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Posted (edited)

This, frankly, doesn't excite me too much.


The beauty of Doom is limited story and run/gun. I don't really want some cringy backstory that could appear in any other FPS franchise.

Edited by princetontiger

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Cool trailer. I'll probably play it just because it has Doom on the box to be honest.

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Posted (edited)

Hard to say much by the initial trailer but my personal thoughts so far:


  • Seems slower paced (though that might change) than Eternal which I don't personally mind.
  • The mixture of medieval and sci-fi stuff is interesting. It's a theme mix-up that the community's done a bazillion times in their wads so seeing a large studio's take on it interests me.
  • Guess there's going to be some sort of flying sections in the game..? Reminds me of Turok: Evolution.
  • Again, not a fan of the pseudo-warhammer lore they're going for. The beginning text kinda killed the vibe of rest of the trailer at first view.
    • That said, since they're filling in the gaps between originals & nu-dooms, I do hope to see Doomguy in his original armor at some point. It'd honestly be cool if he was running around with the weapons from either Doom 2 or 64 at the start.
Edited by DoomPlayer00
Fixed typo

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Posted (edited)

Co-signed, someone who also likes to be excited about things for once.


Real talk though: I know I shouldn’t let the opinions of randos get me down, but I was initially super-hyped over Dark Ages.

But I almost can’t even do that anymore, namely due to how bad discourse has gotten over Doom Eternal and now Dark Ages.

Edited by Man of Doom

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Man of Doom said:

Co-signed, someone who also likes to be excited about things for once.


Real talk though: I know I shouldn’t let the opinions of randos get me down, but I was initially super-hyped over Dark Ages.

But I almost can’t even do that anymore, namely due to how bad discourse has gotten over Doom Eternal and now Dark Ages.

This is how i felt when Doom Eternal first released. It HAS to be exactly as how they want the series to be like, it HAS to feel like their childhood game, it HAS to have "the spirit of the classic" or else its a blight to the series and is ruined it forever.

Its tiring. and its brining me back to 2021 when all this BS ruined my hype for Doom Eternal. GO FUCKING PLAY VALIANT AND ANCIENT ALIENS FFS THERE 1 MILLION mapsets, hell you can make mods that have Non of the platforming/cringe lore/confetti.


We'll be outside the discourse enjoying ALL DOOMS

EDIT: no use quoting me since im already over this back in 2021 but Dark Ages brining back flashbacks.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Zirtonic said:

geometric curves or narrative turns y'all into curmudgeons. 

I build with UDB and put curves in my maps.  As for narrative, if it wasn't boilerplate dogshit taking itself seriously, I might like it. 

Edited by EraserheadBaby

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Its tiring. and its brining me back to 2021 when all this BS ruined my hype for Doom Eternal. GO FUCKING PLAY VALIANT AND ANCIENT ALIENS FFS THERE 1 MILLION mapsets, hell you can make mods that have Non of the platforming/cringe lore/confetti.


Exactly. It reminds me of my favourite Transformers review guy taking the piss out of G1 purists.


In comic whinning voice: "Bring back G1!"

Regular voice: "Bitch, G1 never left."


Classic Doom has not gone anywhere for 3 decades. It is physically impossible for one person to play every new bit of new classic Doom content released over the last 3 decades. You can mix and match any number of things to roll your own perfect classic Doom experience.

Clearly, this new game isn't for everyone. If you hated the new games, it's improbable it is going to make you a convert. But I think it looks entertainingly daft. I like the shield and the skull gun, and the environments look stunning. Will see else comes to light over the coming months before release.

Edited by Murdoch

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It feels like they're retconning Doomguy being the Doomslayer from eternal and making him a godlike person, but this time in the past.

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Posted (edited)

This looks horrendous as a Doom title -- Mech fights, Dragon flying, Captain America shields? This isn't Doom, it's an R rated power rangers.


the nuDoom enablers need to realize IP's have identities for a reason, when they lose them they are no longer said things and only bastardizations and in name only. There are plenty of existing IP's that evolve and stay true to what made the franchise great but not many are capable of that especially with corporatization. CS is still the same CS it was 25 years ago and is still the biggest multiplayer FPS for a reason. 



Edited by Yonko

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Posted (edited)

I'm just waiting to see what the multiplayer will be like. It's almost certain that there will be a single mode, "Dragon Battle Royale" where two guys wearing unicorn fursuits will battle each other on dragons while six other players, playing as boring revenants with limited ammo, attempt to play a lame MOBA-lite on the ground while attempting to earn enough points to buy a BFG with one shot in order to kill one of the Doom Dragonriders in order to take their place. A fine replacement for a classic deathmatch, but I think most of my post-campaign time will be spent playing the obligatory roguelite mode, which I heard will be added 18 months after launch alongside the Doom Eternal Nostalgia Pack DLC.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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1 minute ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I'm just waiting to see what the multiplayer will be like. It's almost certain that there will be a single mode, "Dragon Battle Royale" where two guys wearing unicorn fursuits will battle each other on dragons while six other players, playing as boring revenants with limited ammo, attempt to play a lame MOBA-lite on the ground while attempting to earn enough points to buy a BFG with one shot in order to kill one of the Doom Dragonriders in order to take their place. A fine replacement for a classic deathmatch.

I don't understand this joke, but it implies a hell I'd rather not know about. 

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3 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I'm just waiting to see what the multiplayer will be like. It's almost certain that there will be a single mode, "Dragon Battle Royale" where two guys wearing unicorn fursuits will battle each other on dragons while six other players, playing as boring revenants with limited ammo, attempt to play a lame MOBA-lite on the ground while attempting to earn enough points to buy a BFG with one shot in order to kill one of the Doom Dragonriders in order to take their place. A fine replacement for a classic deathmatch.

I like dat part about dragons and unicorn fursuits

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Tony_Danza_the_boss said:

Cape is stupid. Beyblade chainsaw shield is nonsensical. Warhammer 40K mech is out of place. And there's a dragon for some reason.


Wake me when there's a Quake reboot. 


You don't want a Quake reboot either, it will also feature giga cringe stuff like dragon flying and Nicki Minaj skins. They will ruin that as well it's guaranteed when Corpo id is ran by microsoft is at the helm. AAA gaming is due for a crash.

Edited by Yonko

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Posted (edited)

With the exception of classic Doom or certain retro shooters I've generally outgrown games with this type of gameplay. 


It's too one dimensional and flat for me to get any real  satisfaction from it, I will probably get it once its 5,- but will likely get bored from playing it after the first level and switch to another game. 


I'm looking much more forward to Silent Hill 2 then this right now.

Edited by OniriA

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5 minutes ago, Yonko said:


You don't want a Quake reboot either, it will also feature giga cringe stuff like dragon flying and Nicki Minaj skins. They will ruin that as well it's guaranteed when Corpo id is ran by microsoft is at the helm. AAA gaming is due for a crash.

Didn't Quake already have a dragon boss in its mission pack?

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9 hours ago, Man of Doom said:

So this is a very good thread:



It really isn't, Doom 3 always looked like Doom. Whomever this is, is attempting revisionist history.

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Not a huge fan of the overly desaturated and depressing color scheme compared to 2016's intense orange skies and Eternal's colorful environments full of glowing videogame powerups, but also it seems to by and large be mostly one area shown so far, so maybe other areas get weirder and funkier. Curious to see what falls out the other side, and witness how the community will inevitably pull from it for classic Doom modding projects.


2 hours ago, Edward850 said:

Doom 3 always looked like Doom.

I pretty strongly disagree with you on this. Doom 3 had it's own very distinct visual identity separate from the DOS series, with a lot more grey, copper and chrome tones than the original game's fairly bright palette, and with monster designs pulling more from Hollywood sci-fi horror like Aliens than the goat-horned heavy metal album covers and airbrush fantasy artists that fueled the original art.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Kinsie said:

Doom 3 had it's own very distinct visual identity separate from the DOS series, with a lot more grey, copper and chrome tones <...> with monster designs pulling more from Hollywood sci-fi horror like Aliens...


Literally describes the original Doom with its grey and copper tones and the alien monster designs. The cherry on top is that it could have been the Aliens adaptation.

Edited by incel

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15 hours ago, baja blast rd. said:

Doom: The Middle Ages




Oh wow, this is really what oldschool gamers want to see! From what wad is it?

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, DoomPlayer00 said:

Hard to say much by the initial trailer but my personal thoughts so far:


  • Seems slower paced (though that might change) than Eternal which I don't personally mind.
  • The mixture of medieval and sci-fi stuff is interesting. It's a theme mix-up that the community's done a bazillion times in their wads so seeing a large studio's take on it interests me.
  • Guess there's going to be some sort of flying sections in the game..? Reminds me of Turok: Evolution.
  • Again, not a fan of the pseudo-warhammer lore they're going for. The beginning text kinda killed the vibe of rest of the trailer at first view.
    • That said, since they're filling in the gaps between originals & nu-dooms, I do hope to see Doomguy in his original armor at some point. It'd honestly be cool if he was running around with the weapons from either Doom 2 or 64 at the start.


I think the only real commonality that the nu-Doom setting has with WH40k is the fusion of fantastic and science-fiction elements. I think tonally they are very distinct. I don't get the same sense of unrelenting hopelessness and dystopian cynicism that weighs down on the 40k universe like a lead blanket. In 40k there is no ultimate hero to save the day, but in nu-Doom you play as that guy.

As someone who sometimes finds the overwhelming grimdark of 40k a bit tiresome on occasion, nu-Doom feels like a breath of fresh air by comparison.

Edited by NoXion

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1 hour ago, Kinsie said:

I pretty strongly disagree with you on this. Doom 3 had it's own very distinct visual identity separate from the DOS series, with a lot more grey, copper and chrome tones than the original game's fairly bright palette, and with monster designs pulling more from Hollywood sci-fi horror like Aliens than the goat-horned heavy metal album covers and airbrush fantasy artists that fueled the original art.

I don't really know how else to put this but you seem to be forgetting the original Doom, which itself is obviously Alien's inspired and with a lot of industrial design. Like maybe this is just one of those eye-of-the-beholder things but you seem to be selectively picking only a few elements and deciding it represent the whole game.

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12 minutes ago, Michael63 said:


Oh wow, this is really what oldschool gamers want to see! From what wad is it?

Eviternity II.

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I could do without the dragons and the mech stuff, and I don't care for Eternal's story, so I hope that they ditch some of the cringe, but honestly...

The action looks good, more in the style of 2016, which I liked.

Setting looks interesting, and that shieldsaw slaps. Looks fun as hell and better than whatever that flame belch bullcrap was in Eternal.


Dunno if I'll play it, right now I'm playing on a potato laptop from 2018 that I mostly use for creative work and utility, and have no plans to upgrade anything - I just don't game that much these days aside from the occassional 1-1.5 hours of Doom every few days.

But I am excited for the mods people are going to come up with for classic Doom after this - I remember trying to patch something like this together as a gameplay mod circe 2016 by adding Hexen weapons to D4D and using Amuscaria's sprites for the monsters at some point. Never took off cuz I took a hiatus from Doom shortly after, but this is definitely a direction I wanted to see.

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