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Biggest question for me is resource management ie the inevitable changes to acquisition of health, armour and ammo.


And also, will it run on a 3060.

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Posted (edited)

Not sure how I feel about the addition of vehicles, but other than that, the reveal alleviated any skepticism I had. I'm at least moderately excited.


19 minutes ago, Stoltzmann said:

I am worried about the music, obviously Mick is not working with Id anymore so music may be a let down.


I'm personally not worried about that if Andrew Hulshult is still involved. The music in the trailer did sound like his particular style, and even if it isn't him, I'm sure that whoever id hired for soundtrack duties on this one will ultimately do the game justice. Besides, at the risk of stirring up a pot, Mick isn't that crucial to the identity of modern Doom, as kick-ass as his work was on the last two games. But the situation is what it is, and Andrew and David proved themselves more than capable of filling the gap.


8 minutes ago, scalliano said:

And also, will it run on a 3060.


id Tech engines tend to be pretty well-optimized. The reported minimum for Eternal is a 1050 Ti, and I can't imagine the requirements for id Tech 8(?) would have increased so much as to require a 4000 Series card.

Edited by MFG38

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On 5/26/2024 at 12:29 AM, TheUltimateDoomer666 said:

The trailer is pretty bad, but what really doomed the game was the absolutely horrendous gameplay:



Ok you're right, that gameplay is absolutely atrocious.

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Totally forgot about this, and I must say this was a pleasant surprise today.

Wasn't sure what I was expecting, but I'd love to see more.

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Dark ages. How ironic
Well at least gameplay-wise it's somewhat faster-looking, and hopefully less arena-oriented

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id is forgetting what Doom is, the scifi elements are almost non-existent. They should've just made this a new IP in general. 

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1 hour ago, BluePineapple72 said:

The skull shredder gun is nuts. Perfect amount of stupid

Gunther Herman is dismayed. They finally made a skul gun, but they got the idea backwards.

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29 minutes ago, Stoltzmann said:

Looks nice and all, shit's cool especially dragon and mech but the movement seems underwhelming more like a serious sam game than doom, slower pace compared to eternal, I don't see meathook which was THE best addition and movement tool in eternal, lack of verticality. We have to wait for more trailers, so far I am looking forward to it but I am not blown away. Also I am worried about the music, obviously Mick is not working with Id anymore so music may be a let down.


Theory: Doomguy gets put into the Divinity Machine halfway through the game as a mid-season upgrade (think Kane's Stroggification in Quake 4). All gameplay in that trailer is from early in the campaign.


Music-wise, MFG is on the money. Levy and Hulshult did the job in TAG, and if they are back for TDA, it's a safe bet that they've had a LOT more time to work on the music this time around. That said, it would be funny if it turned out that someone like GeoffPlaysGuitar was brought on board.

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1 minute ago, OpenRift said:

id is forgetting what Doom is, the scifi elements are almost non-existent. They should've just made this a new IP in general. 

I respect your opinion, but this is what Doom has always been to me. I've played Doom since 1995 and this new direction brings back memories.

I am getting the same feelings I was getting back then.

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Saw the direct and I absolutely love it. As the guy that is firm on his stance that DOOM is mascot horror, this game looks as good at Garten of BanBan and Poppy Playtime.

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4 minutes ago, scalliano said:


Theory: Doomguy gets put into the Divinity Machine halfway through the game as a mid-season upgrade (think Kane's Stroggification in Quake 4). All gameplay in that trailer is from early in the campaign.


Music-wise, MFG is on the money. Levy and Hulshult did the job in TAG, and if they are back for TDA, it's a safe bet that they've had a LOT more time to work on the music this time around. That said, it would be funny if it turned out that someone like GeoffPlaysGuitar was brought on board.


I hope for something like "advanced gameplay trailer" I am ultra-nightmare player and to me in this trailer doomguy is in a wheelchair. Also I am not a fan of Hulshult, Levy is ok but still like a cheaper version of Mick.

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Just read on the official website that this was inspired by Doom 1993 - perhaps the glory kills/chainsaw kills bunny hopping will be toned down in this one? Got to say I was please to see hordes of enemies running at you as you now them down.....

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Looking pretty neat. I thought we'd just get a cinematic teaser with later gameplay at QuakeCon like they handled 2016 and Eternal, but I'm not complaining. The visuals feel a lot closer to Eternal than expected, but I do like how much more "metal" they're going with the art direction and design. Still find "The Dark Ages" a very weird subtitle, and I still wish it was a sequel - but I guess we'll see how they handle things. Story-wise they had some loose ends from the end of Eternal like the Crucible's or Samur's fate. Gonna be a little weird seeing the Hell Priests, Samur, and Khan Maykr again since we dealt with them in Eternal. It's also an opportunity to flesh out Valen, King Novik, and maybe even the "wretched who shall not be named".




I wonder what the flying city in the clouds is at 0:24. Initial thoughts was something Maykr-adjacent but it's not the cybernetic look Urdak had. It could be inspired by the Empyrian map from Doom 2016 multiplayer - which was also a flying city in the clouds with Night Sentinel imagery. The fur cloak looks kinda goofy in a cheesy way but I like it as a redesign element. The automatic weapon with the skull ammo that spread-fires looks like it might be the Heavy Cannon stand-in.


Not sure what the demon at 1:08 is - looks like it's mounted. The mount seems too small to be a Pinky, but it's possible since Eternal lore mentioned Pinkies having demon masters that we never get to see. The demon on top has multi-directional flame attacks which remind me of the Blood Maykrs' attacks - although one of the flame waves turn green randomly. Not sure what that might mean. Interestingly, the weapon the Slayer is holding appears to be based on the Plasma Rifle. The Shield is quite interesting too - he can toss it for a return Captain America style, use it slam into a group of enemies, block enemy fire, perform a charging bash, and even stun a Hell Knight at 1:23 with a timed "parry" (you can notice the Shield flashes green when the Slayer uses it at the "last second" unlike earlier when he was blocking the projectiles). With its versatility and place in the Slayer's left hand, I assume it's going to be the new mechanical feature - like the Equipment Launcher or Blood Punches were for in Eternal.


The demon at 1:27 reminds me of a Gladiator initially with its body structure and its own shield - but its head and yellow chest orb reminds me of the Doom Hunter. It's possible this is supposed to be the original Agaddon Hunters mentioned in Eternal's lore. The Slayer follows up with some melee strikes with a flail and a kick - could be a new mechanic or could just be fancying up melee combat. Someone did mention the lack of Glory Kills - perhaps they're planning on redefining the gameplay loop? Eternal was already quite advanced so it'd be strange if the follow-up was slower or even faster - but if they can adjust the loop for a different approach, I think that might be interesting. Perhaps it will revolve around the shield and melee strikes.


I know the mech suit moment is going to be a crowd-pleaser since a lot of people wanted it since Eternal had an unused mech in the Fortress of Doom, and I do hope it's executed well, but I'm a bit cautious about a "vehicle" section - especially since the Revenant section in Eternal always felt bad to play through. Hopefully they handle the gameplay aspect of that well so it doesn't feel restrictive. Interestingly the environment where he's punching a Titan at 1:34 looks a lot like Mars with its sci-fi facilities, but I imagine it could be a Sentinel outpost at best (since they do mention the Sentinels did live on Mars at one point in Eternal) or alternatively it could be a spot in Hell. Hard to say for sure. The Titan does have a sword interestingly, and I do appreciate we'll actually fight Titans since we just sort of ignored/freed most of them in Eternal.


The dragon looks a bit different than the Wintherins from Eternal's DLCs - but I like it. Much more bulkier and imposing. Not sure how I feel about a third-person sequence but I guess it makes sense for piloting a flying mount if we need the spatial awareness. Hopefully we get to fight a demonic dragon after all. The Slayer also has a nail gun at 1:21 that he uses to pierce an Arch-Vile, sticking it to a wall. It could take the slot of the Ballista / Gauss Cannon maybe.


Some other things: the environment at 1:00 looks a lot more industrial than expected with its pipes, chains, and metal gratings. Could be a reimagining of what Sentinel technology is capable of (we do see a mech suit in the back rising up) - or something Hell or Maykr adjacent. Also while the Soldiers appear to be Sentinel-themed this time around (and all the other demons getting a redesign), the Possessed appear to be based on the Unwilling / Hell Zombies from before. Also a bit hard to tell, but the Hell Knight appears to have an exposed brain - which is a pretty interesting redesign.




Anyways, looks cool and I'm curious to know more about it mechanically. Hopefully Master Levels come back, the post-launch ones were very good from Eternal. I'm morbidly curious how they'll handle the multiplayer for the third time - I do hope they add co-op support but I'm not holding my breath for it. Eternal did have a push for a few "modern" features like the event pass (essentially replaced by store packs), following players (removed), or invasions in singleplayer (canceled) - will we get more of that kind of thing? The skins seemed fairly popular at the least. The originally named "Doom: Year Zero" had very, very high projected earnings in that leaked Bethesda finances report - they're putting a lot of faith in this title even from a while ago.


I wonder what that IDKFA trademark was for from earlier in the year. Maybe something Classic-related? IDKFA is a "Give All"-type cheat code so my guess was maybe another remaster or collection, but that seems unlikely to me. I also wonder if something will come out of that datamined suggested mod support updates for Doom Eternal. They did mention wanting to make modding easier in the future, so maybe Dark Ages will be the start of that? The absence of SnapMap, as flawed as it was in 2016, was very much missed in Eternal. Will the codex/comic set between 2016/Eternal ever come to light? Hugo Martin is pretty open so I imagine someone eventually is going to ask him about it. Finally, the music seems pretty neat - I imagine Andrew Hulshult and David Levy would be back? I did find it interesting that The Ancient God OSTs didn't have much in the way of Classic references (Mick Gordon did a lot of those), so I hope they get to lean more into that in Dark Ages.


Anyways, time to hibernate until QuakeCon I guess...




TL;DR - Looks cool.


PS: The Steam page's summary description for the game is a bit funny since it's in all-caps

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It seems that ssg has a “double hammer trigger" like unused Mastery model of her in DE, judging by some of the details that I see.


Edited:marauder in battlemode have  also shotgun with double hammer trigger. 

Edited by Wad overdose

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I was really, really super skeptical over this, kind of thinking "jesus christ its just going to be more eternal" but what I see from this trailer is tickling a feeling in my brain I haven't felt in a long time.  Chainsaw shield is friggin' wonderful.  Where my D2 smiter bros at


I'm excited.

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44 minutes ago, Wad overdose said:

The close up look to  New mancubus design


Might be the best mancubus design i've seen from them

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Posted (edited)

The new Mancubus is probably the best it's ever looked, it actually reminds me of the Ancient Aliens design, lol

Also aside from the SSG, these all appear to be completely new weapons instead of just reskins, even the Plasma Rifle lookalike seems to function closer to a chaingun.

14 minutes ago, vyruss said:

I was really, really super skeptical over this, kind of thinking "jesus christ its just going to be more eternal" but what I see from this trailer is tickling a feeling in my brain I haven't felt in a long time.  Chainsaw shield is friggin' wonderful.  Where my D2 smiter bros at


I'm excited.

Yeah despite going full Warhammer, this game actually looks much more gritty than Eternal ever did, consider me hyped!

Edited by Scorcher

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Let's hope glory killing and the insane resource management and zillions mechanics of Eternal are gone.

Not super convinced but we'll see. It could also be called something else than Doom that it would not make a difference (not in sales though).

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It looks good, but I can't be the only one who feels like every Doom soundtrack after Mick Gordon left sounds like a copyright-free version of his music. Dull, boring, almost like background noise that only exists out of necessity.

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I'm sure it will be fun, but man I just really cannot stand the lore shit that was built around the new games, especailly with Eternal. The lore and story is probably the thing I disliked most from that game, and I just hate that they're further digging down on it.


Regardless, I hope the game is fun. It certainly looks to be a different pace compared to Eternal, much heavier and not as ultra-fast, which I would prefer if that's the case, given I found Eternal just so overwhelming at times to play.

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