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im curious How do you play your 32 mega level Wads?

im curious How do you play your 32 mega level Wads?   

101 members have voted

  1. 1. im curious How do you play your 32 mega level Wads?

    • Normal way
    • With Brutal Doom
    • With Project Brutality
    • With Lithium
    • With something else (if so comment on which one)

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  • Poll closed on 06/29/24 at 11:03 PM

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it's something that im very curious i love playing some Mega 32 level wads but i like playing it in a certain so i thought i ask you guys 

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I generally just use my own mods. If I use other mods then it is usually Hell Rider or Metal Ops.

The main ones I use from my personal "stockpile" are Code Zleek Doom, KD1MB, or D4V-Re-ZDoom

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@Paulkdragon I use GZ Doom or DSDA Doom (when playing WADs on the work PC) with one of those top of the screen things that tells you kill secret and item count I don't remember the name of the one I use would have to look on the work computer it's a bunch of random letters was posted on here about a month ago that's all I use the port and the hud info thing.


Edited by LegendaryEevee

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The way they were arguably intended to be played. For whatever that's worth.

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56 minutes ago, Paulkdragon said:

Hell Rider or Metal Ops? 

never played those before are they simular to Brutal Doom or Project Brutality?

You may be surprised that there are dozens of mods out there that don't play like those two mods since that's all most new Doomers know of.


Try something like Supercharge for something different. Or Russian Overkill.

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6 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

You may be surprised that there are dozens of mods out there that don't play like those two mods since that's all most new Doomers know of.


Try something like Supercharge for something different. Or Russian Overkill.

A whole world of Gameplay Mods to blindly discover for the first time, I remember those times. God, I envy them...

Edited by Mr Masker

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1 hour ago, Paulkdragon said:

Hell Rider or Metal Ops? 

never played those before are they simular to Brutal Doom or Project Brutality?



Both are weapon packs. THe easiest way to describe Hell Rider is inspired by FEAR. It features neat player movement dynamics with Double Jump, Wall Climbing and The FEAR/Megaman slide. ALSO, the base version of Hell Rider on 1st Page: That version is not compatible with GZDoom 4.12. 

                                                                  On page 15 I linked a version of my fix for Hell RIder for GZDoom 4.12


Metal Ops is another weapons pack and its art style is reminiscent of Brutal Doom. 


Also <Shameless self plug> 

I have boatloads gameplay mods compiled linked in my About Bio to my MODDB. Some are cool, some are primitive , most are fun one sense or another.


Also thumbs up on Supercharge. It as a really good polish to it,

Edited by kalensar

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Both the normal way and with a personalized soft mod I've worked on for the past week or so that ups the rate of fire of the pistol and ever so slightly increases ROF for shotgun, increased carrying capacity of 300-600 for bullets instead of 200-400, plasma gun "bullet" does 10 damage instead of 5 but at a reduced carrying capacity of 150-300 cells instead of 300-600, Lost Souls at 70 health instead of 100 and they count towards kills, and health and armor bonuses not counting towards items to reduce automap stat bloat and make 100% items a more realistically obtainable goal. There's also loads of weapon/enemy/item and some environmental/decorative cosmetic replacements and audio from Aubrey Hodges and Doom 3 that I supplemented. Also Doomguy's Doomgirl now.

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4 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

Both the normal way and with a personalized soft mod I've worked on for the past week or so that ups the rate of fire of the pistol and ever so slightly increases ROF for shotgun, increased carrying capacity of 300-600 for bullets instead of 200-400, plasma gun "bullet" does 10 damage instead of 5 but at a reduced carrying capacity of 150-300 cells instead of 300-600, Lost Souls at 70 health instead of 100 and they count towards kills, and health and armor bonuses not counting towards items to reduce automap stat bloat and make 100% items a more realistically obtainable goal. There's also loads of weapon/enemy/item and some environmental/decorative cosmetic replacements and audio from Aubrey Hodges and Doom 3 that I supplemented. Also Doomguy's Doomgirl now.

i see what wads have you worked on?

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Mods that randomize both the weapons and enemies are my personal favorites. OMGWPNS remains that case for me. This of course changes when there are changes to weapons or monsters in the WAD itself but thankfully there's options to ensure things. Most of the time.

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i play through a megawad first, then i play through it with mods like pb2.0, final doomer+, there was this one called mr anderson which is kinda like max payne 

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With beautiful Doom with vanilla settings and weapons. I used to play with monster / weapons replacers, which I still love, but the flip side is that it sometimes makes some monsters behave differently, which means they'll get bugged and won't spawn into the map, meaning you'd have to do the level again and hope the RNG will be with you this time. Since I want to 100% maps and I did not like this uncertainty anymore, I had to resort to going back Vanilla (which is fine because I'm challenging myself to play vanilla / autosave so I like it ).

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1 hour ago, Paulkdragon said:

i see what wads have you worked on?

No maps, just "LILA-DOOM", a GZDoom gameplay/randomizer mod that is unavailable at this time (WIP redux overhaul was being worked on late last year and is currently collecting dust since December.) Otherwise a lot of tinkering with other people's stuff i.e Woolie Wool's Mutiny 2.0 is an old favorite.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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Unmodded, usually with DSDA. Hurt-Me-Plenty, continuous, not going for 100% kills or secrets, missing secret levels entirely unless I stumble into them. I'm as casual as you get, I guess.

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I just play the normal way unless the WAD was built to support a specific mod. Many mods screw up the intended experience the author had in mind. To each their own. 

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Responding to the title question, not the poll question.


This goes for longer mapsets in general, but I try to avoid burning out on them by being willing to take breaks and not force myself to play them day after day until I'm done with them. It isn't uncommon for me to take a weeks-long or even months-long break in the middle of playing a wad. I find that doesn't hurt my sense of progression or immersion at all. If anything it strengthens it because the mapset "lives" with me for a longer time. 


This doesn't happen because I get tired of wads. It's more just a fundamental rejection of playing constantly day after day as the "proper rhythm of playing". It's kind of like in making art, sometimes you take days or even weeks off from what you're working on because that's just...what you do, that's how it's meant to be worked on, the rhythm isn't "do this every day."


Rushing through a set out of obligation has pretty much always been a bad experience for me. I try to avoid using playlists for myself because I find they encourage that "checking something off a list" mentality that I want to avoid. 


A couple recent notable examples: 


- Eviternity 2 (very good megawad obviously, still haven't played map30 or all the secret maps) 
- 10x10 Project (one of my favorite wads ever, I took a 3-month break after map07)

- name redacted (the author and I have been friends for a few years, and I find her so wonderful that it kinda makes playing her wads in a timely fashion feel besides the point -- would rather talk to her :P)

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3 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

With Lithium for sure, and probably some heroin too.

he talking about the mod but lmao.

Every time you get a berserk in a map be sure to inject steroids, gotta really immerse yourself in the game

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2 hours ago, baja blast rd. said:

Responding to the title question, not the poll question.


This goes for longer mapsets in general, but I try to avoid burning out on them by being willing to take breaks and not force myself to play them day after day until I'm done with them. It isn't uncommon for me to take a weeks-long or even months-long break in the middle of playing a wad. I find that doesn't hurt my sense of progression or immersion at all. If anything it strengthens it because the mapset "lives" with me for a longer time. 


This doesn't happen because I get tired of wads. It's more just a fundamental rejection of playing constantly day after day as the "proper rhythm of playing". It's kind of like in making art, sometimes you take days or even weeks off from what you're working on because that's just...what you do, that's how it's meant to be worked on, the rhythm isn't "do this every day."


Rushing through a set out of obligation has pretty much always been a bad experience for me. I try to avoid using playlists for myself because I find they encourage that "checking something off a list" mentality that I want to avoid.


Quoting this for its invaluable advice.


First megawad I ever played through was Alien Vendetta, and I just kind of expected (?) that I had to play through whole chunks of it at a time.

The centre portions of it completely melded together - I couldn't honestly tell you what happened between Toxic Touch and Misri Halek.

I got super fatigued with it.

And that only compounded when I started started to struggle as the difficulty shifted pitch towards the end. I was just plain having a bad time.


And then I realised it had nothing to do with the quality of the wad.

Nothing to do with my skill as a player.

It was the arse-backwards approach to "pushing through" I'd taken.

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I think playing wads as is first time around is neat, and if you liked it enough as a replay you could always give Final Doomer a shot alongside with it. Each weapon set is themed alongside a respective wad it was made for.

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Smooth Doom MBF21 (classic edition) for DSDA (my favorite sourceport), or just the regular one for GZDoom if necessary.


High framerate and smooth animations is all I want for every wad I play :). Rarely I need to disable it because it can break some wads progression.

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Besides wide-screen status bar or MIDI packs, I don't use mods nowadays. 


In the past I used to get distracted a lot, so I try to play two wads at the same time (one for DWMC, one for my own write-up thread). It helps a lot with fatigue that you can develop while playing a full-size set while staying focused to see a wad to the end.

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My favorite gameplay mod to use with megawads is Supercharge, But if it changes the balance too much or the megawad makes its own changes i'll use mods like Nashgore and Immerse so it feels more polished without changing the gameplay.

Edited by Monocled

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I just like playing Doom, doesn't matter if it's modded or not. Try playing vanilla every once in a while though, it's easier to appreciate the work that goes into maps that way.


Usually I play a few maps at a time, depends entirely on the WAD and map length. No way in hell will I try tackling more than one Sunder map a day.

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I don't do it so much these days because one of the mods hasn't been updated in a while, but I used to do runs with DoomRLA and DoomRPG. I'm back to vanilla these days. Brutal Doom and Project Brutality don't play nicely enough with a lot of stuff released these days anyway.

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