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On 6/11/2024 at 3:19 PM, Scorcher said:

Speaking of Horde Mode, I'd be down for the multiplayer just being that but with 4 players, would be a great way to cash in on the Helldivers 2 hype.

If every single enemy was attacking you at once, Eternal would probably be near-impossible to beat lol


I believe there was a mod that removed it.  I think it was called a token system or something ... I dn't remember.   But yes it was very chaotic but not impossible.

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I think I'll just reserve my opninion for when the game actually releases for real.


They've already done Hell on Mars and they've done Hell on Earth so it seems they're now taking inspiration from post Classic Doom titles like Quake, Heretic and Hexen as they came out after the original Doom games at the time and carry alot of Dooms DNA in them.


I do wish the best of luck to whoever does the music for this one though, hope we don't get a Mick 2.0 scenario post-release. (I'm not even shure if that was even resolved further down the line though). Regardless, I'll see it when I play it. People seem way too triggerhappy and like to jump to conclusions way too fast and I constantly have to remind myself that gamers in general are one of the most toxic audiences there are in this industry and the truth lies usually in the middle, not to one side nor completely to the other. 

Edited by OniriA

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On 6/9/2024 at 12:03 PM, TMMMS said:

it reminds me of painkiller somehow

That is exactly what I thought when I saw the stake launcher. Looks awesome.

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On mardi 11 juin 2024 at 11:18 PM, houston said:

You mean that comment made in the interview at 13 minutes, 5 seconds in? Maybe I'm looking too deeply into it, but considering the reaction of the guy sitting next to him I'm pretty sure he's referencing/mocking an infamous comment made by a developer or marketer once regarding a different game. I can't find any information about it, but I was pretty sure it was made by Todd Howard in regards to Skyrim, one of the 3D Fallouts, or Starfield.

"16 times the detail"


About Fallout 76 compared to Fallout 4.



That was a case of Technically Correct, The Best Kind of Correct: "blah blah new technology. It allows us to have sixteen times the detail, and even view distant weather blah blah."


The key statement there was "it allows us to have", which of course should not be confused with "we have"...

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6 minutes ago, DNSKILL5 said:

Any word on multiplayer yet?

Nothing's been mentioned, but Gamescom and Quakecon are both in August so if they're going to announce anything it'll be there.

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Having found the medieval fantasy elements to be the least interesting aspect of Doom Eternal, after watching the Dark Ages trailer I think in this case it's Doom that might be holding the rest of the game back. Doomslaying aside, the game itself looks right up my alley. The setting looks great and the over-the-top weapons are creative and look very satisfying to use. Spiked flails are far and above my favorite medieval fantasy weapon and this one looks like it works exactly how I'd want it to. Would I rather see a Heretic or Hexen sequel, or even something completely unrelated? Sure, but this looks like a really fun game either way.


Eternal seemed to divide players and even though I don't hate it, I'd still put myself in the "hater" camp overall; Dark Ages seems like it will be just as divisive but inversely so, and based on what I've seen from the trailer and heard in the interviews, I'm much more likely to be into it than I was with Eternal.

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Well, it may be a "good game" but it will lack that magic touch that came with the original games.  To me, there is no more ID Software as it is now all a part of Microsoft Gaming...the original games had that personal touch and feel to them.  Doom3 still had some of that feel and it slowly started to dissipate with Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.  Don't get me wrong, I have all the Doom games and have enjoyed playing all of them, but call me old fashioned but nothing beats the originals!  All the Quake games are in their own genre.  It's just a personal opinion here nothing more...I hope that Doom Dark Ages turns out to be a great game and I may or may not get it, but by then it'll probably cost more than I can afford anyway (ha!)  


Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards  

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I don’t feel like I’ve seen enough to predict if it’s gonna be any good or not, but I have the impression they are still going to be messing around with the franchise formula, and that is a positive imo. 

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23 hours ago, Cadman said:

Well, it may be a "good game" but it will lack that magic touch that came with the original games.  To me, there is no more ID Software as it is now all a part of Microsoft Gaming...the original games had that personal touch and feel to them.  Doom3 still had some of that feel and it slowly started to dissipate with Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.  Don't get me wrong, I have all the Doom games and have enjoyed playing all of them, but call me old fashioned but nothing beats the originals!  All the Quake games are in their own genre.  It's just a personal opinion here nothing more...I hope that Doom Dark Ages turns out to be a great game and I may or may not get it, but by then it'll probably cost more than I can afford anyway (ha!)  


Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards  

  While I do agree with Doom having lost that "feel" it had in the first few installments, Id in it's current form may be adjusting the game to a new niche with their new sky high expectations in a market where the moddability of games is now utterly fucked, and every release has to be pristine.


  Their installments in the Doom series seem to be experimental, going from a decent reboot that heavily embraces the more hardcore action aspects of original Doom, and the brutality of Doom 3. Then in Doom Eternal they softened the Doom 3 influence, to the dismay of some designs( a kinda meh decision); all while taking the "good" aspects of 2016's gameplay, putting them on a deathly amount of crack, and letting the environmental designers go apeshit, to the dismay of the writers. They producing an overall better sequel, that's great at best, quite good at worst.


  I have a feeling they'll continue to improve with this new instalment, as they're bringing back 2016's enemy design and environmental grit, in a way that's unique from Doom 3's horror aspect. It also seems to be more open world like this time, which could either lead to some lost potential, or a big step up in overall quality. They've also seemed to have calmed down, design wise, from the industrial djent metal themed acid trip that was was Eternal. Hopefully the player mechanics will follow suite, even with the addition of the shield.



Edited by St. Mildly Annoyed

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2 hours ago, Avoozl said:

Honestly I'm disappointed that they aren't just doing a new Hexen.

Apparently Phil Spencer's a Hexen fanboy, but given Raven's banishment (device) to the CoD mines it seems unlikely we'll ever revisit the world of Cronos or Thyrion...

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8 hours ago, Avoozl said:

Honestly I'm disappointed that they aren't just doing a new Hexen.

Hexen is Activision/Raven. This is like asking Id to make a new CoD.

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I’ve seen a strange amount of people theorize this was once a Quake game in development, but that makes very little sense considering everything we know about it. Hugo Martin mentions in an interview, when directly asked if it’s inspired by Quake or Heretic that the gameplay in this takes major cues specifically from the original Doom. Making a Quake game where the player is “grounded” is not very Quake, considering Quake is very vertical and is all about jumping around and whatnot. There’s also all the Nu Doom-y architecture you see all over the place, you could argue it was Quake very early in development, but again, from what we know this was always Doom. A complete visual rework of the game doesn’t seem plausible considering it’s been in development for 4 years and looks pretty finished. The new games have been teasing out a sword and shield since 2016, we got the sword in Eternal, we get the shield here. I’m just saying the theory this was Quake at any point doesn’t quite add up to me.

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If that's true then it's definitely to Marty's credit. Exclusivity is an anti-consumer practice and I'm happy to hear that Id Software wants no part of it.

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On 6/16/2024 at 12:33 PM, DoomGater said:

could a merciful moderator please finally put this thread where it belongs?


Yah we need a Dark Ages sub forum.  I have stuff i want to post but .... waiting ...

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I'm not sure what to think with regards to multiplayer. Ideally, we'd get the whole the full deal. Deathmatch, campaign co-op, horde mode, maybe even the Invasions mode that Eternal was going to have. Modern Doom just hasn't managed to stick the landing in this regard and the market is already oversaturated. Having to be mindful of Halo and COD is a new factor that they have to contend with on top of that. Right now, I'm leaning towards iD focusing on a PVE experience as I think that has the best chance at long-term success. 

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Multiplayer is extremely easy to get right. All ID needs to do is repeat the gameplay mechanics from Doom 2016 but without the loadout system, allowing everyone to carry as many weapons they wish to, as long as they can find the lying around in the map. Boom. Problem solved. It bears mentioning that this colossal fuck up of a decision that cursed Doom 2016's MP mode was made by Certain Affinity trying to copy what they had already done for Halo in the past, not by ID who was entirely focused on the campaign and snapmap.

Edited by TheRedTide

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On 6/17/2024 at 5:24 PM, Zemini said:

Yah we need a Dark Ages sub forum.  I have stuff i want to post but .... waiting ...

Are they juicy, saucy leaks?

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I thought 2016's multiplayer was ass. It just isn't satisfying to kill other players and the whole thing felt like an obligatory bolted-on multiplayer mode from the PS360 era when every game was required by law to include a multiplayer mode. Snapmap was pretty much ass too, way too shallow to make anything 

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I thoroughly enjoyed the free for all games of Doom 2016’s multiplayer. I’d be more than happy with a return of that. Team Deathmatch felt pretty much just like most other stuff. 
However absolutely no more ‘Battlemode’ please. Just no. 

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12 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

the whole thing felt like an obligatory bolted-on multiplayer mode from the PS360 era when every game was required by law to include a multiplayer mode. Snapmap was pretty much ass too, way too shallow to make anything 

This gives me flashbacks to the Bioshock 2 multiplayer mode. Is that even still alive?


I remember the Assassin's Creed 4 Multiplayer mode too, that one was actually kinda fun though. Hope that still has a small community.

Edited by Mr Masker

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It would make me supremely happy if they would cut their losses and just skip multiplayer entirely for Dark Ages and put that extra dev time into campaign polish and more post-game modes and content. It's been clear from the last two games that their heart's just not in it and someone's twisting their arm to slap MP on to comply with some outdated notion of a triple-threat blockbuster all-in-one game.


(Full disclosure I did reasonably enjoy D2016's deathmatch and a lot of cool art design was squirreled away in there, but it was clearly an obligatory effort and not something I'd return to over any serious length of time)

Edited by Gifty

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15 hours ago, Gifty said:

It would make me supremely happy if they would cut their losses and just skip multiplayer entirely for Dark Ages and put that extra dev time into campaign polish and more post-game modes and content. It's been clear from the last two games that their heart's just not in it and someone's twisting their arm to slap MP on to comply with some outdated notion of a triple-threat blockbuster all-in-one game.


There'd be riots if the IP which invented deathmatch, didn't have some kind of deathmatch. I agree with you, though. Not that I'd be interested in co-op but I think that'd probably be better.


That's I think they should do. What I'd like is some traditional deathmatch (within reason for a triple A release). Sentinel on Sentinel PvP, in which the single handed weapons to the Slayer become two handed weapons to regular Sentinels. I mean, since there's no Quake Champions on console. A classic fight over armour, weapons and power-ups. A deathmatch that requires a full weapon wheel. Something a little more accessible as not to cannibalise Quake Champions on PC.

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