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I Need Recommendations For A Good CRT TV

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CRT TVs dont really have much differences except by size, weight and cord ports. Your probable best bet is most likely from the 2000s and aim for around 32 inch screen just the hassle of moving one of those dinosaurs more easily, Magnavox and Phillips or Toshiba are probably going to be your winner choices. As for finding one quickly I'd say your local Facebook marketplace or post a Wanted post that you are looking for one.

Edited by kalensar

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First of all, why is this posted in a DOOM sub-forum? There are off-topic boards...


But to answer your question: since CRTs (be they TVs or monitors) are not being manufactured anymore—and haven't been for about a decade—the question is impossible to answer. There are no new CRT TVs being made, and availability is 100% reliant on resellers (be they commercial or—more likely—individual) and their stock at a given moment. Plus, accounting for weight and shipping costs, your best bet is local marketplaces like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.


If you want the cream of the crop, you'd be looking for a production monitor from Sony, but those tend to be quite small.

Edited by AbeAwesome

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