level flowed nicely throughout. I found no issues.

Edited by Zesiir

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Great little map. Some textures felt a tiny bit out of place (the way secrets often are hidden). Great work and I enjoyed the map!

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A Small, Easy and Fun Map! I love the Monster variety that was put into this WAD, this map felt like it was made for the berserk pack! 

Great Job, have a good one mate.

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All at the same brightness. I recommend working with the brightness in different rooms, it gives more charm and authenticity.
There is no point in the blue key, since the door it opens goes right behind it. The same applies to the red key, but at least the red key has a trap, although due to the sufficient amount of space and the small amount of ammunition, it is easier not to engage in combat.

Remember, Doomguy is not a killing machine, he will not run headlong into the thick of things, and he will not try to kill as many enemies as possible. The player mostly wants to survive and get to the exit as quickly as possible. “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle” (Sun Tzu, The Art of War).


Despite the unbalanced combat part of the map, in general the map is made with taste, one might even say aesthetically pleasing. Keep it up!

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It's certainly an improvement over your last map when it comes to structure and progression. Nenapo points out the remaining issues quite succinctly.



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Needed something short to play, found this - busy times - all time I got for doom 2day lol


Nice little map, as another said, brightness variances would help - If not for berserk then shotgunning lots of hell knights and stuff would have been a chore, this def feels like a map for the berserk enthusiast so I let loose. Was actually pretty fun in that regard, I had the right focus to punch a lot of things good tonight


One thing, that rocket launcher pickup to open up imp closet .. er . might want to be repeatable. Players or imps can get stuck in there, and you def want a way out if you are in there with the door closed haha



Edited by Clippy

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Kind of the same feedback.  Give it some lighting, maybe vary the ceiling heights a little more.  Also, try to throw at least one secret in there.   I enjoyed the playthrough.

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