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trailer looks alright enough but i most likely won't play the game myself, not just because DE pulled a DNF on my mental state for a couple years, but also because i bet it would run at 5 entire frames per minute on my rig. my poor 2017 gpu had a hard enough time running DE itself any higher than 10fps, it will burst into flame just thinking about running a 2025 triple-A game lol. i'll probably just watch a streamer or youtuber play it, if even that.


2 minutes ago, Duskztar said:

That sounds like Hexen, though hopefully not quite that confusing lol.

[presses switch] one six-hundred-sixty-sixth of the puzzle has been solved in the blood swamps

(disclaimer: i love hexen this is just a silly jab at it)

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9 minutes ago, 129thVisplane said:

trailer looks alright enough but i most likely won't play the game myself, not just because DE pulled a DNF on my mental state for a couple years, but also because i bet it would run at 5 entire frames per minute on my rig. my poor 2017 gpu had a hard enough time running DE itself any higher than 10fps, it will burst into flame just thinking about running a 2025 triple-A game lol. i'll probably just watch a streamer or youtuber play it, if even that.

True story - my aging PC actually did burst into flames when I tried running Doom 2016 on it (back in 2016). Graphics card just surrendered completely!

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48 minutes ago, chemo said:

God I hope they're not jumping onto the whole "open world" trend. DOOM is the last series that needs that.


Too be clear, I'd be fine with somewhat more "open-ended" levels along the lines of Crysis 1, but I'd hate to see it go much further than that.

Yeah, I think an "open zone" (the kind of term I guess critics would use to describe the sandbox style we're talking about) set-up would work well for the setting and gameplay. You could have, let's say eight, large separate zones with their own setpieces and visual style. This would give room for the new dragon-flying shit and the armored cores, incidental combat with hordes of enemies, etc. while still preserving the ability to have missions that people would expect from a NuDoom game. Of course, I would expect side quests and all that shit if that's the kind of design we're getting.


To be honest, I don't really care much either way. 2016/Eternal were both more or less 8/10 modern game experiences, and that's still fine in my book. I think the lore is silly and the plot is uninteresting and implemented in a forced and lazy way, but that isn't as big of a deal in these games compared to other games. If it was something like Bioshock or Half-life, I'd be pissed, but Doom in general is almost always a gameplay-first series, with Doom 3 being a slight exception. It also kind of ties into what I'm talking about - the plot in Doom 3 was good enough, but if it had a great, memorable plot like Half-life or Bioshock to compliment its setting and atmosphere, it would probably be viewed a lot differently. Instead, nobody really cares or talks about the plot in it. But that's the one game in the series that would have benefited from a knock-out story.


As long as the new games have a decent atmosphere it's good enough for me. I think DE started to get a little carried away with some visual and environmental design choices, which did hurt its atmosphere, but not to the point that it couldn't be corrected. I could accept one game like that, but anything more would be pushing it. Even with the dragons and mechs, this still looks a bit dialed-back to me.


21 minutes ago, Duskztar said:

That sounds like Hexen, though hopefully not quite that confusing lol.

I think they're referring to "modern game design trends" not "we did a lot of acid that night so we're not sure how to solve the puzzle either but it was the 90's so we kept it in the game" design trends. It would be cool as shit if it was an actual HeXen-style puzzle adventure, but they're undoubtedly referring to some kind of variation on the open-zone/sandbox/open-world idea that's just standard in modern games, or even just selling the fact that the levels are more spacious.


I'm not saying any of that to be smart or condescending, I know there are a lot of people here, especially senior citizens (30+) that don't keep up with modern games at all and might not understand what's likely being insinuated.

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2 minutes ago, 129thVisplane said:

its not really an objective standpoint comparison but from a personal one. tl;dr in both cases i got attached to a character from the franchise and then the game i was massively hyped for came out and i very much didnt like what they did with the character in the game and it broke me for a while. but anyways thats besides the point of the thread really, ignore my shit carry on (not meant sarcastically or passive aggressively i just dont want to further inundate a perfectly fine thread with my neurodivergent bs lmao)

Nah it always sucks when that happens. I think everyone has some game or movie or whatever that actually means something to them for one reason or another, and it sucks when it doesn't turn out to be what you wanted. My favorite game of all time, and the only one that I was ever sentimental about, was MediEvil on the PSX. A remake/sequel was a wet dream for us MediEvil megafans (there was even a forum that housed all seven of us) for like 15 years, none of us expecting it to actually happen, and a ruined orgasm when the remake actually did happen and kind of sucked. In fact, myself and the other six just gave up after that and the forum closed down. Now I couldn't care less what they do with the series (possible incoming TV series apparently, for some reason).


For what it's worth Doomslayer's characterization is just übercringe, that's one thing they could have kept in their nerd fantasies and out of the game! No more Doomguy talk! Doomguy angry, sound ape like Grungo!!!

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23 minutes ago, 129thVisplane said:

its not really an objective standpoint comparison but from a personal one. tl;dr in both cases i got attached to a character from the franchise and then the game i was massively hyped for came out and i very much didnt like what they did with the character in the game and it broke me for a while. but anyways thats besides the point of the thread really, ignore my shit carry on (not meant sarcastically or passive aggressively i just dont want to further inundate a perfectly fine thread with my neurodivergent bs lmao)


Thanks kindly for the elaboration.


I've found that building up expectations when it comes to upcoming video games is just setting oneself up for disappointment. So when it comes to games I'm looking forward to, I try not to hype myself up.

I of course look forward to seeing more reveals and gameplay and stuff, but I attempt to approach such things on a "take it as I see it" basis.

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7 hours ago, Jill said:

Think it looks cool but its hard to me to want to play it after what ID did to Mick. I assume Hulshult is back on this one but everything he does sounds like if an AI made metal music.

If anything it's the opposite for me.

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Things are sounding more promising, so perhaps my fears at the beginning of this thread were unfounded, it sounds like id are going for a "best of both worlds" approach to this one, possibly acknowledging the criticisms of Eternal, what made 2016 work as well as it did, and also having their lore cake with a prequel. I can dig it.

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6 minutes ago, Kinsie said:

do you seriously have a browser plugin that word filters "Doom Eternal" to "The March 2020 Mass Hallucination Incident"


grow up

I was rather confused as to what sprung this response until I looked at the quote in their post. Just an FYI to anyone else.

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4 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

I was rather confused as to what sprung this response until I looked at the quote in their post. Just an FYI to anyone else.

Oh shit... I see it now too

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Please be kind to the Doom Eternal Haters, but that plugin was more like a tool for a neurodivigent way to cope?... Anyways, there's always more healthy ways to enjoy the game, like the classics wads that are really good rigth now, so hope we got on topic. Saying this like still a Doom Eternal Enthusiastic player when i got the time. 

Edited by D4NUK1

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Edited. This was actually pretty insensitive, so regardless of how funny it comes off to a certain snarky quipping asshat I retract my remark from the dogpile shitfest that is samethink on DW.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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48 minutes ago, Kinsie said:

do you seriously have a browser plugin that word filters "Doom Eternal" to "The March 2020 Mass Hallucination Incident"


grow up

Ohh man i just noticed the quote reply.


Maybe i should have Dark Souls 2 auto filter to "fever dream" 


I won't cuz I actually want the people who like the game to continue liking it.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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Well if I wasn't considering a top of the line computer build before, I certainly will be now. Pretty safe to guess that if you're getting this for your PC, you're going to want a fairly beefy graphics card if you want to run it at 1440/4k with most of the settings cranked up. If you haven't upgraded your graphics card in a while, that's something you'll probably want to start looking into if you want your DOOM looking and playing as badass as possible.

Of the currently available cards, you'd probably want to go straight for the 4070ti Super, 4080, 4080 Super, 4090 for Team nVidia. Or an RX 7900 GRE, XT, or XTX if you're Team AMD Radeon. Or whatever the next generation GPU equivalent will be when they come out.

Though ironically I'm likely heading to Team Linux after an extended stay between Windows 7 and 10. I'm guessing that it'll be Steam Deck compatible so Linux shouldn't be an issue.


Don't know if nVidia RTX vs. AMD Radeon RX matters in that high end gaming decision for Linux, but that's not suitable for this thread. (Please take that discussion to Everything Else or feel free to PM me your reasons why one is so much superior than the other)


Will almost certainly be picking up this game when it launches, much like when I did the same for 2016 and Eternal.

Edited by Traysandor

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from the conversations i was able to have with friends a lot of them are actually bothered by the style of the game and i'm like how the fuck is anyone bothered by the style if this looks cool as hell?

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1 hour ago, Traysandor said:

Well if I wasn't considering a top of the line computer build before, I certainly will be now. Pretty safe to guess that if you're getting this for your PC, you're going to want a fairly beefy graphics card if you want to run it at 1440/4k with most of the settings cranked up. If you haven't upgraded your graphics card in a while, that's something you'll probably want to start looking into if you want your DOOM looking and playing as badass as possible.


1 hour ago, Traysandor said:

I'm guessing that it'll be Steam Deck compatible so Linux shouldn't be an issue.

To be entirely fair, while the specs will almost certainly be higher than Eternal since they've cut support for previous-gen consoles, if they want a Steam Deck version there's gonna have to be some support for weaker systems on account of the Steam Deck not being the strongest machine in the world. Id Tech's generally pretty scalable, so we'll see how things go.


(They probably also want to do a Switch 2 version, as well, so...)

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3 hours ago, Terrcraft said:

Slightly related question, is a new subforum gonna be opened for this game?


i fucking hope so this day has been the worst

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12 hours ago, AtimZarr1 said:

Pretty interesting interview. Missed hearing Hugo geek about random shit. Didn't expect them to put Marty in any interviews after the Mick situation. 

I thought it was kinda funny Marty’s mic was picking up so much background noise. Almost like Mick used his audio wizardry from across time and space to fuck with Marty, lol.


Anyway, was it confirmed that there’s no jumping or are people assuming this from the talk about grounded combat?

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10 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

No more Doomguy talk! Doomguy angry, sound ape like Grungo!!!


If he doesn't sound like this at the beginning of the next Doom game then he's not my Grungoguy.


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I'm definitely not the first person to point this out and take it with a grain of salt because this is all speculation built on a 2 minute teaser trailer -- but-


The lack of emphasis on vertical movement, plus noticeably bigger crowds of enemies may be an attempt at adapting the playstyle of DOOM & DOOM 2 to the tune of 2016 & Eternal? Fast and grounded, less mechanics centered around strategy and more bulldozing? That's how Hugo was describing this game in the past wasn't it?


I personally don't think id's modern games play anything like their older ones and that's a good thing, they should have separate identities. That being said I'd like to see them take some of the lessons learned from OG DOOM and apply them to the new stuff, also... deathmatch...? :)

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15 hours ago, Novaseer said:

What I believe is the full video for the clip shown above:


disregard my previous stupid message they literally say it in this video

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As long as it is not flippering gameplay, it will be good, i just want a classic doom gameplay not flying around with shitty dash mechanics

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15 hours ago, Novaseer said:

What I believe is the full video for the clip shown above:


"Is there anything really specific about DOOM 1 and 2, like that you- when you-"


"Projectile speed."


"You strafe to aim in 2016 and Eternal for sure, but it's mostly just like- keep moving, keep moving. I think in the original DOOM, in the opening hours, we all remember it." -- "Instead of constructing a multitiered arena to keep you moving, we ground it, slow down the projectiles, make them hit harder and create patterns in the space, that's the jungle gym you're gonna move through."

"It's almost like a three dimensional shmup."


"They did 20-30 years ago and it really worked."


This is all so awesome to hear from them directly.

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With this great interview in mind I have a question 


Do you think they gonna bring back infighting between demon like in the classics ? 

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1 minute ago, Beubeu said:

With this great interview in mind I have a question 


Do you think they gonna bring back infighting between demon like in the classics ? 

It's always possible. Eternal had that fake staged infighting that would happen every so often, but it always felt more like a reference than an actual mechanic. Let's hope!

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